jenifr818 Member


  • damn right, and we ain't afraid to shoot 'em, either! :laugh: :drinker: I live out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by cows. Come the apocalypse, c'mon over to my place. You get a shotgun just for showing up, but we expect you to hold your own
  • Did you buy more than one? I'll take whatever's left over :happy:
  • Agreeing with what several other posters have said, have an endocrinologist check for PCOS. There's a chance you might be insulin resistant, and if that's the case, Metformin and lowering your carbs will probably do wonders. (Not a doctor, so don't take that as gospel, but many women with PCOS find that the case). Good…
  • I've always kinda wondered about how some of these necro threads get bumped. This one just seemed totally random
  • When mine start shrinking, you best believe I'll be celebrating. I've hated them since the day they appeared. If I could afford it, I'd totally have them surgically shrunk down to the point of practically being invisible, but alas, I'm not independently wealthy :grumble:
  • Wait, so dating now means easy junk pics? *heading to courthouse first thing Monday morning to file divorce papers* Back to the dating field I go!! :laugh:
  • Permanently damaging your metabolism and overall health because your body doesn't have enough fuel will be even more upsetting. Even more upsetting will be if you rush this too much, don't permanently fix the reason you got to your highest weight in the first place, and wind up back there. You're 24, which means you have…
  • Your mom is wise. Listen to her. Don't rush this, or you're going to end up losing too much muscle, which means you'll burn less fat and possibly wind up with fun stuff like osteoporosis (no, it's not just for women, men get it too)
  • Oh God, that advice to take my goal weight and multiply by 10 and eat that makes me very :sad: I'm hangry just thinking about eating only 1400/day!! Not saying it's the worst advice out there for those that can do it, but I did it by accident yesterday and pretty sure my SO was on the verge of filing for divorce by 9pm…
  • 20 lbs in 3 months is an average of 2 lbs a week, which is a pretty rapid pace, especially with a relatively small amount to lose. Did you do any strength training at all? The reason I ask is you might want to look into strength training and doing body recomposition. Your weight won't change much, if at all. You might even…
  • I have a love-hate relationship with MTurk. Some days I can easily do real well in just 2 hours. Other days? Ugh. Receipt/penny hell. Good to know I'm not the only one out there scraping pennies (sometimes quarters) doing this :smile:
  • What everyone else has said. Run, and run fast. Pack a bag and go. Don't bail him out of jail, don't wait for him to come home, and don't ever be alone with him. Just take your baby and go.
  • Broken table is what I think you're referring to. I love it and hate it. Try broken airplane sometime. Same concept, but instead of your arm out front, it's at a 45 degree angle to the side and the leg is at a 45 degree angle as well. Adds a bit of a new challenge when it comes to balancing :-)
  • From one formerly sheltered child to someone who sounds a lot like my own mom (trust me,not necessarily a bad thing), keep in mind he's not too far off from an age where he has to make his own decisions about what he finds appropriate. If you block him from too much and protect him too much, there's a good chance he'll…
  • My mother-in-law claims "if Wal-Mart ain't got it, you don't need it". I like your version better :-)
  • We had the same dress code when I was in school, and it wasn't an issue. If they want to serve detention for the right to wear midriff tops, so be it, but I think the phrase "pick your battles wisely" comes to mind. I'm sure they can find other causes to spend their time and energy on.
  • :sick: Yeah, glad someone caught that one. Gross. Especially with the massive outbreak of Enterovirus running rampant through parts of the US, food workers need to really be on their game about doing whatever they can to keep their hands clean.
  • Don't have cable, so they can do all the f***kery they want. Won't affect me. Thank you, small town telephone company DSL. Twinkie, it's recommended you contact your rep in Congress and contact the FCC. I'm sure that battleforthenet site has contact info
  • I guess you can say I'm neutral about net neutrality? Maybe it's just because I live in area where my DSL speed is so slow that I feel like I'm in a permanent state of "buffering" (thank you, small rural telephone company), but I can't get excited about the topic. I want you all to suffer just as much as I do :wink:
  • $60? No thanks. Good luck though. Just remember that getting in shape for the rest of your life will take more than 21 days :-)
  • Yeah. I feel like I'm always hungry and never get enough. I get to work @ 7, and by 9 I'm hungry. Eat lunch somewhere between 11 and 12, hungry again by 2:30-3. I don't think I'm eating THAT bad (try to balance carbs/protein/fat relatively well), but I just never seem to get enough. Sometimes I see low-cal diaries and get…
  • You win the interwebs for the day