Eat what you burn.

Ok so according to MFP, to lose some weight and workout 6 days a week on the elliptical (which what I almost always do). I have to wat 2450 calories (that's alot to me nowadays) to lose 2lbs a week.

Now consistently I've been losing 3.5/3 lbs a week for months eating 17-1800 calories, my thing is, should I go workout and burn 1200 calories (what I did last night 75 mins on elliptical/about 6.5miles) and then just wat 1200 calories? Would I see faster results?

Don't get me wrong 3 lbs is great and all but I'm just progressing fast enough and it's driving me nuts, I have no idea how much weight I've lost going from biking 75 minutes to elliptical for 75 mins. This month. Last month I lost 12lbs (least amount of weight loss since April).


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You are already losing 3-3.5 lbs. per week. Am I understanding you correctly and you want to lose faster?
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    If you're satisfied with your rate of weight loss, are healthy & feeling well, your doctor says you're OK, etc., why change what you're doing?
    BTW, my doctor & dietician told me not to eat back exercise calories. Ignore net.
    Just figure your healthy goal weight, multiply by 10, and that's your calorie goal. Eat that.
    As you lose weight, hit plateaus, etc., you'll have to revise your calories downward; I've done 50 cal at a time, just a nudge to get going again.
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    I'm still trying to understand what you are saying here, but you burn more than 1200 calories in a day doing absolutely nothing. Your body burns calories to function. That is your BMR. For instance, I'm 5'5'' and 225 lbs and my BMR is somewhere around 1800.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    If you are still trying to lose at that rate keep up what you are doing. If you are going more toward Maintenance then go to what MFP suggests.

  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    P.S. - since you started out so heavy, losing 3 lb a week was OK. You could do it & be healthy. As you get closer to your goal, now that you're under 100 lb, that will slow. Around 60 lb to goal, you'll probably drop to 1.5 lb per week max. By 30 lb, if you lose 0.5 per week that's a victory.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    losing faster will most likely lead to a large % of your loss coming from lean muscle, not just the fat you want to lose.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    losing faster will most likely lead to a large % of your loss coming from lean muscle, not just the fat you want to lose.


    You can lose faster...........but at a price.

    OP- MFP gives you a deficit BEFORE exercise. That is why exercise calories are added back. However, calorie burn estimates in MFP & many machines are generous. This is why many people recommend eating just a portion back (50-75%).

    If you want to see how many calories you burn all day look up your TDEE. This is BMR + activity level + exercise. Eas less than TDEE and you lose weight.
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    You are already losing 3-3.5 lbs. per week. Am I understanding you correctly and you want to lose faster?

    That's right, I'm not seeing the results I want on the scale. I am 6"5" 365 as of September 1st )no idea what I lost this month yet, it's not over) this process is taking forever
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    I'm still trying to understand what you are saying here, but you burn more than 1200 calories in a day doing absolutely nothing. Your body burns calories to function. That is your BMR. For instance, I'm 5'5'' and 225 lbs and my BMR is somewhere around 1800.

    I'm not counting walking around, and stuff like that. I'm talking just merely eating only the calories I burn in a gym session, and not more.
  • tremroy1
    tremroy1 Posts: 90 Member
    Whats the rush?????This is becoming an obsession!!!!!Stop the madness........slow is better than fast....... this will help you maintain further down the road........No point in making yourself sick......
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You are already losing 3-3.5 lbs. per week. Am I understanding you correctly and you want to lose faster?

    That's right, I'm not seeing the results I want on the scale. I am 6"5" 365 as of September 1st )no idea what I lost this month yet, it's not over) this process is taking forever

    Of course it's taking forever. No one gets fat overnight either. Reality check....when you get to within 10 pounds of goal....1/2 pound a week is good progress.

    At 6'5" - 24 YO - 365 lbs. Your TDEE (exercise 6x weekly) is 4,167 calories. Your BMR is 2,766 calories (that's if you laid around and did nothing all day).

    Let's say you ate 2,766 calories a day. 4167 - 2766 = 1,401 x 7 = 9,807 deficit each week. That's 2.8 pounds every week. That's about as fast as you can expect to go.

    Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You are already losing 3-3.5 lbs. per week. Am I understanding you correctly and you want to lose faster?

    That's right, I'm not seeing the results I want on the scale. I am 6"5" 365 as of September 1st )no idea what I lost this month yet, it's not over) this process is taking forever

    You shouldn't rush it anymore because you will run the risk of losing muscles at a higher rate as well. My advice is to leave your deficient as it is, incorporate weight lifting, and have patience. As you get closer to your goal weight then consider these guidelines:

    As a rule of thumb, the following weekly targets would give a balance between minimizing negative side effects and seeing a reasonable weekly weight loss:

    More than 75 lbs. 2 lbs./week
    40-75 lbs. 1.5 lbs./week
    10-40 lbs. 1 lb./week
    Less than 10 lbs. 0.5 lb./week
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    What do you mean you're not progressing fast enough?? You are doing wonderful. Don't rush this. The more you lose in a faster period of time, the faster it will come back on. This is not a race. Do it the healthy way, not the unhealthy way.

    You should not be aiming for more than 2 lbs a week loss.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    If you're satisfied with your rate of weight loss, are healthy & feeling well, your doctor says you're OK, etc., why change what you're doing?
    BTW, my doctor & dietician told me not to eat back exercise calories. Ignore net.
    Just figure your healthy goal weight, multiply by 10, and that's your calorie goal. Eat that.
    As you lose weight, hit plateaus, etc., you'll have to revise your calories downward; I've done 50 cal at a time, just a nudge to get going again.

    Oh God, that advice to take my goal weight and multiply by 10 and eat that makes me very :sad: I'm hangry just thinking about eating only 1400/day!!

    Not saying it's the worst advice out there for those that can do it, but I did it by accident yesterday and pretty sure my SO was on the verge of filing for divorce by 9pm last night :embarassed:
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    Whats the rush?????This is becoming an obsession!!!!!Stop the madness........slow is better than fast....... this will help you maintain further down the road........No point in making yourself sick......

    Smh u sound like my mom, and I guess it's a small obsession, I think about it often tho, until it's cheat say Ofcourse =p
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Whats the rush?????This is becoming an obsession!!!!!Stop the madness........slow is better than fast....... this will help you maintain further down the road........No point in making yourself sick......

    Smh u sound like my mom, and I guess it's a small obsession, I think about it often tho, until it's cheat say Ofcourse =p

    Your mom is wise. Listen to her. Don't rush this, or you're going to end up losing too much muscle, which means you'll burn less fat and possibly wind up with fun stuff like osteoporosis (no, it's not just for women, men get it too)
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    There's only about 11 weeks left in the year, and the most I could lose in that at my Rate is 33 to 40lbs, I was hoping to be out of the 49ers but doesn't look like that will happen and it's really upsetting.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    If you're satisfied with your rate of weight loss, are healthy & feeling well, your doctor says you're OK, etc., why change what you're doing?
    BTW, my doctor & dietician told me not to eat back exercise calories. Ignore net.
    Just figure your healthy goal weight, multiply by 10, and that's your calorie goal. Eat that.
    As you lose weight, hit plateaus, etc., you'll have to revise your calories downward; I've done 50 cal at a time, just a nudge to get going again.

    Oh God, that advice to take my goal weight and multiply by 10 and eat that makes me very :sad: I'm hangry just thinking about eating only 1400/day!!

    Not saying it's the worst advice out there for those that can do it, but I did it by accident yesterday and pretty sure my SO was on the verge of filing for divorce by 9pm last night :embarassed:

    OMG, I know what you mean. Especially since I burn at least half that amount with exercise every day!
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    There's only about 11 weeks left in the year, and the most I could lose in that at my Rate is 33 to 40lbs, I was hoping to be out of the 49ers but doesn't look like that will happen and it's really upsetting.

    OMG you scared me with the 11 weeks left. Don't do that. There are more like 16 weeks left. 32 lbs at 2 lbs a week loss is perfectly fine. Be patient. You are the one that let the weight creep on, if you weren't already over weight. It does not happen over time.

    Get over it!! 32 lbs is a hell of a great accomplishment if you do that.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    There's only about 11 weeks left in the year, and the most I could lose in that at my Rate is 33 to 40lbs, I was hoping to be out of the 49ers but doesn't look like that will happen and it's really upsetting.

    Permanently damaging your metabolism and overall health because your body doesn't have enough fuel will be even more upsetting. Even more upsetting will be if you rush this too much, don't permanently fix the reason you got to your highest weight in the first place, and wind up back there. You're 24, which means you have plenty of time to lose weight in a healthy way. 2, maybe 3 lbs a week is perfectly fine, and it's much more sustainable than what you're wanting to do.

    As a previous poster pointed out, at your current height/weight and activity level, you can easily eat 2800 calories, MAINTAIN the current level of exercise, and still lose almost 3 lbs/week. You NEED to eat enough to keep your body's organs (y'know, fun stuff like the heart, brain, etc) functioning. Those functions all require calories. Burn off too much, and your body will start metabolizing muscle and shutting down things like hair growth, nail growth, and things like that in order to keep your heart beating and your lungs operating. Eventually, your metabolism will adapt and you will no longer lose weight even at that level. What are you going to do then, eat 1400 calories and still have to exercise 6 days a week to lose weight?

    Not trying to sound mean or like a b**ch, but don't permanently damage your health for the sake of losing weight too fast. You did not get to this point over the course of just one year, you won't lose it over the course of just one year either.