

  • I weigh myself almost every day, but only because I'm usually curious and it never, ever gets me down or demotivates me. I only record my weight on Thursdays. If I ever start feeling bummed out because of my far-too-often weight-ins, I will quit the habit and just weigh on Thursday. I am more measurement focused, so my…
  • I was killing 1000 a day in liquor alone.
  • Actually, this site in general has alternatives to lots of kids foods. I love skinny taste!
  • I really like this lady's videos: You can check out her channel for lots of different types of videos.
  • Thanks everyone! I'll just let them dry naturally. I really love them so I didn't want them to warp or smell, and I don't have the cash for new ones.
  • Thank you so much! My boyfriend and I LOVE this stuff. :happy:
  • :laugh: SO true. Add liquor to that list and that sums me up pretty efficiently.
  • When one of my best guy friends was really, really, really (really, really, really) drunk he told me "You were hotter before you got fat." To be fair, I thought it was hilarious and no hard feelings. He's generally a stand up guy, and he did apologize. :tongue: We still joke about it.
  • Beans, rice and eggs. I once lived off a cup of rice a day for over a month since my work had barely any shifts to give me, and rent was expensive. I feel your pain. You'd be surprised how many different ways you can make beans and rice! Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Breakfast: Reheated pizza and beer. Lunch: Nachos and whiskey sours. Supper: Poutine, mounds of it, and whiskey on the rocks. Maybe a pizza later. Some more nachos. I used to have days that looked exactly like this. Oh cheese, how I adore thee.
  • I can't believe I forgot about kale chips! Now I'm really excited. :love: Definitely trying some of these recipes in this thread.
  • Chips and dip! I love that website, so so much. It saves my life all the time. :tongue:
  • Most of my friends are very active, so I don't have much of a problem with that aspect. However, my boyfriend is a lump on the couch, surrounded by beer and burgers, glued to a television. While I respect his lifestyle choice, sometimes it is a source of friction when I want to be more active. I'm an energetic person, and…
  • If my boyfriend decides to do a thing like last year, I will be prepared. Work out enough that I can have a beer or two (or three...) then switch to a low calorie liquor mixed drink (or two, or six...). Making some half way healthy snacks for myself and whoever else wants some:…
  • A hummus and veggie wrap! I'm having one today for lunch.
  • Awesome thread, I am trying all of these! I'm a popcorn fiend.
  • You're going to get this a lot, but water, water, water! That's what helps me after pizza and beer night with the friends. I put lemon in it as well. I also eat food high in fibre, or with a high water content. I normally do a lettuce and spinach salad with lots of veggies and green apples, and for dinner something with…
  • Diet pop and liquor is a classic. Diet Coke and rum/whiskey, Diet 7up and voldka, Diet Lemonade pop and voldka, or find your own mix. Then you only have the calories of the pop and can enjoy your drink. Another drink to make is liquor, a couple ice cubes, water and a splash of juice. Voldka, water, and a splash of…
  • I don't know how I ever lived before I don't have a toddler, but I do have a picky boyfriend ;). Does he like chicken nuggets? Or cheese? "Fried" chicken?…
  • I'm not anywhere near the same situation, but my boyfriend wanted to start eating healthier and working out and had no idea where to start. When I cook, I find awesome recipes (, seriously!) and don't bother mentioning it's a low calorie, healthy meal until after we're eating. Most of the things I make you…
  • Roasted veggies are awesome. My friends all love my wilted spinach, which is one of my favourite side dishes. It's also really awesome mixed up with brown rice and some spices. :smile:
  • Yup, sounds pretty similar to mine. Scrambled Eggs (with veggies thrown in if you have the energy), sometimes bacon or turkey bacon, an apple or some sort of fruit, and like 100 litres of water. Or make an egg sandwich/wrap with lots of veggies and perhaps some bacon. Subway can hit the spot pretty well, just watch out for…
  • This is such a good idea! My boyfriend will totally love this, he wants to lose weight but is a real meat and cheese person. Thanks, OP. :flowerforyou:
  • I always just dip my fruit in mine, but oh my, I need to read this whole thread!
  • Very helpful thread for recipes for my boyfriend. Thanks guys! :smile:
  • I have never been pregnant, but I always pop into these threads. It is so amazingly inspirational. You ladies all rock!
  • That cracked me up too!
  • I was 187 at 5'0 and then decided I had to do something after shooting very quickly up from a very muscular 130. I lost 15ish pounds and I personally can't see much of a different, but others are commenting on how much smaller I look! I went down to 170, then started weight lifting and gained around 4 pounds, but lost 2…
  • Thanks everyone! I think I'm going to stick to my schedule and incorporate a couple insanity work outs. I think that my 5k should come first, and I'll be able to give Insanity my maximum effort when I eventually do start the program! It's great hearing from people in similar situations.
  • I personally can't do cardio at a gym. Don't ask me why, I just hate working out around other people. I will eventually join a gym because I discovered that I LOVE lifting, and will need a gym at some point. I'm just not there quite yet :smile: . When I started my weight loss journey, I used 5 and 10 pound dumbbells, work…