

  • umm Maybe a silly question but what is an Objectivists?
  • Yep, Aunt flo can be a realy ***** when it comes to the scale during her visits, I flux between 5 to 8 lbs durning that time. I just dont even touch it, It just makes me more moody.
  • This has really helped me, I eat about 5-6 times a day while avoiding proccessed foods, eat clean and eat enough and your good to go. Also try mixing up your excercises, When i platued it was because all i did was run, I mean I still run a lot however now I also Bike ... hard and its really helped me out. Pluss the scale…
  • It doesnt sound crazy and i Think you might be Right. Will have to slowly strat increasing my cals and my protien. And I kinda have trouble talking to Nutritionalist because they either a. attempt to overfeed you, b. act like your insanly fat and all you do is sit around and it bon bons all day. I know this is not every…
  • Thanks Guys For some intresing and contradicting information, However I think you both agree on more caloric intake. I do agree that i need more protien in my Diet. I do a lot of cardio, as I am trianing for my first triatholon in spring after finishing a half marathon in sept, however my strenghth work is lacking in that…
  • Well The thing is I am in a Career wich requires me to matain certain fitness standards and Weight standards, I am 5'7 and a 150 lbs, with is way to close to my max, plus they do waist mesurments, which in my case my stomach is the thing that does not want to go away.
  • Yes I am afraid that my sugars are to high, And I am afraid to intake more then 1200 cals a day even when i exercise because i dont want to cancel out my workouts with food. But From reading up on the site I am thinking that i may be wrong. I try not to eat to much processed things.
  • Thank you, its my pleasure trust me :)
  • Thanks, i pt test at the end of december, this is the only thing that gives me a hard time, sit ups and run not big deal its just these. I will definatly try that. And of course you do ur arm ;)
  • Thanks i will give that a try, never thought to very the type up
  • Thank you, if she has any tips that would be awesome :)
  • I need to do them consectivly
  • Great didnt even think about the mucle hardening :( And no I cant really go up to my comander and say " sir i have fake breasts, can i get a push up waiver?' Could you imagine?? Plus that is a voluntary sugery so .... it is my fault
  • I am not sure, however imagine adding ten lbs to your chest and that even makes a differance I have been on the hundrad push up thing and unfortunatly i stall at week three, i just cant make the number go up
  • I want to do 30, in a minute
  • Yeah are you sure it wasnt set for a Female, that does not seem healthy for a male. I am 5'7 and find that the bmi can be a little off.
  • I weigh myself everymorning when i first wake up, but i agree it can be a little flustrating. I should prolly just chuck my scale out the window.
  • I was just about to sugest pedi lyte, and what i do for my girls is do a splash of juice and then water, gives it a slight tast but more water then anything. I have a picky almost three yr old that can throw a fit but the less i give in the less she tries you gotta stand firm
  • Are you concerned about yourself or a friend? If you are haveing issues with food there is support out there, and honestly from experiance they are really hard to kick, I have been dealling with mine since i was sixteen and have really had to work hard at it. If ya need some one to talk to let me know. Take care.
  • Your not alone, I have been fighting an ED since i was 16, its hard but i know you can do it. I have two kids and after my last one i went from 260 to 127 in 7 months the wrong way, I felt week all the time and still felt as if i was huge. Since then I am at 151, however i am determind to lose it the right way. What i did…
  • I dont miss many work outs actually this is the first time in three weeks. Yes i can do some mat work, and will with the kiddos I usually have them hold my feet for the sit ups. I am not like crazy freeked out its just i dont like straying from the routine, the routine is what keeps me honest.
  • Same with me, Chewing gum, water, or carrots.... Carrots take a lot of time to eat so you chew and it lets your body actually take the time to feel full, or go for celery, it has so much fiber and water it will get ya full. Just stay away from the dip
  • I agree with the Vitam D, and i would also consider how much potassium your intaking, if its not enough that can lead to cramps and muscle soreness. Pluss this happens to me when I havnt worked out in a few day and not been able to strech. Try a hot shower then streching, but dont over do it.
  • The Carb thing has been an issue however, ive been trying to utlize alternitive to bread. ie: fruits. I am trying to keep my protien intake up so i can still continue to build mussle. Thank you btw but its still a work and progress.
  • I will pobably do that to when i reach a more stable wieght, however this is not just for wieght loss purposes i am also training for a triatholon in spring so i am really just trying to see what can fuel me the best to optimize my workouts.
  • No prob, You know us chicks we get cranky when it comes to our wieght. And the "Caveman" thing was more of a nickname not an outline of the diet. Basic out line was given of all natural non processed foods, which makes it difficult to find snacks but that is good because it makes you consider what your putting in your…
  • Did not think that would work.... I will give that a shot Thanks
  • I think that is a great idea, just for a confidance bost. And sounds like great fun to be all made up and styled.... I would go for it.
  • Hmmm, your posts tend to be of a more smart assed nature rather then helpful btw. It was more to say no gound beef, processed bacon and what not.
  • Great ideas, Eggs seem to be the consensus, I am a grab and go kinda girl but i guess waking up ten mins earlier wont hurt. Unfortunatly Oatmeal is out, not in the plan and niether is cheese :(.