Need advice about a 4 year old!

Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
Ok so I know this is a place for weight loss and such but I figure since some of you know a little bit about nutrtion that you could help me!! My daughter has had constipation issues since she was one. The doctor keeps telling me to just keep giving her miralax. And anytime I try to wean her it gets bad. She cannot drink regular milk and I am considering taking dairy out of her diet all together, it helped me anyways. Also she will not drink water I practically have to make her drink it and even then she won't drink much. I know water is a big part of it, and she just begs and crys for juice all the time. And with her being on miralax I worry she won't have enough fluids if I tell her no to juice, I always water it down, but what can I do? Shes not a big eater but we eat healthy and she likes her veggies. I just don't know what to do?


  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Ok so I know this is a place for weight loss and such but I figure since some of you know a little bit about nutrtion that you could help me!! My daughter has had constipation issues since she was one. The doctor keeps telling me to just keep giving her miralax. And anytime I try to wean her it gets bad. She cannot drink regular milk and I am considering taking dairy out of her diet all together, it helped me anyways. Also she will not drink water I practically have to make her drink it and even then she won't drink much. I know water is a big part of it, and she just begs and crys for juice all the time. And with her being on miralax I worry she won't have enough fluids if I tell her no to juice, I always water it down, but what can I do? Shes not a big eater but we eat healthy and she likes her veggies. I just don't know what to do?

    Is she taking in lots of fiber and not much fluid? Am I reading this correctly?
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    She will drink a lot of juice and almond milk, but barely any water. The miralax is more or less a type of laxitive...
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I would totally try organic aloe vera juice. I add 1/8 cup to a small amount of juice for my kiddos, and it makes a HUGE difference. It is safe, so you give it to her several times a day until you see a difference.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Have you tried giving her Pedialyte? She might like it if you tell her it's juice, and it will keep her hydrated well. She could very well have a dairy allergy, and I'm sure that could cause digestion problems. Maybe see another pediatrician, I would be upset if my pediatrician's solution to my child's chronic constipation was taking Miralax all the time...
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Pear juice, lots of fruit and veg and LOTS of liquid she must must must drink lots of liquid to flush her out. My son and daughter wouldn't go for a month or so at a time. Its horrid what that can do to you. Also my son can't eat too much bread or pasta ect because it makes it worse.

    My kids take parachoc it doesn't make them poo it make the poo all sticky and not solid so they can pass it.
  • Leafy vegetables, oatmeal, and soy actually helps my daughter. She has never been constipated but she does drink alot of water. Have you tried the flavor water or making your own juice and watering it down?
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Pedialite... I usually will give it to her when she is sick but I never thought it might help the digetive issues.. I will have to switch and see!
  • dragonz11
    dragonz11 Posts: 57 Member
    Just don't buy the juice then she will relise thats all there is but water it works in my house
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Wait. what?
    She is not weaned yet?
    Or am I mis-reading this?
    Anyway, this is a medical issue. If she has been taking Miralax for more than a few weeks, and she is not getting any fluids, that's, well, bad.
    flavor the water, do what it takes, and by all means get some real medical advice.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I do water the juice down 1/2 and half for right now... I know but if I take juice away she might get horribly constipated while getting used to just water... specially if shes on miralax she needs fluids thats why I am in abind of what to do.
  • My granddaughter hates water too. I'm not overly fond of it myself unless it's mineral water packaged in glass. I can taste the plastic...Have you tried mineral water? If she'll drink juice, make it mostly water so she can get it that way. How about coconut water? Although it's kind of expensive she might like that. Maybe she doesn't like the taste of chlorine in tap water. You can let it sit out over night so most of the chlorine evaporates. If she thinks it tastes better, then I'd get a Brita filter. Good luck!
  • Alexdur85
    Alexdur85 Posts: 255 Member
    My daughter will be 4 in February and has had the same issues since she was born. When she was weaned off formula it got better but not by much. She is not much of a milk drinker either but does like cheese which we limit because it's constipating. She is only allowed one banana a day and we limit anything else that can be constipating. I try to get her to eat her veggies because they are full of fiber and goodness but that's almost impossible (she's 3 so it's understandable). I give her "soda water" which is just the flavored carbonated water by crystal geyser. She doesn't get juice unless we are going out to dinner or it's a special occassion. You can always water down her juice so that there is still a sweet taste but not full on juice. She also eats the fiber one bars, once a day. That is something new we've been doing and it seems to be working ok. I have noticed a minor improvement but it's only been a few days. Even after all that she still poops every 3 days or so.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Have you tried giving her Pedialyte? She might like it if you tell her it's juice, and it will keep her hydrated well. She could very well have a dairy allergy, and I'm sure that could cause digestion problems. Maybe see another pediatrician, I would be upset if my pediatrician's solution to my child's chronic constipation was taking Miralax all the time...

    I agree. Water down the Pedialyte if she's used to watered down juice. It's really strong and really sweet. I would also recommend finding a new pediatrician. The solution should not be constantly giving your daughter a laxative. That can't be healthy. Definitely try taking dairy out of her diet. If you have problems with dairy it's likely she does too. Food allergies and sensitivities are often genetic. And as far as water goes, that's difficult. My daughter didn't like plain water until I got her a bobble water bottle just like the one I have (but smaller, they come in multiple sizes). Once my kids had those they started drinking more water because they saw me drinking it all day long. Now they will actually ask for water a few times a day instead of juice.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I go to the doc almost every month and he just says give her miralax everyday for now, I asked how long and he said for a while, so I do and when I wean her shes is back a square one and he just does the same thing.
  • I was just about to sugest pedi lyte, and what i do for my girls is do a splash of juice and then water, gives it a slight tast but more water then anything. I have a picky almost three yr old that can throw a fit but the less i give in the less she tries you gotta stand firm
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    I have a 2 1/2 year old who is going threw some what of what you are. He doesn't eat much at all and only drinks JUICE or milk. However it's a little hard to get him to drink water. I spoke to my pediatrician about this issue and here is what she considered for me.

    Flavored water since he loves juice so much.

    As far as him not eating well she recommended a boost for kids. You can find it in the baby section at Walmart. The boost also helps you the potty as well.

    My oldest son use to have problems using the bathroom and I use to put a teaspoon of mineral oil in his drinks and that helped him a lot. Now he uses the bathroom regularly.
  • Honestly, for starters just don't let it stress you out too much. Children are amazingly resilient. I think giving her the juice and watering it down as much as possible is the nest idea. I have never given my children full strength juice but they drank loads of it mixed 2/3 water and 1/3 juice, but you could probably still get her to drink it mixed 3/4 to 1/4. Also if this is a persistent problem and your doctor is only recommending you constantly medicate to resolve the issue, you should consider switching peds or insisting on a referral to a nutritionist or maybe a gastroenterologist, just anyone who will be able to help you solve the underlying cause instead of just treating the symptoms. I feel your pain though, I have a 3yr old who is nearly 4 and killing me with her finickiness and all she wants right now is milk and juice and only apple juice at that.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just don't buy the juice then she will relise thats all there is but water it works in my house

    That's really not helpful in this situation. Most children will not react this way immediately and with this girl's constipation issues she can't be deprived of liquid.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    We have been to a nutrtionst every month for over a year and that was no help. The only thing that has helped me was going mostly vegan with some acceptions... It think I will keep watering down juice and pedialite at that... And just keep pushing for her eat more veggies... I really appreciate all the feedback, I just don't want my poor girl to have these issues forever!
  • My suggestion would be to try flavoring the water, they have flavor packs at walmart for around $1 (at least where I live) and they are sugar free and they taste yummy!! See if that helps, also for juice pear juice helps a lot. Of course fiber helps they have pop tarts that have fiber in them from fiber one or another brand... My baby has problems and we have to give him pear juice and meds. My older one doesn't have problems anymore but we had to increase his fiber big time for awhile and I got him to eat it by getting the pop tarts and fiber one bars etc. he started hating hearing the word fiber.. lol good luck hope it gets better