sloseph Member


  • yep this is me, my wife knows there are 2 reasons why i'm being grumpy, either i'm hungry or i'm sleepy it it's past my normal eating time we both know the hanger is coming and that we need to find some food soon
  • i only started running last year so this winter is my first and i have to say i'm absolutely loving running in the cold, i thought it would be horrible but i'd take this over the sticky summer heat any day it take a lot of motivation to get myself out the house and the first 10 minutes are rough but once you get past that…
  • this, YAYOG has a few 10 week programs starting from as basic as doing a push up against a wall then eventually building up to doing handstand push ups
  • I'm planning on starting YAYOG on Monday I've never done any strength training before so im really looking forward to seeing how it goes
  • we've reached 45 songs, this isn't the mammoth playlist i had envisioned anyone else want to get in on this?
  • I'm sorry what? you've just spouted an absolute load of drivel that has no scientific backing? what on earth made you think that's an alright thing to do? what was your goal? i'd really love to know your thought process, i can't get my head around why you would do this, was it just to see if you could blag someone into…
  • it all looks pretty good, the only thing i noticed is that you seem to use a lot of the default MFP values for things which i have never found particularly accurate, you'd be better using the nutritional info from the packet
  • i completed it last year, it's such an awesome program, congratulation on starting the best advise i can give you should probably be running slower than you think, speed will come in time, you want to work on endurance first also make sure you warm up properly, i found that the quick 5 minute warm up walk wasn't enough for…
  • it's ok though, i'm pretty sure the offender also added Beastie Boys - Sabotage so all is forgiven
  • awesome i'm glad you're all adding stuff :) a nice varienty so far although we've had our first rule breaker, Damian Marly - Welcome to Jamrock got added twice, no doubt it's a quality tune but it's not that good :smiley:
  • just to add to this that i don't really do any of this, i eat food i would always eat, i don't avoid processed food, i use jared sauces to cook with and when i want i snack i will quite often reach for either a bag of crisps or a normal little yogurt but the thing is is we both have success, both our ways work, it doesn't…
  • you should eat food and avoid eating anything that isn't food :) all you need to do is accurately track everything you eat and stay below your calorie limit you can eat what ever you want as long as you stay under your limit but you'll quickly find that eating a bowl of ice cream that takes up half your calorie allowance…
  • i think taking a break between runs is very important to start with, my advice would be to just run twice a week so for example if your free days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday then just run Monday and Wednesday, your progress might slower but you'll be much less likley to injure yourself or i think there is the option…
  • awesome work well done :) one of my big fitness goals is to climb a mountain
  • it is absolutely doable, start of the with the couch to 5k program, that take 9 weeks (although most of us take a bit longer than that) once you've completed that you will know that 10k isn't that much further than 5k, then it's only a matter time between you and that half marathon :) good luck
  • also if you have a local greengrocer near by get you're veg from there, we get a weeks worth of lovely veg for about £5, we could probably get a 4 pack of potatoes and a bag of carrots for that in tesco
  • the biggest tip i can give is get your meat from a local reputable butcher the quality is so much better and the price is most of the time a bit cheaper, the best thing is they are happy to bag it all up for you as you want so we go once a month and months worth of meat and freeze it in individual portions, so for example…
  • congratulations you've done brilliantly i love that you included your mfp graph in this, it was really nice to see the overall progress :smiley:
  • if you go go to the Goals tab at the top of your screen it should help explain the hole calorie deficit a bit better for you but i'll try and help using my info as an example i'm currently trying to lose 1lb a week, at 13st10 My Fitness Pal (MFP) has worked out that i need to eat 500 calories less than i burn to do so so…
  • awesome thanks all, i will stick with my plan and see how it goes next step lets see if my door can handle let me in's :)
  • don't worry about it, try again tomorrow and see if you can do 15 minutes if you are anything like i was this is the most exercise you've done since leaving school, you're body isn't used to it and that's fine it's hard at the beginning but you quickly start to see the rewards, in a few weeks time you'll run for a full 10…
  • no you are not meant to be covering 5k until the final 30 minute run (and even then most of us don't quite cover it) the point of the C25K program is to get you're body better at running for longer, so while it might seem like a step backwards because you aren't going as far, your pushing your body further and exerting…
  • Awesome thanks guys I think I'm going to buy the app and see how it goes, worst case scenario I've wasted £2
  • what are you doing to warm up before your run?
  • just get out there and go slowly, the worst thing that will happen is you won't make it the full minute, if that happens no worries, try again another day, you'll be amazed how quickly you improve i found for the first few weeks using the NHS podcasts really helped, they walk you through it all and give you nice positive…
    in C25K Comment by sloseph October 2014
  • it's been said already but yeah, C25K + shoes are pretty much everything you need 3 times a week is a good place to start, make sure you have a rest day and lastly run slower than you think you should be, if you're gasping for air you need to slow down
  • it's not really about brands its more what's out there that suits your foot, my running shoes are ugly as sin but my feet didn't agree with the pretty ones the best thing to do is go to a proper running shop and try out a few pairs, most places have a treadmill in store that you can test the shoes on
  • walking shoes are not a good idea for running in, i wouldn't risk it if i were you when i started the c25k i went to sports direct and got a cheap pair of running shoes for £15, they weren't great and once i got a few weeks in i got shin splints and had to buy some proper ones but getting the cheap ones worked well in case…
  • thanks :) that nerd fitness looks pretty good, i'll have a look round it and see what i can do cheers
  • your off to a great start and sound like you have realist goals i can't recommend the Count to 5K program high enough, its a walk/run program like you have started with, just follow the plan and you'll be running 5k in no time