mswanger09 Member


  • Challenge #3 Green green green! I love green! I eat salads everyday at work with my lunch. I had 6 servings of greens this week, most was in the form of salad and there was also a fair amount of broccoli.
  • Challenge #2 Crickey!!! Surfs were up!! I have been meaning to get back into balance training so I took advantage of this challenge again.
  • Challenge #1 I climbed the Sydney Bridge!!! I chose this because it was a great excuse to get off my butt at work!
  • I am here!!!! I got distracted by the ummmmmmm.....scenery. Yea that's it-the scenery!!! Any way for challenge number 3: I had a Jamaican Spices rub chicken. I used a seasoning blend we got in Jamaica as a rub and marinated it in some Red Stripe beer and more of the seasoning. The blend contains:Jamaican pimento, paprika,…
  • I like your thinking @ka97!!!
  • @120maggie, you should know better!! Do you really think that the rum would have survived this long?!?!?!?!? @hawkins410, RUB!!!!! (I know better. You have previously scolded me for attempting to bring alcohol into the challenges. :p )
  • Good morning everyone!!! Even though I don't post much I am seeing how well everyone is doing! You guys rock!!! I am very excited to be going back to Jamaica!!!! It was a stop on our cruise a few years ago. I was able to do the bobsledding and I climbed Dunns River Falls! We had a blast that day. I wasn't looking forward…
  • Challenge #3 I gave up fireball for 5 days. It helped keep my calories in better shape and order. I also learned I didn't snack as much.
  • Good evening team. I apologize for my late entry but at least I am making it. Challenge #1 I did the 10.49 mile Iditarod. I did not take it outside. It was chilly here most of e week with high winds. I opted for running because the weather will be breaking here soon and I want to get back to running again.
  • Can we just drink 64 ounces of wine instead? That would be a lot more fun!!!
  • Ok, for my food challenge I tried Asain Pears and Red Pears. I never had either before and decided to give them a try. They were both good and I would get them both again.
  • I too am a lover of pickled beets since I was a small child! I can eat them like freaking candy! @120maggie and @hawkins410 -I will go wherever there is booze and hot guys!!! (I almost said I am easy and realized with this group that would be bad. LOL!)
  • @Vowder i am sorry for your loss. I have the kick boxing challenge done! Rocked it last night and did some Zumba this morning! Got to work and couldn't figure out why my legs felt like lead climbing the stairs, see previous two sentences!! LOL!!! Hoping I can just stay at my desk all day. Working on the second challenge…
  • Sorry for being quiet again this week. The app wasn't letting me do anything! I deleted and reloaded it on serval occasions and finally got it to start working again. Challenges are done and my minutes are recorded!!! Not sure I will hit the max of 700, but I am over 600!!!
  • Hello everyone!!! Sorry I was quiet most of the week, but I was busy working my butt and getting the challenges done. I updated the spreadsheet with all of my minutes and challenge numbers. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Hello team!!!! Since we all rocked last week like rock stars, I have gone ahead and booked this place for our welcome party Friday night: And Saturday morning brunch will be here!!! Let's rock this week!!!! We got this!!!
  • I am so jealous!!!!!! We stopped in Cozumel on a cruise and we loved it there! It is also were I learned there is more to tequila than 1800 and Jose! If I could I would move to Cozumel!!!!
  • Hello everyone! I am in fact still alive, I think. Remember that cold I told you about, it is still here. I think it is finally on its way out. It has been screwing with me since last Monday. I have two challenges done and am still working on the orange fruit one, will be done by Sunday. Hoping to return to my normally…
  • It would be! Just not sure I want to leave for work at 6:45 to make it by 8! Or get home at 5:45. But, the minutes would look great on the spreadsheet!
  • Nothing wrong with that!! I am not sure I would be able to make the decision to walk instead of using public transportation. Way to go for doing it!!! Edit: I was curious, it would take me 1 hour and 10 minutes to walk to work. (3.2 miles)
  • It counts as exercise!!
  • How's everyone!!!! I am glad to be back!! I have slipped back into my ugly bad habits and have been struggling to break them. Grrrrrrrrr! Just when I make the decision that the exercising is going to start back up again, I get knocked on my butt with a really nasty cold! This thing has been hanging out for a week now. Not…
  • I decided to reclimb the Inca Trail! I did a lot of random stair climbing at work this week and dragged down Christmas decorations today! OUCH! (The decision was made at work and ended up finishing at home today) @MissionEnforcer Life style choices: 1. Don't give up 2. Every little thing matters-even if it is just having a…
  • Hello team!!! Sorry I have been MIA from posting in the thread. I have been reading and getting the challenges done. Hoping things are settled enough so I can post more. @MissionEnforcer my thankful post. I am thankful for my friends and family. I am also thankful for my teammates. Even though I am not posting as often as…
  • Sorry to see you go. Hope everything goes well for your sister in law. And I just got the notification this morning about missing a color. Sorry guys.
  • Hi team sorry I have been MIA for the last little bit. Was having all issues and then my data was dangerously low. But I am here and back!!!! @missionenforcer, My fruits and veggies challenge: Monday: green lettuce and yellow peppers Tuesday: red tomatoes and green grapes Wednesday: red apple and orange carrots Thursday:…
  • I AM ALIVE!!!!!! Ok, I sound like Frankenstein! Finally got caught up and am able to post!!! YAY!!!!! I love the dress @hawkins410!!!!! It reminds me of my pirate outfit. This picture is several years old and a bunch of pounds ago. And I will happily wear that outfit as long as I via have him as my date!!
  • Good Morning team!!!! Congrats everyone on an awesome week!!! You all rock!!! Where was I in'75? Not born, that would happen in '79. I have never seen Rocky live, but have watched the movie several times. I also watch the remake last week. Didn't get any minutes yesterday but I am working on the stair challenge. I have…