

  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member

    A Million Lotuses Wedding Festival <3

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    @katharmonic - great job on getting the kickboxing video and foot message #4 done. got me laughing with the liver comment.....whenever someone mentions reflexology and are rubbing feet, I am waiting for them to say " pancreas!"

    @aenglehardt347 - Awesome work with finishing the kickboxing today. Your poor dog! Mine always come around, came near me when I was lower some weights and got hit in the head.....she just licked me and went away.

    @mts7471 - way to go with doing the foot messages

    @ejdp254 - that is so great that you tried something new. Thanks for sharing with us what you ate (with pics). I still am not sure what to have. I may try an earlier suggestion of buying a fruit I have never tried.

    @Ingrid2017 - I love the vday pic - I think that is why I enjoy this race so much......we learn about different cultures and meet people from different places.

    @AlethaMary - You can get the 700 are a rock star!

    @junodog1 - did you try something new at lunch? I love Chinese's hard for me to find something there that I don't like (except very large mushrooms.....bleh......I can eat them if they are cut up small).

    @Vowder - awesome job with your workout earlier. I hope you liked the salad with bs. (see what I did there.....see what I did???). :D

    Today has been a crazy workout day for me. I am in a Fitbit challenge against a group of ladies that win every I did the treadmill this morning.....walked all over campus and on the treadmill again tonight. I also got a yoga class in today. I think I will be sleeping very well tonight. :)

    Have a great rest of the day.

    I am in a Fitbit challenge like that too! Being competitive I sometimes try to overdo it. If they weren't so much fun I wouldn't probably stick with them. You can add me if you want:
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Have a great day everyone!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    At the lunch yesterday the yucky thing that I was offered was a mussel, cooked and covered with cheese. I scoffed and said "Honey, I eat raw oysters!" So still looking for the demon food. I'm thinking beets.


    Trainings and meetings the first three days this week. Not a good few days to have time to add miles. (Sorry) Currently in a food hangover from a truly delicious Valentines dinner. Was it worth it? Yes and no. I really like to make my DH happy, and the well-marbled ribeye was soooo delicious.

  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    Hope everyone has an awesome day. We had our weekly weigh in at work this morning, started it right after the first of the year to hold everyone accountable for their actions. It has helped us all. Thanks @MissionEnforcer @hawkins410 I don't know if I would have started something like this at work without all of you to give me confidence.

    Now we all look at a little and steady weight loss is great and we are changing our habits :)
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    edited February 2017
    HATED reflexology video 1! OMG, it took forever! Didn't help that I grabbed a bottle of lotion a neighbor gave me that was under the sink, squirted out a big bunch, started rubbing and realized it had peppermint oil in it. I'm allergic/sensitive to peppermint oil so had to do a quick dash and wash it off and my hands are still tingling! But it's done.
  • Ingrid2017
    Ingrid2017 Posts: 47 Member
    edited February 2017
    My apologies to anyone who actually likes beets...I'm sure they're an acquired taste (as is dirt, so I've heard...).

    Have a Great Day Everyone! :smiley:

    @junodog1 Yupper, this is the way to go!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    @Ingrid2017, I love pickled beets! Regular are just bleh. Good job choking down half a can!!
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    I have white asparagus roadting in the oven with evoo and herbs de Provence. They smell good... we'll see in about 10 minutes! :#
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    I really think these should be my "new" food... I've never had alternative carrots before. They look yummy!

    However, I DID try the white asparagus. It was a PITA to peel, but it was pretty tasty. Sweeter than regular green asparagus and the herbs de provence gave it a nice flavor.

  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Knocked out the kickboxing today too... whew, that was hard!! But I liked it!!

    Foot massage is last up. Would a pedicure count for this? It's a lot more fun to have someone else massage my feet and they are long overdue for some pampering!! ;)
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited February 2017
    @aenglehardt347: I'm so glad the race has inspired you! That's what it's all about! :)
    I kicked Tara doing the kickboxing too! But it didn't seem to faze her. It must have been close to dinner time...she doesn't wander far off around meal times! :D
    @Ingrid2017 & @junodog1: No beets for me, thank you! I'll be trying some kind of weird fake meat that my husband is making tonight. I'll let you know how it goes!
    Great job @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn and @ejp254 for already getting done!
    It looks like we are killing Challenge #1. I did the "Dancing" Option one time through last night. I sure don't think the one to "Saxobeat" is dancing! When they got on the floor, parts of my body were worked that I haven't worked in a long time! But their little dog really cracked me up. I did Jessica Smith & Peanut this morning. I love it when Peanut goes behind the curtain...he's like "I'm outta here!"
    I'm super looking forward to the foot massage tonight! It will feel good to "take a load" off and get to count minutes for just rubbing my feet! ;)
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm with Mimi on the beats - I'm assuming that's beetroot ? If so I only eat it pickled , yum !
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    @Ingrid2017 -I totally snorted at your beet comment! I think they taste like dirt too! (and I totally could see Bailey who just started eating poop spitting it out-although she did eat a pickle and a mushroom. Weird dog!)

    Mimi-I'd totally be down with those alternative carrots. And I like regular ones!
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    cardbucfan wrote: »
    @Ingrid2017 -I totally snorted at your beet comment! I think they taste like dirt too! (and I totally could see Bailey who just started eating poop spitting it out-although she did eat a pickle and a mushroom. Weird dog!)

    Mimi-I'd totally be down with those alternative carrots. And I like regular ones!

    Yes I got a kick out of the beet comment also since when I tried it the other day I spit it out as soon as I started chewing my first bite.

    I have one dog that just took up that habit too, miss princess would probably pass on the beets but she likes carrots and oranges

    Did one foot and leg each tonight for my reflexology. Will do again tomorrow after exercising, felt great since my legs were killing me from kickboxing