sophs87 Member


  • Absolutely incredible post and so relatable! Well done on your fantastic achievement. X
  • Hello - I am in the UK (London) with a stone to lose but always open to new friends! Really taking this seriously now as weight loss has slowed down for the last stone. Feel free to add.
  • I'm from London and looking for new friends too! Got about a stone to lose. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Feel free to add me; I am in the same boat - only about 10-15lbs to lose but my sweet tooth destroys me every time!!
  • I got mine done at Fitness First the other day but its best to get it done with calipers as they are more accurate!
  • Thanks for all of your suggestions! I think HIIT is definitely the way to go - will try it out for a couple of weeks and monitor the results. Thanks :smile:
  • Me too! I want to give myself a boost and don't really know how the challenges work on here....
  • Thanks so much for your advice! Yeah I might bump it up again as I changed it when I wasnt seeing results - I know about starvation mode and stuff but I just figured maybe my metabolism was different. Thanks so much everyone for all your adds and comments!! x
  • Thanks everyone for your posts. One thing I would just like to point out is that with regards to my stats; I am only around 5ft 1 therefore 128lbs looks big on my frame. I do have to be realistic, however I have been 118lbs before and that is when I felt my happiness. At the end of the day it is definitely my mindset; I…
  • Thank you SO much for all of your responses; it is so useful to hear what everyone has to say. i wanted to find out more as back when I was my slimmest I still used to drink but now I find its just not working for me any more. Plus, the calories is the obvious side effect but I also read an article about alcohol's effect…
  • I think a lot of it is what works for you. I do both early morning workouts and evening ones. There is no doubt that I can do a lot more in the evenings as opposed to in the mornings when I have no fuel in my body. Having said that, because I have to wake up at 6.15am if I do a morning run there is no way I could stomach…
  • Sounds delicious; I shall definitely give it a go! For your UK based friends; what's evoo? Thanks :)
  • Good luck - I've been doing it for a week and a half also noticed a massive difference when I didn't do it for a couple of days. I did the 2nd level of the shred for the 1st time yesterday and OH MY WORD it was so hard!! Has anyone else found this and does it get easier?
  • I know that everyone has written really encouraging stuff but I also just have to join them. I quit 3 weeks ago and it is THE BEST thing I have ever done. To finally feel free of the disgusting weed is glorious, enlightening... there is just no words! I take it we are all on here to lose weight or at least get our bodies…
  • GREAT post!! This article was really insightful and loads of things I hadn't thought of, for example looking at calories per meal and not just the whole day. Thanks :)
  • All great ideas... I have a microwave so could do some egg related options. And the quorn sausages sound yum! Thanks!
  • Thank you so much guys. To be honest I have been eating less recently because I wasn't seeing any changes so it seems to make sense. I ate my full amount of calories yesterday and will do over the next couple of weeks and report back - it's so frustrating to not only not lose but to put a bit on! Much appreciated.