10th day of shred

Good Morning, well back from the cottage and did Shred one of the days and then today so I really did miss two days, I did not want to but what can I say, even with missing the two days you can notice a difference in how you feel and how it works, this week again I am off Thursday and Friday for and will be at the cottage so hopefully I can stay in the swing of things, it is very hard at the cottage to stay on track (cocktails, pot luck dinners) so will do the best I can!!! Lake was still a bit chilly so could nto really get in to swim or do water exercise, but going to be very hot this week so hopefully will warm up a few degrees! Anyway busy week, hope you all have a good day! :flowerforyou:


  • sophs87
    sophs87 Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck - I've been doing it for a week and a half also noticed a massive difference when I didn't do it for a couple of days.

    I did the 2nd level of the shred for the 1st time yesterday and OH MY WORD it was so hard!! Has anyone else found this and does it get easier?
  • Cassasmith
    I'm an athletic person, and even I hate level two haha. I actually find level three to be easier when compared to two. Keep it up! It's worth it and you WILL see results :)
  • boyle09
    boyle09 Posts: 17
    I just started the 30 day shred yesterday and i haven't been this sore in a long time. Now to only push my self to do it everyday
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Level 2 is defintiely tough!!!! I did LEvel 1 for about 7 days and moved on. I've done Level 2 for about 12 days now and it is definitely getting much easier. Once I make it all the way through without a break, which I am so close to doing, I will move on to Level 3. I have heard that level 2 is the hardest of the 3.
    I was hoping to get up and do it this a.m. but after a weekend of camping, my bed felt so good!!! I'll be doing it tonight!! It is definitely worth it!
  • AngieMMc
    AngieMMc Posts: 152 Member
    I have already gone through The Shred once and am going back through it agan for the second time. I was told before I started the first time that Level 2 was by far the hardest level and they were SO RIGHT! To me, Level 3 was a peice of cake compared to Level 2, so hang in there bc it DOES get easier.

    I am a HUGE HUGE fan of the Shred and share my progress with everyone I know. I highly recommend it and just KNOW that you will LOVE the results once you've completed it. Waiting on a couple friends to finish the Shred for the first time so we can move on together with Ripped in 30 (30 Day Shred on Steriods I am told).

    Oh and don't worry too much about skipping a day here and there....I never did the Shred on Saturdays and saw amazing results inspite of that.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    cottagegal you are doing so well, and having a couple of days off happens and is probably a good thng. Although going to the cottage throws things for you, its obvoiusly good for your spirit.
  • NuttyBrewnette
    NuttyBrewnette Posts: 417 Member
    I'm on day 12....started level 2 yesterday. OUCH! ha ha. I'm happy to hear people say that, and that it is harder than level 3. keeps me from getting too discouraged.

    I did notice changes to my body by day 5, even on level 1. So I'm excited to see what comes at the end of the month....