Giving Up Alcohol

I'm looking for some motivation with my recent goal.

I have decided to give up alcohol for a month to see the impact it has on my weight loss. I work in a role whereby there is quite a big drinking culture on Thursdays and Fridays and I find that I am often drinking 3 large glasses of wine (almost a bottle!) 4 times a week. Obviously it's not always this much but I feel like its having a big impact on not only my weight-loss (slow!) but the amount of exercise I do when I'm feeling a bit ropey the next day etc.

Does anyone have any good results to share from when they have given up alcohol whilst calorie counting and whether this had had a big impact?

Thanks :)


  • tracymnx
    tracymnx Posts: 105
    I can share youre frustration!!! I also love wine, probably a bit too much, and have been toying with the idea of giving up alcohol to see how it affects my weight loss. I drink a lot less now than I did 2 months ago - maybe a glass or 2 once/twice a week compared to a couple of drinks every night - but still, I would be interested in finding out whether giving up completely has a much bigger impact than drinking a little once or twice a week.

    Advice please!!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I lost weight consistently while drinking twice/month. But cutting down is never a bad idea. :) Good luck.
  • OtakuEngineer
    There are a lot of changes I have made to start losing weight. I haven't given up alcohol, but have changed my habits with it and what I do while I'm drinking. Some of it is coincidence but I'm a bit of a late night snacker, and I found when I'm drinking I eat more. So I've consciously cut out the snacking and that has helped, but other than that I still drink a drink or two a night, but I also don't drink the same thing, nor drink to get really tipsy or drunk. Sometimes I'll have a normal beer, but most of the time it's a light hard lemonade or a lighter beer or a mixed drink with a diet cola or something.

    The acts of switching from drinks loaded with calories to ones with very little, keeping myself under control with snacking, and not drinking as much have helped me lose some weight I'm sure. It also feels great to get up in the morning and not feel groggy because I knocked a few too many back the night before. Every now and then with some friends is of course fun, but for the other nights I enjoy a beer or two as I am a huge beer drinker, enjoy learning how to make it, and all the different kinds and flavors.

    I'm a huge believer though in "*almost* everything in moderation", some stuff we should probably steer away from all together, and so far I've been able to moderate my alcohol intake, still enjoy the things I like, and lose weight.

    Disclaimer though, I've got a lot to lose, so it's going to be easier for me being so far away from my goal weight to comfortably lose weight where as someone who is closer to it might have a harder time. I'm sure as I get closer I'll have to cut it back to a single drink a night, or some nights without anything at all just because it will be an easy place to cut some empty calories if I need to.

    Best of luck to you.
  • lts42uk
    lts42uk Posts: 162 Member
    I gave up alcohol for Lent and it really helped with my weight loss! I lost the majority of my weight during that time! I am now seriously considering giving it up - I just find the social aspect difficult - it was easy to say 'no thank you - I've given up for Lent' but forever seems a tougher proposition! I am currently doing the 30 day shred (L3 D3) and the only day I've missed was because I'd had alcohol the night before and the thought of doing all those planks the next morning didn't seem like a good idea!
  • carolrayes
    carolrayes Posts: 30 Member
    I stopped last year for 3 1/2 months and HUGE impact. Like you say, there is the calories associated with drinking then the next day you are always up for your run etc without fail! I also find my food choices after drinking are not so good especially when I get home and the next day if hung over!!!
    I got to my goal weight when I stopped drinking, now since drinking again I am back up a little!
  • crobinson53
    crobinson53 Posts: 164
    There are a lot of changes I have made to start losing weight. I haven't given up alcohol, but have changed my habits with it and what I do while I'm drinking. Some of it is coincidence but I'm a bit of a late night snacker, and I found when I'm drinking I eat more. So I've consciously cut out the snacking and that has helped, but other than that I still drink a drink or two a night, but I also don't drink the same thing, nor drink to get really tipsy or drunk. Sometimes I'll have a normal beer, but most of the time it's a light hard lemonade or a lighter beer or a mixed drink with a diet cola or something.

    The acts of switching from drinks loaded with calories to ones with very little, keeping myself under control with snacking, and not drinking as much have helped me lose some weight I'm sure. It also feels great to get up in the morning and not feel groggy because I knocked a few too many back the night before. Every now and then with some friends is of course fun, but for the other nights I enjoy a beer or two as I am a huge beer drinker, enjoy learning how to make it, and all the different kinds and flavors.

    I'm a huge believer though in "*almost* everything in moderation", some stuff we should probably steer away from all together, and so far I've been able to moderate my alcohol intake, still enjoy the things I like, and lose weight.

    Disclaimer though, I've got a lot to lose, so it's going to be easier for me being so far away from my goal weight to comfortably lose weight where as someone who is closer to it might have a harder time. I'm sure as I get closer I'll have to cut it back to a single drink a night, or some nights without anything at all just because it will be an easy place to cut some empty calories if I need to.

    Best of luck to you.

    My thoughts exactly. I have been able to lose quite a bit of weight and still drink 2-3 times a week.
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    I gave up alcohol in April 2011 and it was the best thing I have ever done!!!

    I have noticed a more rapid weight loss since then and I have dropped 2 dress sizes.

    I know it is hard and very unsociable but stick to it it is worth it.
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    I stopped last year for 3 1/2 months and HUGE impact. Like you say, there is the calories associated with drinking then the next day you are always up for your run etc without fail! I also find my food choices after drinking are not so good especially when I get home and the next day if hung over!!!
    I got to my goal weight when I stopped drinking, now since drinking again I am back up a little!

    My thoughts exactly, not just the drink itself but the impact it has on my eating and exercise habbits was the problem!
  • mackemshazza
    mackemshazza Posts: 87 Member
    Anyone you speak to will tell you if you are calorie counting then cutting alcohol will cut those calories. It's obvious, we all know it.

    However, every January/February for the past 4 years I've done "40 days & nights without alcohol".

    I've counted how many calories are in a glass of White, Red and Rose wine, and how many are in a pint of my beloved cider etc and it seems I drink more than my fair share over a weekend. So you'd expect cutting it out altogether would see the weight just drop off?

    WRONG, for me cutting the alcohol out while calorie counting equates to around a 2lb loss over the 40 days. Although I'm sure it helps my body in lots of healthy ways and I will continue to do it, calories wise there's not a lot of success. It really doesn't outweigh the longing for a nice cold glass of wine when I'm finished work on a Friday, or watching my friends at parties getting more merry and I'm standing there with my water - but hey it's no different to craving food I guess.

    It needs to be said however that I am Age 40, around 136lbs and 5'1". I'm here for health & support reasons.

    Everyone is different. What doesn't work for me could work for you, and any weight loss is a good weight loss, right? I do my 40 days and nights every year to challenge myself and when I'm done I feel so proud of myself so I'll continue to do it.

    Maybe you could join me in my journey in January?

    Good luck if you decide to stop and if you need any motivation in that dept, I'm a pro at it, just give me a shout and I'm there.
  • ksynoeve
    ksynoeve Posts: 1
    I found myself drinking a little to much, and decided to give up alcohol for one month, and really found it helped both with weight loss, sleeping patern and it made me able to exercise as intended. This was february/march. The result of cutting back my drinking was so good, I´ve hardly had a drink since. But of course, in some social settings, or if I just fancy it enough, I allow myself a drink or two.

    Also I´ve been told that alcohol reduces the bodys ability to burn fat while it´s in your system, so thats a good reason to stay away.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Another wine lover here :-(

    I "gave up" booze for a month last year (it was before I was a member here so it had zero impact on my weightloss as I ate more to compensate LOL)

    I am not a fan of denying myself anything that I enjoy - it just makes this whole weightloss process painful?

    Also we are all here to change our lifestyles in a sustainable way, for me being completely tee total is not my ultimate goal...

    By all means have a month to detox, and see how this impacts weightloss but don't put too much pressure on yourself.

    In my experience if I "ban" somthing in my diet I set myself up for faliure as I want what I can't have.

    I am a huge fan of moderation.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I am convinced that alcohol is a diet wrecker.

    1) It is loaded with calories
    2) It impairs my judgement on what to eat and how much of it: especially the 'pack of nuts with the beer' type choices
    3) It reduces the quality of my sleep:: which is critical for body recovery for any work out...
    4) It reduces my willingness to work out the next day
    5) If I do work out, the first 30 minutes are ten times harder than they would be otherwise
    6) I want a fry up for breakfast

    I've not quit drinking completely but I have made the following changes

    1) Rarely drink anything on a week night
    2) Drinking at home I will only have a couple of neat whiskies - and that's because I love the flavour, not for getting drunk.
    3) I make myself the nominated driver most of the times we go out
    4) When out... I try and stay away from beer and stick to Gin and (Diet) Tonic
    5) A bottle of wine with the wife is a nice romantic night in. A bottle of wine when eating with colleagues at work is pointless.

    Oh, and Crabbies Ginger Beer: My favourite long alcoholic drink - is over 400 Cals a bottle :(
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am convinced that alcohol is a diet wrecker.

    1) It is loaded with calories
    2) It impairs my judgement on what to eat and how much of it: especially the 'pack of nuts with the beer' type choices
    3) It reduces the quality of my sleep:: which is critical for body recovery for any work out...
    4) It reduces my willingness to work out the next day
    5) If I do work out, the first 30 minutes are ten times harder than they would be otherwise
    6) I want a fry up for breakfast

    I've not quit drinking completely but I have made the following changes

    1) Rarely drink anything on a week night
    2) Drinking at home I will only have a couple of neat whiskies - and that's because I love the flavour, not for getting drunk.
    3) I make myself the nominated driver most of the times we go out
    4) When out... I try and stay away from beer and stick to Gin and (Diet) Tonic
    5) A bottle of wine with the wife is a nice romantic night in. A bottle of wine when eating with colleagues at work is pointless.

    Oh, and Crabbies Ginger Beer: My favourite long alcoholic drink - is over 400 Cals a bottle :(

    I couldn't agree with you more.

    Not only do I "graze" when I drink (not on healthy stuff either) but I get horrible hangover munchies the next day !! If I drink too much I potentially ruin two days :-(

    I have made similar changes to my lifestyle though and tend to limit drinking now... I also opt for low cal vodka and diet coke.

    I make sure that when I drink it is because I truly fancy a drink - gone are the days of opening a bottle of wine 'because it is Friday night' but if I feel like a beer because it a sunny evening and we're chilling on the balcony then I'll have one!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    I used to be a massive wine drinker. I would often have half (or a whole) bottle of wine about 3 times during the working week and even more on weekends! It was really heard to cut it from my life but I decided to give it up for month. I was sick of having feeling awful feeling on Saturday and Sunday mornings, when I should of been feeling awesome and going for a walk. I was sick of having done a great job of sticking to my eating plan during the week, only to blow it on a 1am Friday night kebab followed by a greasy burger the next day. I decided to detox and ditch the grog! I must say that after the first week I felt more alert, had more energy and broke through my weight loss plateau =)

    After the month was over, I ran to wine cabinet to have a drink but discovered that it wasn't quite the same. I no longer craved it, nor enjoy the taste as much as I once did. I haven't had a glass since.

    Initially it was hard to cut it out, especially when so many social events are surrounded by it. It had also become a habitin my life. A hard and stressful day at work would be finished with a nice relaxing drink at home. I swapped the wine and my thinking.
    After a stressful day I would go for a nice relaxing walk outdoors. After a particulary hard day I would have a lovely cup of tea in the sun with a chicky mag on the balconey. When I caught up with friends at functions I would sip my water, stay a little, mingle and leave. Then I'd catch up with them another time for lunch, a walk or a coffee. I had to re-train my whole thought processes and habits! I can tell you that it felt a whole lot better in the mornings for it!

    In other words, kick it! Good luck =)
  • CookieGem
    CookieGem Posts: 197 Member
    Why dont you give up for two weeks, to see how you get on and if your feeling fine push for a month. I have given up alcohol for 3 weeks now and wont be touching a drop until I go on holiday in 23 days, has to be said i dont miss it yet.

    Best of luck

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    My weight gain was caused through alcohol. I used to drink anything between 10-20 vodka lemonades over a weekend, never drank through the week though, and all the weight I was losing through the week from exercise and sensible eating was being put back on over the weekend just because of drink. This was ridiculous and really frustrated me and gave me a huge kick up the backside to get myself into gear. I now drink mainly Lime and Soda Water, which looks alcoholic :smile: and on the odd special occasion I will have a vodka but not very often. I am sure my liver is breathing a sigh of relief too :smile:

    So, good for you, try to stick at it, and you will reap the benefits in more ways than one, good luck :flowerforyou:
  • sophs87
    sophs87 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you SO much for all of your responses; it is so useful to hear what everyone has to say. i wanted to find out more as back when I was my slimmest I still used to drink but now I find its just not working for me any more.

    Plus, the calories is the obvious side effect but I also read an article about alcohol's effect on the metabolism and it seems it slows it down by almost 60%! Therefore wine gives not only extra calories but our body then stuggles to burn it off as it would with food etc.

    Really, really appeciate it.
  • sedwar
    sedwar Posts: 1 Member
    I am giving up alcohol for a month too just to try and see wether it makes a difffernce with my waist line. Im not a heavy drinker but 4 nights a week i do indulge in wine and over the years i have def noticed a considerable gain in weight. With exercise and careful planning of meals im hoping to lose the stone ive gained!! wish me luck!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Iwent hardcore fr a month. On food and no booze. Nit sure what the effect was. But i felt awesome and dropped weight quck. Prob combo of the two
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I am convinced that alcohol is a diet wrecker.

    1) It is loaded with calories
    2) It impairs my judgement on what to eat and how much of it: especially the 'pack of nuts with the beer' type choices
    3) It reduces the quality of my sleep:: which is critical for body recovery for any work out...
    4) It reduces my willingness to work out the next day
    5) If I do work out, the first 30 minutes are ten times harder than they would be otherwise
    6) I want a fry up for breakfast

    I've not quit drinking completely but I have made the following changes

    1) Rarely drink anything on a week night
    2) Drinking at home I will only have a couple of neat whiskies - and that's because I love the flavour, not for getting drunk.
    3) I make myself the nominated driver most of the times we go out
    4) When out... I try and stay away from beer and stick to Gin and (Diet) Tonic
    5) A bottle of wine with the wife is a nice romantic night in. A bottle of wine when eating with colleagues at work is pointless.

    Oh, and Crabbies Ginger Beer: My favourite long alcoholic drink - is over 400 Cals a bottle :(

    Crabbies 500 ml bottle is actually 255 calories. Hope that makes you feel a bit better about drinking it lol. Its my favourite too but I try to only have 2 bottles and save up the cals for them :drinker: