rynomite57 Member


  • Oooh, yeah. With broccoli, that's probably really good too. Might not look all that sexy as a big bowl of green, so if you've got anyone in your life that doesn't love vegetables and spooks easy...
  • Not this time around, sorry. The obvious fat is coming from the oil, so you can skimp on that or use replacements for that, like a SmartBalance or something. I also recommend whole wheat crust and low fat mozzarella as substitutes.
  • I just posted about Seasons 52. Fresh food, light, each dish under 475. Check it out.
  • That's bad *kitten*.
  • We split a pork taco flatbread, which was light and spicy. I had the grilled shrimp and chorizo risotto. Not heavy, considering what you'd expect hearing rice and sausage! She had the grilled trout. Awesome. And we finished off with a dessert, which are small servings in a shot glass: mine was pecan pie, hers was a…
  • Thanks for the kind words everyone! And the support. I feel stupid good right now. Can't take too much time being proud though. Next race is less than two weeks away! ;)
  • Non-scale victory.
  • Here's a search for goat cheese on my food blog. Four recipes turned up. All four are pretty healthy too! Good luck! http://foodchain09.wordpress.com/?s=goat&submit=Search
  • Just searched this thread out. I'm running it too and training with the Half Marathon Plan on RunKeeper.com. Free and easy to use. And if you've got a smart phone you run with, there's an app for it. I haven't used Nike+ since 2012, but I think they have training plans too. Either way, definitely start one ASAP but don't…
  • Congratulations! I remember peeing myself at the thought of running for 30 minutes, and even pulling the old attitude of "Why would I want to run for any longer than 5K?" Now, I consider them short, fun runs. Today, I'm training for a 10 Mile Run as well, and am actually excited about it. Runner's high is a thing you get…
  • I can't see why not, but you should season with salt to taste if you remove the anchovies. Let me know how it comes outs.
  • It's really good. Good luck!
  • Awesome! That's the best part about cooking: you don't have to do it like the recipe says, from subbing a thing or two, to creating a completely different dish from the basics of it. I'll have to do this for the lady soon. We eat a lot of steak and mushrooms at my place.
  • Never. I wanted to go to one in Vegas, but the people I was with didn't want to just have sandwiches. The book is great. Maybe I'll hit one up in NYC over the winter though. More recipes from the book forthcoming! Stay hungry.
  • That sounds awesome! I may actually have some of it today as a salad and replace the pesto with just some fresh nuts. That's the beauty of that book. Everything is something you can make into a sandwich or something you can make into a meal. Cool concept.
  • Thanks! Will do for sure. Just posted an veggie app today and I have a few more healthy ones lined up for the next couple of posts.
  • Thanks! I'm going to try to do more themed stuff, so I'm sure the Healthy Appetite series will be good for people here. And my own self too!
  • Add me! Training for two 5 mile runs this year, then the Philadelphia Broad Street Run (10 Miles) becomes the big goal for 2013.
  • I actually added a tag to the site and a whole section (on the top dashboard) called Healthy Appetite. There's 22 of them tagged with that. hope some of them help! Keep at your goals everybody. We can all be the people we've always wanted to be, inside and out. http://foodchain09.wordpress.com/tag/healthy-appetite/
  • Half a bagel topped with a two egg whites, scrambled. Usually with a pinch of shredded cheese on top and melted. Great with things like spinach or tomato. Served like an open faced sandwich.
  • Thanks for the support! I actually feel lazy when I don't work out and I feel stupid when I binge, so I just need to stay on myself! Maybe I'll get the girlfriend running sooner than later too.
  • Last year, I probably only ran 100 miles total, if that. In 2012, Nike shows I passed 100 miles this year back in June. Right now I'm at 215 with no end in sight! One 5K next month, and two 5 Mile races on the books through December, and that's not even counting training runs, which amount to about 15-20 miles per week.