Broad Street Run

I signed up for Broadstreet run in May i have about 10 weeks to train and i can run about 3 miles in a half an hour... i was thinking of training til 8-9 miles and stretching out the last when i get there.

What is the easiest way to train?


  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    Hi there! I'm also doing the Broad Street Run and a friend who did it a few years ago suggested using a half marathon training program since those are designed for 13.1 miles. Good luck!
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Thank you!
  • docsallen
    docsallen Posts: 159 Member
    How often are you running? What distances on each day? How do you feel with your current running schedule -do you feel like you could comfortably do more or do you feel like you are pushing yourself hard? I am signed up for the BSR too. I haven't run it in 6 years, but I did run it 5 times before. I still have some of the old training plans I used and I had different levels of ability when I started each.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Sounds like fun! You're making me nostalgic for Philly (unless there's another Broad Street Run of which I'm not aware) :heart:

    I'm not running at the moment (pregnant) but would probably do a half-marathon training, just like ami5000psu mentioned. That way you are more than good for going 10 miles. Since you can handle a 10 min/mile pace for 3 miles, you've likely got the basics of running down (not "one foot in front of the other" - but breathing techniques, form, etc.).

    Good luck!
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    im thinking 3 or 4 mile runs during the week maybe 3-4 times a week then one long run on the weekend along with some cross training. I hope to train up to 9 miles and just let the last mile kick in during the race!
  • rynomite57
    rynomite57 Posts: 61 Member
    Just searched this thread out. I'm running it too and training with the Half Marathon Plan on Free and easy to use. And if you've got a smart phone you run with, there's an app for it.

    I haven't used Nike+ since 2012, but I think they have training plans too.

    Either way, definitely start one ASAP but don't rush yourself. That's how you get injured. I started one at the beginning of this month, missed 1-2 prior to even starting because of the schedule I wanted, and will miss some because I have races I'm scheduled for, but if all goes according to plan, I'll be running 13 miles the week before the Broad Street.

    Best of luck! See you all at the finish line!