evildeadedd Member


  • Congratulations on taking steps to take your health back. An object at rest tends to stay at rest so sometimes getting started is the hardest part. Good luck on your journey. Try to remember weight loss takes time, don't push yourself too hard right off the bat and burnout. The gym is great for physical and mental health,…
  • Remember your MFP calorie goal is set basses on what you want to lose. So if you have it set for 2lbs a week that's 1000 calories under your number to maintain weight. That's a good bit of pizza. One pound of fat is 3500 calories, so taking my own numbers as an example. I would maintain on 2900 calories, now let's say I go…
  • Does you gym have a power rack? If yes then you can bench press in there safely with the pins set correctly. I go to the gym in the middle of the night, so there never a spotter for me.
  • I know on the Garmin app, that number is your TDEE, so it is including BMR and everything. I assume that's how fitbit works too.
  • http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/starvation-mode/
  • http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/starvation-mode/
  • Show me one scientific study that supports starvation mode as it is portrayed in weight loss circles. Show me ONE single example of a fat POW. If you over restrict your calories for a long period, you are likely to be susceptible to calorie creep. Things like mindlessly grazing, and binging are what cause people to stop…
  • If starvation mode isn't a myth where are all the fat people in the pictures of holocaust survivor? As you lose weight it takes less calories to maintain, that's not starvation, that's physics. Every scientific study I have ever read shows the effects of calorie restriction on metabolism is very minor. The Minnesota…
  • The closer you get to your goal, the smaller your margin of error is. Have you been adjusting your calorie goal as you lose? If you have a small frame you are right within idea weight for your height, which means it is going to be extremely difficult to continue losing. Talking a quarter to half pound a week. If you are…
  • Depending on where you are in your ovulation cycle, you are going to retain water, that's probably where some of the bloat and 3 pounds comes in. With the BM issue, a lot of people have digestive issues in one form or another when switching to low carbs. Are you making sure you are getting enough water and fats? Edit to…
  • I look at it as meaning weight from your goal. It is just a guideline. You should be adjusting your calorie intake every 10lbs or so lost. Doing that you will come to a point that having a goal of 2 pounds a week just isn't giving you enough calories. That's when you should adjust your goal, slow down. And give yourself…
  • I think rest days are very important in the beginning. The better shape you are in the less rest you will need and vice versa. IMO over training is one of the biggest reasons people fail when trying to get healthy. It's natural to want to go hard and get results fast, but what good does going to the gym 7 days a week right…
  • When you say you have a weekly deficit of 4000, do you mean 4000 calories LEFT from your goal? So you average around 600 short of your daily goal? Then yes for the sake of the god's eat a burger brother. MFP gas the deficit built into your calorie goal already, you should be NETTING close to 1800 (food - exercise). If you…
  • Walking is fine, it's good exercise. Weight is lost in the kitchen, so as long as you are accurate with weighing your food and loging correctly you can lose weight doing no exercise at all.
  • You say you feel hungry and weak. That's not good. How much are you losing a week? how much do you have to lose overall? Those are the best indicators of if you are eating enough.
  • With 50 or so pounds to lose, 2 pounds a week is pretty aggressive. Everyone wants to lose weight and be at goal right now, but unfortunately it's going to take time. When you set such an aggressive goal, and start focusing on losing as fast as possible, you are setting yourself up to crash and burn. Take it from someone…
  • Your statement confuses me. You say it doesn't work that way, how so? Are you suggesting if my goal is 2000 calories, and I eat 1000 today and 3000 tomorrow, that is somehow different than eating 2000 both days?
  • In the future I would recommend looking farther than one day out from the event. Eating nothing today and binging tomorrow could start a bad cycle. So next time maybe a couple hundred less calories a day for the week leading up to the event. Either way enjoy yourself. Try not to stress too much about your eating, don't…
  • Sedentary. Then log the walking and exorcise. MFP uses NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) to calculate your calories. So your exorcise isn't factored into that activity level.
  • How are you measuring that you are lightly active? Are you including your exorcise into that? Or do you have a more active job ?
  • In a perfectly accurate world yes you would eat the 200 back, but depending on how you are measuring that burn it could be off. So most recommend only eating around half of you exorcise calories back.
  • If you have been within the same 3 to 4 pound range for months, then you are eating at maintence. You say that you weigh all solids and are accurate, have you double checked the entries you are using? Sometimes they can be off hundreds of calories. Could be that the days you are going over are wiping out your deficit. The…
  • To answer your question as you literally asked it. Is eating BETTER enough to lose weight? No. Eating LESS is, but eating better has nothing to do with weight loss. The way I make a salad is 500 calories or more. And that's weighing the ingredients. If I didn't weigh it would probably be double that. You have to get a food…
  • I think the most important thing to learn it how to really listen to your body. Look at the OP. she was over restricting calories one day and dealing with hunger and over eating the next, that was her bodies way of telling her the over restriction from the day before was totally hashing it's mellow. The trouble with trying…
  • Also if you are 300 or 400 UNDER what mfp gave you that is not a three or four hundred deficit. Unless you set your MFP goal to maintain the deficit is built in. MFP has my goal at 1900, that's with a thousand calorie deficit built in,because I set it to lose 2 pounds a week. if I ate 1600 I would be at a 1300 deficit on…
  • The answer to your question is largely dependant on your coals vs. the results you are getting. You say cutting so I assume you want to maximize fat loss while minimizing muscle loss. So a VERY moderate deficit and slow loss is the way to go. Track your weight from week to week, if you are losing more than half a pound to…
  • Rest days are largely program/personal preference dependent. If you are doing a full body strength 5x5 routine, they are usually designed to have a day of rest between workouts. That's because if you are doing it right, you shouldn't be able to do the workouts two days in a row. I think that most people have the more is…
  • A week isn't too worrisome. Examine what changes you have made. Did you go from eating 1500 calories of Twinkies to 1500 of nutrient dense fruits and veggies? Obviously I am being facetious, but the bigger the changes you make and the more abrupt they are is going to shock you r system. Did you start taking any new…
  • OK I retract my statement, someone has mentioned the starvation mode myth now. Listen mate starvation mode is a myth. If it were a real thing no-one would ever die of starvation. Look at a picture of Holocaust victims, see any fat people in there? I burn 2400 calories a day just existing, I would burn that in a coma, but…
  • I hadn't personally noticed anything with my eating effecting my states to a huge degree, but I am making slow changes. Any huge abrupt change can trigger an episode in me. Not suggesting that you have anything wrong with you at all, anecdotal evidence of myself and my experience is all I can give. If I were you I would…