Over calorie count and excercise

My family have just bought a huge pizza, garlic bread and potato wedges as a treat for me and my bf tonight for a surprise . But its gonna push me waaaaay over the red on calories and I cant turn down the meal they so generously got for us because it was so nice of them ;-;

So basicly Ive been working out like crazy in preparation for this mamoth feast but im still about 200 cal over. My question basicly is even though im in the red will my body still benifit somewhat from the workout? Or do I have to always stay in the green to see improvement? It be a shame if it all went to waste on a pizza lol


  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    One day isn't going to make a huge difference. Yes, it's good you offset with exercise. It takes 3500 calories over to gain a pound. You may not lose as much. You could also offset this by going just a little lower every day for a week. Nothing major, especially with 200 extra calories. That's fifty less for four days to make up for it.

    Over the long term, it's helpful to remind yourself that you can control the portions of any type of food in front of you.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Dig in an don't fret over it..imo. I've lost about 100lb, and "cheat" meals have kept me sane thru out. Enjoy!
  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    You don't always have to stay in the green to see improvement. Is the 200 calories over on your calorie deficit or what you would eat at maintenance. There's a huge difference. If you don't go over your maintenance calories, you won't normally gain weight. If you go over one day on your deficit, you can make it up tomorrow or just lose a little less weight this week. Enjoy your meal with your boyfriend but don't feel pushed to stuff yourself. If you feel full just suggest saving some for later.
  • evildeadedd
    evildeadedd Posts: 108 Member
    Remember your MFP calorie goal is set basses on what you want to lose. So if you have it set for 2lbs a week that's 1000 calories under your number to maintain weight. That's a good bit of pizza. One pound of fat is 3500 calories, so taking my own numbers as an example. I would maintain on 2900 calories, now let's say I go to the gym and burn 600. That means I would have to ear 3500 calories to maintain my weight. Anything over that and I would gain some, but in order to gain a pound of actual fat I would have to eat 7000 calories..that's a lot of pizza. Even if I managed to go over my goal of 1930 by more than 5000 calories, in the big picture it would take me a week longer at most to get to my goal weight.
    Enjoy your pizza and family, have a good time being with them and breaking bread(sticks). Ignore the number on the scale for a few days, the sodium might cause you to retain some water, but you are highly unlikely to gain a significant amount of fat going over one day.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    One meal isn't going to make you fat, just like one meal won't make you skinny. Enjoy this meal.
  • alanahp93
    alanahp93 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks everyone this helps alot!