schotas Member


  • NoxDinen--photographer?
  • Dianneboo--Math teacher
  • Some good advice...sending him to his room, ignoring, etc. One thing you should also be mindful of as well is the time at which you pick up your child from grandma's house. If it is after work (4-6 p.m.) this is the time of day where most kids are hungry or tired. Giving him a very small, healthy snack while you make…
  • Congratulations on your hard work! It really paid off.
  • Still hovering around 136-137. Going to have to set mini-goals for myself, so for this week I want to try to get 45 minutes of exercise 5 out of 7 days. I also need to drink more water.
  • Very interesting certainly stirs up a lot of emotion from teachers and non-teachers alike. So, here's my two cents (for what it's worth:wink:)... I've taught for 21 years. I've poured my heart into my job and had parents and students love me. I've poured my heart into my job and had parents and students dislike…
  • Up 1 pound this week...not too worried. I had a lot of sodium at dinner last night, and I think it is probably water. Hope everyone else had some great results! :happy:
  • My goals for the week are to stay right at or below my calories, and to start back to running as I train for a 5k in March.
  • Weighing in. 136 down from 138 on New Year's Day. Looking forward to being a part of this group and sharing in all of our personal successes! Good luck on the journey, everyone!
  • Thanks for starting the challenge! :happy:
  • I hope it's not too late, but I would like to join, too. I added myself to the spreadsheet. Thanks. :heart:
  • Exercised this morning. Over calories by about 200. :( Dinner did me in. I had been doing really well all day until we stopped and had wings for dinner. That's okay though. I only had half of a soda, and I said no to cake at lunch today. It could have been much worse.:frown:
  • Have been out of town, so I was unable to log until today. Worked out today. Only went over the calories by 12. :)
  • Under calories today. Walked for 22 minutes at a very brisk pace. Made fairly good food choices.
  • Hi, All! Hope you are doing well. I haven't been able to log the past few days, but you have all been in my hearts. Hoping everything is going well for you and your goals. I have been working on my goals, and I am celebrating the fact that during lunch out with my family today I said no to dessert. I also drank unsweetened…
  • Day 7-- Under calories. Walked/ran for 35 minutes. Turned down my husband's offer to pick up ice cream for dessert tonight and had popcorn instead. Drank water, but not as much as I should have. Pretty good day.:happy:
  • Day 4--I didn't get to workout, and I did go over my calories today. But I am going to celebrate the I received 4 miniature candy bars from students, and at the end of the day I tossed them. It's funny, but I've never received so many candy bars from my kids in one week than I have since this challenge…
  • Day 3-- Drank lots of water and decaf tea. Went bike riding with my daughter for 22 minutes. Only went over calories by 120. Big success--threw away 3 candy bars and wasn't tempted avoided the candy bowl at work looked at a cookie in the lounge, but then walked away I have a huge sweet tooth, so this is a big deal for me.…
  • Day 2-- Much better today! Staying at about 1200 calories. Drank more water. Avoided the candy bowl at work, and SUCCESS--I was given a Twix bar and a Kit Kat, and I threw them away! That is huge for me...if I weren't doing this challenge and fully aware that I had to log on tonight, then I would have eaten both of them.…
  • Day 1 was not great for me. I went over on calories by quite a bit, and I didn't get to exercise. But I was much more conscious about avoiding the candy bowl in the front office and not eating the Halloween candy that several of my students brought me this morning. I know it could have been much worse... Thank goodness…
  • I'm in! I actually got to within 1 pound of my goal and then gained back 8 pounds. :p I need motivation! Here goes: The rules........ 1 . Choose 2 or 3 goals to meet everyday. Stay at 1200 calories. Drink lots of water. Try to get in 30 minutes of exercise minimum. 2. choose 1 good habit you would like to work on doing…
  • Feel free to add me, too. MFP has a lot of wonderful people for support. :) Good luck on all of your goals.
  • I am starting my 21st year of teaching. I have taught 3rd grade the entire time, and I love it! I consider each year to be a blessing because I know God has handpicked each child to be in my class for a purpose. The fun/challenge is trying to learn what that purpose bring them out of their shell, to be an…
  • Coming back from a week at church camp with our 5th and 6th graders. I was very, very active, but the food was great too and I put on 4 pounds. I've lost 1.4 since Saturday, but still have a small gain. Looking forward to getting the weight off with this challenge. SW - 130 lbs (Monday August 1) Week 1 - 132.6 lbs (Monday…
  • Congratulations! You look great. :smile:
  • I can totally relate!!!! I was 1 pound from my goal, and then I lost my motivation and started eating terribly. I have put on 4 pounds. Since I am close to my goal, it is hard to get those last few pounds off. But I am making a recommittment to it tonight. I even joined a group looking to lose 10 lbs. in August. Keep up…
  • My Bible Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey
  • I'm in! I need some serious motivation. Hopefully this will help me get back on track. SW - 130 lbs (Monday August 1) Week 1 - xxx lbs (Monday August 8) Week 2 - xxx lbs (Monday August 15) Week 3 - xxx lbs (Monday August 22) Week 4 - xxx lbs (Monday August 29) Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday September 1)
  • Way to go! As someone who also used to suffer with acid reflux (and was best buds with Zantac), I know what a huge thing that is! Congratulations.:happy:
    in NSV - Tums Comment by schotas July 2011
  • I am 5'2" and 43 years old. I started MFP at 142, and I am 129.4. My current goal is 125. I am thinking 120 will be probably be the next step, but I don't plan on going any lower than that.