November challenge !!!!!!!!!!!! : >



  • Nicobh
    Nicobh Posts: 19
    The first day was a good start. Today I ate every three hours, did 60 minutes of cardio and strength training, and drank all 8 glasses of water. I struggled around 7pm with wanting to snack on some almonds, but i keep busy and made it through. It really helped to think about having to report in. I did well with my food choices today. I played around with the database combining foods I thought about eating, and was able to plan my meals for the day and not just grab at things. I am going to work at keeping that pattern going through November.
  • nicolealison
    nicolealison Posts: 27 Member
    Count me in!!!!!
    Daily Goals: Drink ALL my water ... 136ounces every day!!!
    Stay under my calories
    Get some sort of exercise every day, but good exercise 5x a week!!!
    Habit: Spending time to unwind after my shifts (I work nights) washing my face, brushing my teeth, etc.

    Let's do this!!!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Day 1:
    1-Recorded everything think I ate and even tried to measure out things better so no guessing.
    2.-drank 2 liters of water at work (the added bonus being more to trips the restroom on the other side of the building). After work though I only had a few sips of water so I need to work on that.
    3.-Spin class on Tuesdays so I wil try and get on the bike trainer tonight.
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Ok, so I stuck to the challenge except didn't realize I needed to check in yesterday...oops! I logged in everything. Last night was also our date night, although oddly enough I think I was pretty close to staying in the green. Its hard to be 100% accurate when guessing restaurant foods, unless its a chain with a posted listing. After dinner my husband wanted to take me to a local place for frozen custard (I hadn't been before), so I only had a kids cup. It tasted great, and was just the right portion size. This morning I've already logged in breakfast, and will be heading to the gym as soon as my little one finishes her breakfast.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good morning No nonsence challengers :bigsmile: I am so ready to go start my day just checking in I am going to logg my food before I go I will be gone most of the day but I am physicly and mentaly prepared to be succssesful today. I will check back this evening .

    Good job amsw No pproblem I will give you a tally mark for yesterday :tongue:
    You had a good day too hawkeye :happy:

    Have an awesome day everyone :bigsmile:

    DeeBear Thinking about you and your surgery today :frown: Feel better so soon :flowerforyou:
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I just wanted to share my little NSV I had today. I take my measurements every month on the 2nd of the month. From Oct 2nd-Nov 2nd I have lost a total of 9.25 inches. I don't SEE it yet but I know I am healthier for all we are doing. I will check back in with you all tonight. Have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    I just wanted to share my little NSV I had today. I take my measurements every month on the 2nd of the month. From Oct 2nd-Nov 2nd I have lost a total of 9.25 inches. I don't SEE it yet but I know I am healthier for all we are doing. I will check back in with you all tonight. Have a great day :flowerforyou:

    Hooray!!! This is AWESOME!!!!! Keep it up!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Day 2 - not so good :ohwell:

    Gone over on cals by a couple of hundred, which surprisingly is the same amount as that white choc chip bakery cookie I just found in the kitchen!!!!
    No cardio for me today, I've done a full day at work followed by a governors meeting at school so I am completely pooped. Should manage to do 300 crunches though this evening.
    Replaced some of my coffee with green tea, so I am a little closer to changing my caffeine habit.

    Take care all x
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    So, i tried to log in yesterday but something went wrong. After 3 times a gave up, but probably it was two lpng days in a row that just killed me.
    Stayed on track yesterday, drank enough water (counted the tea) and my total amount cal was okay.
    But today, pff. Ate to much (chips, sweets you name it). And i didn't even drink enough and got no exercise done.

    It seems everytime i start a challenge (first i followed a different counting site), i can't stay on track.

    Okay enough complaining, got to pick it up. Tomorrow a new day a new round!
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    Day 2--
    Much better today!
    Staying at about 1200 calories.
    Drank more water.
    Avoided the candy bowl at work, and SUCCESS--I was given a Twix bar and a Kit Kat, and I threw them away! That is huge for me...if I weren't doing this challenge and fully aware that I had to log on tonight, then I would have eaten both of them.

    Hope everyone else is doing well today.
  • campfirecrafter
    campfirecrafter Posts: 25 Member
    Day 2- I did well keeping up with logging everything and I managed to to bring a lunch (though not a super healthy one - I still need to work on that ) and I have exercised today.. yay go me
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    This has been a pretty good start to the month. Meeting my goals and a nice nsv today. I hope the rest of the month goes as well.

    First weeks goals:
    90 min cardio to get back on track (80 min done 10 left)
    20 Min strength ( 50 done)
    Keep my numbers in the green (I did much better today Everything was green)

    I also need to get back into the habit of drinking at least 9 glasses of water. (12 glasses)

    My free day is Sunday
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Knowing I was going to post again tonight kept me in control and to stick to my goals. It meant adding spinach to dinner, watching how much I ate, and logging it all in. I also got 45 minutes worth of cardio this morning. And now I will walk away from the kitchen (well, the food at least, the dishes still need to be done).
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Okay Day #2. Did not do any of my challenges but had to have surgery today to have the hardware removed from my left ankle. No excuses, I know, but I did however do my diary and check in with the November challenge, so I guess not everything was a wash. Will get back on the bandwagon tomorrow. However probably will not be doing any exercise until November 16th when I get my staples out. Will have to really watch the food intake for this two weeks, which I feel very confident about. You girls are all doing an awesome job. It is nice to read everyone's messages. Keeps me motivated to do well watching all of your progress. Keep up the good work everyone!!! Talk to you all tomorrow! (If there are any mistakes or contradicting statements in this post I blame it all on the pain meds). HeHeHeHeHe
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Day 2:
    So I forgot that I did actually cook something on day 1 for supper so tonight was left overs. I honesty think that was the first time I had made supper in about a month. Logged everything today and stayed below my calories.

    -DId 30 minutes of interval spinning on the training stand.

    -Drank 2.5 liters of water.

    Only stepped on the scale once today.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • moonfleur75
    Day 2 was a bust food wise. I had difficulty staying away from sugar. I did log everything in the food diary. I did 50 minutes of cardio on the arc trainer at the gym.
    Followed through with the healthy habit of flossing :)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Everyone !!!! Everyone is doing great :bigsmile:

    Emwalker that is amazing so happy for you that is huge :wink:

    DeeBear I was so happy to hear from you, That is dedication that you had surgery and checked in glad your surgery is done. No excercize no problem just change up your goals till your staples are out.

    Yay amzw That is great tht the challenge kept you in control :happy:

    Hawk eye thank you you too !!!! you had anouther good day :wink:

    Yay maura land !!!!!!

    9 have checked in so far for the 2nd day good job !!!!!!!! even DeeBear who had surgery today Yay everyone :happy:

    Im doing really good today I need to excercize and drink the rest of my water so far so good I feel in control :tongue:

    I will check back with my grand totals latter :bigsmile: Keep up the good work everyone :wink:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    no worries raven I logged you both days good job :smile:
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Huh. I think I'm in a different time zone as you guys.
    It seems like everyone logs pretty early, like 5pm for me.
    Oh well. It's about 7:30pm here, now.

    Pretty good day, landed a job that has me walk 8-10 miles a night.
    Not really done eating for the day, but my excersize was good.

    Half an hour of cardio and strength total. 15 mins short of my goal.
    Not done eating, like I said, but I still have around 525 cals left before my limit.
    Brushed and flossed twice (:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    good job !!!! congrats on the job :bigsmile: all the walking will be good for your goals .We are in the same time zone I just check in early and then latter its 7:40 Washington State :wink: