November challenge !!!!!!!!!!!! : >



  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Day #2 went well. Stayed under calories and got my cardio in along with some strength moves. Had two glasses of green tea and eleven of water! And I remembered to floss too. Yay!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    good job Kelene !!!!!

    I have did good today although I am so crabby I cant stand myself .

    My goals :

    1. stay under calorie. Im good on calories

    2. drink 64 ounces water or green tea a day. Still working on water

    3. excersize 30 mins a day. I will ride stationary bike when I get off here I already logged it

    good Habit: floss and waterpic eeverynight. I am on my way to do it before I ride my bike

    Goodnight everyone you are doing great it really encourages me to see everyone trying so hard Good job :flowerforyou:

    See you tommorow !!!!!!
  • Nicobh
    Nicobh Posts: 19
    Day two started well but ended VERY badly. I did 60 minutes of cardio, leg lifts and crunches. Drank all 64 ounces of water, and planned what I wanted to eat for the day. Big but, I did not take enough food to work to last for my long day. I broke the 4 hour maximum between meals goal. There were more than five hours between lunch and my next meal, and that for me is a curse because once it happens my desire to eat trumps my will power. I tried to stay on course, but it did not happen today. I put it all into the food log.
  • Elleebell
    Had a pretty good day today, but not great. For exercise, I took my daughter to the park and spent over an hour using my hands and feet to make a huge leaf pile big enough for her and two little boys she met to play in together. It was hard work! I was sweating and it was freezing haha. I ate sweets while doing four hours of math which seems unavoidable today, and impending TOM makes me SUPER HUNGRY! Like a constant urge to eat. But I had 28 calories left at the end of the day so I'm feeling pretty good :) I also drank 8 glasses of water!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    The rules........

    1 . My first couple goals will include staying at 1500 calories or so, drinking 128 oz of water & exercising 2 times a day..

    2. 1 Good Habit will be to eat dinner early enough to take a walk afterwards.

    3. I will try to check in everyday !!!! good or bad .

    4. I haven't mastered taking a day off of exercise yet!

    Today I ate about two hundred calories over, which I'm okay with it because I burned almost 1200 calories today!!
    Today I went on my dogwalk after a healthy homemade dinner. (watchout! leftovers tomorrow!!)
    Today I checked in and feel very good about my day. I really do, and I'm determind to move that scale!!
    Today I planned on stopping at the after-dinner walk but I pushed myself to get to the gym!! (I can do so much more when my hsuband's at work & kids have leftovers!!)

    I hope everyone else had a good day today!! Elimay? How'd you do??

    I WILL make November a great month !!!!!!!!!!!
    PS: what an awesome group of people we have this month!!
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Might buy a scale today c: Mine recently broke.
    Keep up the good work everyone! We CAN do this!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Good Morning Challenge friends :flowerforyou: I think I am in a better mood today:wink: urggggg yesterday !!!!! dispite that I stayed in line except a bit short on water I lost track.

    We had a total of 13 that have checked in 2 days in a row GOOD JOB :bigsmile: And I am really empressed that you are logging in good or bad I know that is not easy to do even though its part of the challenge, In the long run it will help us and it shows our dedication to our goal, it also encourages others that we are trying, And if we have a bad day it gives our challenge friends a chance to encourage us ,so again I say GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!!

    Great 100zr a new scale is good its encouraging to see your progress . YES WE CAN DO THIS !!!!!!!!!!! :happy:

    Istonlondry good job you are motivated and motivating I love seeing you on here it brightens my day , Thank you for checking on me it means alot. I agree WE HAVE A GREAT GROUP !!!!!! I will make november a good month too :wink:

    Nicobh, Some days are like that ,its good you realize your trigers, Mine the first day was pretzel sticks {cheese flavored} and sugar cookies in that situation they will be garbage next time ,there are just some things I cant trust myself with :noway:

    I was down to 209 went back up to 216 I have not changed it on my WI but I will do that today so i have a fresh start this month .I was down to 213 this morning so I am happy I am starting to loose again. I am adding the goal of loosing 14 LBS this month I know I can do it as long as there is no nonsence AND THAT IS UP TOO ME
    YES I CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!! AND SO CAN YOU :bigsmile: Have a great day everyone !!!!!!!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Hey Guys

    Day 3 has been much better for me. Fairly close to 1200 cals today and still got my exercise cals that I could use later if I need a snack before bed. (I'm in the UK in case you are wondering why I'm always so quick to check in).
    Cardio - did my 30 mins workout at 7am, really love starting my day like that (I wouldn't have said that a couple of months ago!), I've also done C25K Week 1, Day 3 - looking forward to moving on to Week 2, think I'm ready for it.
    Caffeine - only 2 cups of coffee today, other drinks have been green tea.

    Love reading how the rest of you are doing, Sam x
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    Day three went a little bit better, but still i didn't drink enough. Long meeting and full speed at work to make the deadline.
    Got todo better at that one.
    Made myself go for a short walk (and because of that take a break of work) and tried not to snack to much when the chocolates came out at the office.
    Stayed below my calories, so thats fine. Sleeping wont be a problem. Snacking after half 9, no problem because im having a late dinner.
    Enough for today, time to relax!
  • motherbetty
    motherbetty Posts: 170 Member
    Day 3 was productive for me. I have been really well behaved with my food intake and reached for fresh fruit instead of processed junk. :) I also raked leaves for close to 2 hours, which I am counting as my cardio. I had to dump the leaves down over the hill so that meant lugging a wheel barrel up and down, up and down. I could feel the burn! I'm still working on my water but it;s early and I feel I will probably accomplish it!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    I went a little over my calories, but suspect I didn't fully account for the various household things I did today. Today was my potato chip day- measured one serving, then put the rest away. No more until next week. Considering I got very little sleep last night, which usually brings on an urge to eat more food, especially starchy stuff, I did well for the day. I also made sure to add some green peas to dinner, rather than just serve a starch. So far, still on track. Look forward to seeing how everyone else is doing. Keep it up- because if I didn't have to report back at the end of the day, today would have been a totally different day. (Oh, and my post is showing its 5:11 p.m., but its actually 7:11 p.m. CST).
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Day 3:

    Today was a so-so day for me. I was hungry for pizza but went with pizza burgers with english muffins instead so a bit better choice but I went over my calories for the day. At least I was honest-and I cooked to boot!

    Spin class this morning for 45 minutes and I had circuit training class tonight so plenty of exercise today.

    I ended up with 3 liters of water today (even one glass so far tonight).

    As for the scale, I stepped on it this morning. But I was good and did not step on the scale during circuit training class.
  • moonfleur75
    Day 3 was definitely better for me than Day 2. I remained within my calorie goal and I logged everything. I worked out with my trainer tonight, so I'm maintaining the working out 5 days a week.
    Flossed again :)
    I'm debating on whether or not to allow myself to have a "free" meal tomorrow night. I know I can't allow myself a "free" day, but thinking one meal a week may work. We are planning on going to the Burger Bar.
    Thanks everyone for posting. Just seeing your daily check-ins helps me!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    The rules........

    1 . My first couple goals will include staying at 1500 calories or so, drinking 128 oz of water & exercising 2 times a day..

    2. 1 Good Habit will be to eat dinner early enough to take a walk afterwards.

    3. I will try to check in everyday !!!! good or bad .

    4. I haven't mastered taking a day off of exercise yet!

    Today I ate about two hundred calories over, which I have to be okay with.
    Today I didn't go on a dogwalk after dinner as I was trying to take a "day off" from workouts. (took her this morning though)
    Today I checked in and feel very good about my day. I really do, and I'm STILL determind to move that scale!!
    Today was my supposed "day off"of exercise.

    I hope everyone else had a good day today!! Elimay? How'd you do??

    I WILL make November a great month !!!!!!!!!!!
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Did okay today I guess.
    Didnt eat much, I felt really sick.
    Which means I didn't excersize either. But that's alright with me.

    Brushed and flossed 3 times.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    so sorry you are not feeling well :flowerforyou: Thank you for checking in :wink: Please feel better tommorow :happy:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    We had a great day 3 everyone !!!!!! Yay there is going to be so much less of us next month :wink:

    I stayed under calories
    64 ounces + water
    Excersized 40 mins goal 30 Jogged again for 2nd time :bigsmile:
    will do my good habit before bed

    Goodnight challenge friends :yawn:
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    Day 3--
    Drank lots of water and decaf tea.
    Went bike riding with my daughter for 22 minutes.
    Only went over calories by 120.
    Big success--threw away 3 candy bars and wasn't tempted
    avoided the candy bowl at work
    looked at a cookie in the lounge, but then walked away
    I have a huge sweet tooth, so this is a big deal for me. In the past, it was not uncommon for a parent to give me a pound of M&M's, and I would have polished off within 3 days EASILY.

    Best wishes to everyone on Day 4. :happy:
  • Nicobh
    Nicobh Posts: 19
    Day 3: This was a much better day. I stayed in the green, did 60 mins cardio, and 100 crunches. Ate on time and stuck to what I had planned. Put everything into the log. I've only drank 48 ounces of water so far, but will try to reach target before I go to sleep. It has been a hooray day!
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    Im in so here goes! :)

    My goals :

    1. try to eat breakfast everyday (this is very hard for me)

    2. drink atleast 2 liters of water a day

    3. excersize 30-60 mins a day

    good Habit: My goals :

    1. stay under calorie.

    2. drink 64 ounces water or green tea a day.

    3. excersize 30 mins a day.

    good Habit: facemask every second night

    free day: whatever I choose between monday and sunday.

    free day: sat or sun