November challenge !!!!!!!!!!!! : >



  • Elleebell
    I did pretty good today, I got on the treadmill for 20 minutes this morning and then walked my daughter to the park and played with her. I stayed within my calorie goal thanks to my exercise calories. I drank lots of water. Good day :)
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Nice third day. I exercised for 90 minutes and am under my calories. Drank my green tea and all water. On my way to do my good habit. I did however give in to a monster taco craving but I'm ok with that cuz I worked my butt off (581 calories zapped today). How is everyone doing? I feel so privileged to be going through this with all of you! Y'all are an amazing group. Goodnight all :/)
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Kelene I feel privileged too !!!!! You really are a sweet person. And good job on day 3. Goodnight :yawn:

    Good job Ellebell on a very good day :happy:

    Welcome miss Emylou why of course you can join us :wink:

    Nicobh Yay hooray a good day !!!!!!!

    Shoatus That is huge That you over came those temptations :bigsmile: it will make you stronger. I have a hard time with that too, I will follow your lead and throw them away. Thank you you have a great day 4 also :happy:

    I am so encouraged as I read everyones posts keep up the hard work. Have a great day tommorow girls :flowerforyou:
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    EDIT : Good progress everyone c:
  • JayJam
    JayJam Posts: 13
    I'm in! I need the motivation to get going.
    1. Keep calories under 1200 per day and drinks lots of water and green tea.
    2. Log in daily...good or bad
    3. Exercise 20 minutes a day
    4. Good habit to work on- getting to bed earlier ( before midnight!)
    5. Da y off- most likely Sunday
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Ok, Days 4, 5 and 6!!!! I am going away in a couple of hours time for a weekend by the sea with my family and my sisters family to celebrate my sisters 50th birthday. Apart from the cardio I did this morning and a good hours walk, the rest of my weekend will be focused around eating and drinking :drinker: I will try my hardest to make smart food choices but this kind of celebration doesn;t come around too often.

    Look forward to seeing how you are all doing when I log back on on Monday.

    Take care and enjoy your weekends,

    Sam x
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Life happens sammy :wink: so have fun . We will miss you .

    Welcome jam jam { love the name } so happy to have you we have a great encouraging group, I look forward to seeing you reach your goals :happy:

    Day 4 and we are doing great ,its our first weekend so it could be challenging but with a little planning we will be succssesful and as long as we log in we are anyway :glasses: we just can never never give up :noway: never.

    Have an awesome day challenge friends :bigsmile: I will check in this evening with my days goals .

    I remembered this morning that I forgot my good habbit I headed to do it and got side tracked :grumble: oh well that is why I need to make it a habbit. :wink:
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome JayJam c:
    Glad to have you here with us!
  • ravenzwart
    ravenzwart Posts: 108 Member
    Nice to see, that for the most part everybody is doing well.

    For me day 4, again not enough drinking. Stayed in the green, so thats okay.
    Going to bed soon, so the sleeping should go well and no snacking that's good.
    Last night i slept really bad, but i guess that was just processing the busy week.

    Tomorrow we're eating out with the parents in law :ohwell: , so it's going to be hard to stay in the green.
    We will see!
    Good night everyone and a good weekend!
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Dinner is done. If my husband hadn't pulled out the bottle of wine, I would have been within my daily calories. I stuck to just one glass (not that I could handle much more than that anyways). I got in 30 minutes of cardio this morning. Everyone else's goals are rubbing off. I'm trying to drink more water or non-caloric beverages during the day, especially when I start getting hungry. As you all know, this weekend will be the challenge. My husband took the day off of work today, and while he ate chips, I abstained. So, if I can just stick to it during the rest of the weekend, I'll be ok. Trying to avoid temptation while feeling hungry is going to be the challenge. Celery sticks and water here I come. Ok, I can do better than that- healthy, interesting snacks will be had.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Day 4 was less than stellar. Family is here for the football game tomorrow so the junk food is everywhere (and will be tomorrow as well). So needless to say I went over my calories and did not cook. I didn't get on the bike today but put in 45 minutes on the elliptical and spent about 2 hours raking leaves. I drank 4 bottles of water.
  • Elleebell
    I had a pretty decent day, although I didn't eat often enough or have time for vigorous exercise. I did walk with my daughter to the library, about 6 blocks each way. I stayed within my calorie goal and got a ton of homework done :).
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Elleebell, What a good mama you are I love that your little girl is incorporated in your work outs :happy: Good job!!!!

    Hawkeye sounds like you did pretty good to me , Hang in there for the weekend thats tough :wink:

    Good job amsw!!!!! glad everyone is rubbing off and encouraging :happy: A glass of wine sounds good :tongue: There are alot of healthy snacks good for you not eating the chips, I know if I eat one its all it takes:grumble: Hang in there for the weekend they are a bit more rough .

    Good job Raven !!!!!! have a good time with family :smile:

    Hope the rest of the evening is good for everyone :happy: Im still working on everything good so far :bigsmile:
  • Nicobh
    Nicobh Posts: 19
    Day 4: I met all my goals today - 60 mins cardio, strength training, logging what I ate, and staying within the four hour maximum between meals. I drank all 64 ounces of water. Today I attended an all-day workshop, and will be there again tomorrow and Sun. The days are long, 9 - 7, but I packed two snacks today and that prevented me from going more than four hours without eating. Thinking about checking in kept me from eating more after dinner which was around 8 this evening. All of you have kept me on track, so thank you!
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    Day 4--I didn't get to workout, and I did go over my calories today. But I am going to celebrate the I received 4 miniature candy bars from students, and at the end of the day I tossed them. It's funny, but I've never received so many candy bars from my kids in one week than I have since this challenge started. LOL
    We had a dessert night at church tonight, and I allowed myself 2 treats instead of loading up the plate.
  • l00zrr
    l00zrr Posts: 109 Member
    Meh. Today was kinda bad.
    Ate a bit too much, and only walked around a lot.
    Tomorrow will be better (:

    Habit is done <3
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    100zr we all have those days :grumble: tommorow is a brand new day :flowerforyou:

    schotas I agree you are very good at tossing those candy bars so proud of you :happy:

    nicobh yay great planning you had an awesome day, good work it will pay off :bigsmile:

    I finished my day with all my goals met and I made sure to do my good goal before I logged off tonight woooo hoooooo and I am going back down in my weight recently I was back up too 216 I was 212 this morning I feel really strong.
    Its so encouraging having everyone on here even if we have ups and downs we all are working in the same direction and its so nice to do it with such great people :flowerforyou: Goodnight everyone have a great tommorow !!!!!!!

    I will be out of town most of the day tommorow I have my food planned except for dinner I may not logg till tommorow night.
    Goodnight :yawn:
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Hello ladies, happy weekend! I'm so proud of myself today! My husband took me to a movie and all I had was red vines and a coke zero! And I got in my workouts and my good habit and stayed under my calories and drank all my water and tea :-) I hope everyone's Friday was great! Its raining here and I'm off to bed. All my love!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello Kelene great day and determination Im proud of you too , you are doing great. Its awesome that you went to the show and still stayed on track good for you. :bigsmile: Have a great saterday !!!!!!!! see you tommorow :flowerforyou:
  • moonfleur75
    Checking in for Day 4....I probably went over in calories since i had a "free" dinner last night. Went to the Burger Bar and had a veggie burger, no bun, sweet potato fries, and our waitress gave us free dessert which wasn't bad. To hear me say that the dessert wasn't bad, and I totally love sweets is kind of amazing. I don't even feel like I need to eat dessert there again. We got home so late last night, I went straight to bed. Overall I feel like Day 4 was a success.