Evey_bee Member


  • The values in this article are for 1 litre rather than a pint, so if you're happy to drink a litre of milk after a work out then go for it. Personally a litre of milk in one sitting seems like a lot to stomach, and might not be so good if you're going for a low carb diet.
  • For All, my top 10 most used are: Low fat vanilla yoghurt Dried Mango Cookies & Cream Protein Powder Dorset Cereals honey Granola Jordans Super Berry Granola Cadbury Twirl (oops!) Brown Rice Roll (I eat soup a lot) Oats so simple apple and blueberry porridge Fat free greek yoghurt
  • Same here! I've always had cellulite even before I put all my weight on, and most of it is still sticking around now i'm losing /: I don't think most people notice. Took my current boyfriend over a year to notice it, and since it's only very high up on my thighs/bum I doubt anyone else is seeing it! My big problem at the…
  • 400 cals isn't bad for a dinner. I have 430cals left today, and I'll be having a quorn stroganoff (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc1imuIL2L1qewyu0o1_500.jpg) with rice. If you use the calories on the right stuff then it'll work out okay. Smaller portions are a big thing for me to get my head around too. It is hard…
  • I hardly ever eat salads unless I can add quinoa/other stuff to make it a full meal and manage to stick to a 1200 limit. I try to eat a good balance of foods, although I do really enjoy vegetables. For stir frys I often just put soy sauce and mirin on my veggies instead of a jar of sauce(I too love teriyaki). Try eating…
  • Drinking water (or my preference is green tea) is great because often people are just thirsty when they think they're hungry. You need to learn to decipher whether you are actually hungry and whether you are just craving/bored/other reasons people eat. Eat things that will keep you fuller for longer on fewer calories, I've…
  • If you just want to lose weight then just stick to a calorie goal. Weight loss is just calories in vs calories out. If you really want to exercise, wake up earlier and go in the morning. I go to uni and have a part time job and that's what I do if I can't find any other time.
  • What kind of results are you expecting? A month isn't really long enough to see a great deal of change in your body so I would stick with it and try to keep your calorie logs as accurate as possible. Also depending on the exercise it can be better to take a few days off to allow the body to recover (I rock climb and do…
  • I'm in 3rd year and I make time for the gym. If I can't find it elsewhere I get up and go before lectures. I also have a part time job too. I eat healthy and I only have one or 2 drinks a night when I go out. And I ALWAYS log alcohol calories. People often forget alcohol has a lot of calories, and that also cuts out…
  • When I said I was going on a diet, my Dad asked me if it was the "see-food" diet ¬_¬ My mum just likes to comment about how she was so much skinnier when she was my age and then when i lose weight complains that i don't need to lose weight!
  • some girls I used to be friends with (obvious why I'm not anymore!) used to make whale and walrus noises behind a girl in high school that was a bit larger /: and try to put the words in any sentence they said to her. It was horrible, she thought they were friends with her. Now I stay in touch with her but am wayyy more…
  • "muffin top" and "flabby" are the 2 that come straight to mind /:
  • so going to try these!
  • I eat whatever I want provided it fits in my calories, but obviously I try not to overdo it and still get a relatively healthy diet (:
  • 15-18 tablets? Seems excessive....A multivitamin would probably do fine. What's your goal? If it's weight loss then having a 1000 cal meal plus 2 shakes plus snacks probably won't cut many calories off of what you already eat, but this doesn't seem very sustainable regardless. Can't you just eat a high protein, low cal…
    in Shakes Comment by Evey_bee October 2012
  • Mine was when I was 15, he was 16. We were together a year and a half but sadly things didn't work out. I'm now 20, and a few months ago went to his wedding. We're still very good friends, and him and his new wife are definitely made for each other (: I'm now almost a year into seeing someone else myself <3 Who I love very…
  • I always make time to go to the gym and my other exercise classes. Diet is not really a problem, I will inevitably have to eat so I just make sure it's healthier and within my calorie limit! If I don't have time to go to the gym the rest of the day then I will get up early and go before class or work (I work weekends). No…
  • 1 week isn't really long enough to see overall results. I weigh myself twice a week, and try to look at the overall trend in weight loss and not worry too much if one day is up by a couple of lbs.
  • I usually try to find something as close as possible, maybe with a higher than my own guess calorie count so that I can try to make sure everything is accounted for. Eg. I had a vegetable fajita at a local mexican restaurant a few nights ago, logged it as a chipotle vegetable burrito. We kind of just have to work with what…
  • I do pole dancing, so my dream is to be comfortable enough in hot pants and a crop top to perform in front of a large audience.....which I'm down to be in my clubs show in January!! This NSV is going to happen for me (:
  • I'm only on 1200cal a day and I'm set lose 1.2lbs a week. I could switch down to 1lbs a week at 1300cal, but since I eat back my exercise calories anyway I don't see that extra 100calories will make much difference in what I'm allowed to eat. I figured i'd rather slightly fewer weeks at 1200 since I'm pretty close to my…
  • A variation you could try that a friend introduced to me (and is a little harder) is to keep your legs lifted a little off the floor but straight whilst doing crunches. You might feel that a little more. (I don't know if there's a name for it!)
  • I'd say that's great! About on par with what I lost since the beginning of September (: and I'm certain I'm doing it right! It's just about realistic weight goals and tracking your progress properly (:
  • The sushi place around the corner from me does a happy hour at 10pm to get rid of everything...omnomnom. As far as it being healthy I would say yes! As long as you don't get a tonne of mayo or tempura stuff then there are certainly alot or worse things to eat!
  • Aha! Love it :D
  • 20 year old female here (:
  • 1. What can I get for you? 2. Is that a pound in weight or money? 3. They're 4 for £1.49 4. You can pay at the checkouts 5. ah ****, I need to get counts done (not to customers, obviously)
  • I seem to lose pretty evenly, including my boobs, which weren't particularly large in the first place ): I guess I can't have it all!
  • Actually I am pretty accepting. I don't want to eat meat, but everyone else can eat what they like. I accept this to the point that if I'm making a meal for someone I will cook meat for them if they don't like what I'm having, as I would expect them to cater to my tastes if I was at their house. I have never tried to…
  • I'm 5'3, started at 137lbs, currently at 131, goal is 125 (not far to go!). I'm also starting to go to the gym and train to be stronger too so feel free to add me (: I have my diary open to friends and like a good ol' chitchat too!