

  • I had the same one for awhile...unlike when wearing a chest-strap (which automatically records the changes in your HR) the strapless HR watches need to be pressed continually as your HR changes... as your exercise/HR increases... as well as decreases (recovery.)
  • Polar seems to be the industry standard.. I have a FT7 but i also use a simple strapless Sportline 915. I'd say for what you want it for, get a polar Ft4 or Ft7. You'll never work out without it once you try it.
  • This might throw you for a loop.... I think you're focusing on the WRONG thing... and worry too much about calories IN. There's a simple shortcut...get yourself a HR watch...and focus on calories OUT....the calories you are BURNING... once you're burning an extra 500 calories a day THEN the calories IN part will work it…
  • You may not be able to "exercise" like you see people doing it on TV... but you can climb stairs or steps... start small and increase it as you go.. This lady lost weight using stairs see article==> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/08/i-lost-weight-kim-fraley_n_2618297.html
  • Oh I beg to differ.... it won't be inflated at all. Try it.
  • Hmmm... I wear the watch -- especially when working with weights -- and what i realized is i burned more cals using weights than running. That's what baffles a lot of people. You can BURN BURN BURN even if you never run 5 yards. (I don't do marathons)
  • I just won one from The Biggest Loser Resorts page...a polar ft7 (with chest strap) Just tried it...nice!!! Prior to that I was using a strapless Sportline 915 and a Sportline s7 (walmart $35.. no like, return.) Without a strap you have to constantly press the sensor to get accurate readings. My views: doing a workout…
  • It's really not a question to focus on at this point. First get your your BMR... using tools online -- or even better -- get a hrm/calorie tracking watch and WEAR IT ALL DAY LONG. That way you know EXACTLY what your burning. It's best to know what you're burning before dieting vs the other way around. In the end, you gotta…
  • I totally agree with dogo187... why punch in data when you can have INSTANT feedback right on your wrist. One you use a hrm/calorie-tracking watch, you'll never exercise without it again. GUARANTEED.
  • It's FREE.
  • Um...It's FREE. Sorry.
  • Why punch it in when you can have near EXACT reading of calorie burns. I'm with a group who uses heart rate/calorie-tracking watches and the guessing game is over. You know to the "T."
  • JenMc14 Sorry... I beg to differ... I wear a calorie burn watch and strength training done using an HIIT burns A LOT of calories. In other words you perform strength training with LITTLE rest in between reps. It's all about INTENSITY when it comes to burning calories. You can jog real SLOW and you won't burn as much in the…
  • It's the "binging effect' from dieting. I did it too. It's because you're focused on "calorie RESTRICTION" which just isn't sustainable in the long run. What i did was flip the whole equation on it's head and focus on calorie BURNING (thru exercise) using a heart rate monitor/Calorie-Tracking watch. You don't mention…
  • Going 4.5 to 6.5 mph for 40 mins is a nice high and steady clip. I've done that as well as you ramp up the CALORIE BURN totals fast! So i'd have to say that's very accurate (plus you had the chest strap on.) Yes, the devices record HR, but they have an algorithm that determines your calorie burn totals from your age and…
  • Everyones different. Test it out. Eat just eggs one morning, then eggs toast, one day nothing, one day oatmeal.
  • They're all estimates and based on algorthims (sp) I solved that problem by wearing a calorie-tracking watch. It's more accurate. Try Polar or Sportline. No more guessing... and it changed everything for me. I seldom count calories going IN... but i'm always checking what I'm burning 24/7. I wear it night and day.
  • welcome aboard! I'm 52 and never had a weight problem until a few years ago. It took me 3 mos before i caught on to the key for me... wearing a calorie-tracking watch. Like night and day. i tried all the diets, counting calories IN, but it's really about BURNING the extra fat and calories you picked up. Now i concentrate…
  • Polar is good. I recommend the simplest calorie-tarcking watch like Sportline or Timex that doubles as a regular watch so you get a TOTAL calorie burn (whether you're working out that day or not) If you get one that's real Hi-tech, it becomes bothersome. Sportline 900's are simple, and affordable.