chaychay48 Member


  • I own weights in 3, 5, 8, and 10 pound intervals and tend to use all of them throughout the work out depending on the moves.
  • Unsure what my weight was in the first picture as I was less than one month postpartum and avoided the scale like the plague. When I started this journey at the end of April I was 200 lbs and lost 46 lbs by October. Went on a hiatus from October until February and was somehow able to maintain within in a 5 lb range. Back…
  • My four year old little boy tries to do work out videos as I do them and it is adorable! Whenever he asks why me and daddy go to the gym, run, or work out in the basement we always stress that we are doing so to be healthy, build muscles, and make sure our hearts and bones stay strong. We avoid fat shaming of ourselves in…
  • Thank you all for the support! With the ok from my doctor i started weaning off of the full dose of prednisone after three days and I feel much better, no more sinus pain. The CAT scan results came back and they didn't find any tumors or polyps, just some thickening of the lining in my sinus and a whole lot of gunk! And…
  • Just talking about my personal experience, don't know why it works that way FOR ME.
  • I also follow a keto diet and if I don't eat enough I gain or stall out. Are you working out? When I added exercise I gained a bit then stalled again as I think my muscles were holding on to water. Take your measurements as u may be losing inches and not pounds and not even realizing it. Hang in there!
  • I made cheesy cauliflower "tater" tots the other night and they were really good! The recipe called for corn meal which upped the carb count a little more than I would like, so I am going to try crunched up pork rinds next time to see if it works just as well. My husband said he preferred these to regular tatertots…
  • I pop pepperoni in the microwave until it is crispy and use a little bit of whipped cream cheese as a "dip"
  • My name is Michaela and in college someone mistakenly called me MaChayla in front of some sorority sisters which then led them to give me the nick name MaChayChay later to be shortened to Chay Chay. 48 is a number I use for everything for an unknown reason!
  • I have been eating low carb since April 25 and I have lost 18 lbs so far. Feeling great and I am always looking for new friends with a similar way of eating, feel free to add me!
  • Level 2 makes my knees hurt as well, not to mention my wrists and ankles! Made it through 2 days of Level 2 and then went on to Level 3 to see if it was better. While still super tough it seemed easier on my joints!
  • I agree with this. Sugar and grains make me bloat and retain water pretty badly. I was diagnosed with IBS years ago and found that cutting these things out have made my gas, bloating, irregularity, and stomach pains disappear.
  • The thing that everyone that is considering a low carb lifestyle needs to keep in mind, at least those considering Atkins in particular, is that it was not created so that you are confined to less than 20 or 30 carbs per day for the rest of your life. The idea is to kick it off for a few weeks with less than 20 to change…
  • Hi! I am breastfeeding mom (pumping while at work) with a 4 month old daughter. Started counting calories about a week ago to shed the baby weight, 30 pounds to lose to get to pre-baby weight and an additional 10 to lose to get to goal. I allowed myself 2000 calories but my supply still tanked in the one week I was…
  • Plus, if your do the Atkins way the right way, you eventually add in fruits and even grains *gasp*!! What?? grains?? Yup that's right, grains, in an amount that works with your body and your weight loss goals. I feel that those that talk down about it dont look into it enough and just jump to conclusions.
  • What I think that the naysayers don't take into account is that with any way of eating, if you go back to the way you were eating before, you're going to gain the weight back. I also think that they assume if you are eating low carb you are sitting around dipping your bacon into a tub of butter. I eat more vegetables now…
  • I'm using a mix between 3, 5, and 10 pound hand weights. The 10s for the bicep curl portion, and the 3 and 5 for the other moves.
  • I started yesterday as well! So far so good!