

  • Totally in. About to hit 31 and could use some motivation right now since I can't seem to keep myself on track. Melissa
  • Weekends are a constant struggle for me. M-F is great... and then Saturday morning arrives and it's all down hill till Monday morning. I have to find a way to control this.
  • I have had the chocolate cake mix with pumpkin. You can't even taste the pumpkin and it is soooo moist!
  • I love these as well! Add a piece of fruit and you have a yummy breakfast or snack. My kids love them too!
  • Re-doing week 2... W2 D1 was really hard Monday since I had taken a week "break" (BAD IDEA). But I am happy to say that W2 D2 was much better today!! Going to do W2 D3 on Friday and then start W3 on Sunday. Feeling good!!!! Melissa
  • I will miss your motivation... but completely understand! Melissa
  • I am having to repeat week 2 because I lost my motivation and veered off track for a week! Very frustrated with myself, but I am back! Seems like it was harder to start week 2 this time- maybe because I took a week break! But I pushed through and am ready for W2D2 on Wednesday.
  • I have a hard time with this one... though I think the idea is great because I always hear people say that if you deny yourself of those yummy meals on occasion you are more likely to fail in your diet. It sounds like you have a set reward and are in control of it so I say do what is working to keep you on track and happy.…
  • I love taking soup as well. I also take celery slices and spread some whipped chive cream cheese or hummus on the celery and then wrap some deli meat (chicken, turkey, or roast beef) around it. Between this and a cup of soup I feel very satisfied! This is SO quick to pre-prepare the night before! Another idea- cook a…
  • I have made this recipe as well and it is easy, fast, and yummy.
  • Finished week 2 on Saturday, but have been out of town since then and am planning to do a run Wednesday night (if I get home from my meeting at a decent time!). Since it will have been 4 days since my last run I think I will do one more day of week two to get back on track. Still loving it and would rather do a run than my…
  • Have totally lost my motivation- eating and exercise- for the last 3 days. Very disappointed in myself but am getting back on track. Will be starting level 2 tomorrow because I am getting board with level 1!
  • I tried a Weight Watchers recipe a while back that was delicious. Spread spicy mustard on top of the filet. In a ziploc make a mixture of whole wheat ritz crackers and melted butter (I used a VERY small amount of butter... it is used to keep the crackers together). Sprinkle mixture on top and bake in the oven.
  • Great idea! I bet adding a low fat graham cracker to it (either crumbled in the mix or used as a "dipper") would be good too!
  • Jacksonville, FL! Loving the weather right now... great for outdoor exercise!
  • I took Friday off (my schedule is to take every Friday off and then alternate the run with the Shred video the other 6 days). I think I am bored with my Shred video and need to move on the level 2- hence my motivation yesterday- and was looking for excuses not to exercise today! I did decide to do my run and I feel good…
  • I have NO motivation today. I didn't yesterday either during my Shred and therefore didn't even count it. So... do I give myself a break today or push through? Melissa
  • Found a Proform Wireless HRM for $65 and a Reebok Fitwatch 10S Strapless HRM Watch for $40. Votes?? Is the more expensive one better?? I know both have been mentioned in previous posts... Melissa
  • Welcome! I did level 1 day 7 today and had NO motivation at all. My children were monsters after school so I don't know if I was just in a bad mood or if I should move onto level 2 because I am getting bored with level 1. I don't have too hard of a time with level 1 so I may give level 2 a try on Thursday when I shred…
  • That 15 minutes of movement was better than 15 minutes of nothing! Some advice... rather than stopping before the video is over, take 5 second breathers (this is what Jillian suggests in the video) when you need to throughout the workout. Sometimes just that small amount of time allows you to catch your breath again. I…
  • Today I did Week 2 Day 1 and it kicked my butt! I pushed through though. When I saw that I had to run for 90 sec then walk for 2 min I thought I would try to run for 90 and walk for 90 instead. UM...... NO! Totally needed that extra 30 seconds to walk before running again! I learned my lesson that I MUST follow what the…
  • I am doing the Shred video on every other day. It feels good to get some strength training in with the running program. Melissa
  • My advice (and I have NO background with this) is to stay with week 4 again. If you try to push forward and get frustrated then you may be more apt to give up. I think I read on the coolrunnings site that the main reason people give up running is because they try to do too much too fast. Your body knows best! Melissa
  • Tomorrow I start week 2! Very excited! I can't believe I am keeping up with this program and actually enjoying it. Melissa
  • Level 1 Day 6 down! I actually got through the entire video with very little pausing for a breather. That feels so good! So how do I know when I am ready to move on to Level 2? Melissa
  • I either pan fry my chicken in Pam butter spray or bake it in the oven. Sometimes I just add a little salt and pepper if I am mixing the chicken in a casserole. I also love Emeril's seasoning if I am eating the chicken breast plain with a side of soup or vegetables. Tonight I had: 4oz of chicken baked in the oven with salt…
  • Finished week 1 day 3!! Ready to move on to week two on Sunday. I can't believe I am sticking with this and actually enjoying it! Thanks for all the advice about the HRM. I didn't realize they were so expensive!! And I am guessing a cheaper one will not be worthwhile... good thing my b-day is not too far away! Melissa
  • Just checking in! Did the shred Tuesday and Wednesday, ran today, Friday is my day off!!! Back to the Shred on Saturday. I sure hope to see some progress when I weigh in on Saturday morning... Melissa
  • Welcome! You are joining the most encouraging group of people! Some of us (me included) are doing the Shred every other day. Personally, I am alternating the Shred video with the Couch to 5K running program. I am exercising 6 days a week with Friday's being my off day. Good Luck! Melissa
  • When I put in 4.5 walk for 25 minutes it shows about 200 calories burned. I don't have a monitor so I can't be sure... ??? So I guess it would be in my best interest to buy a HRM. Any suggestions on a good/decent priced one?