

  • Hi all - today is Friday and I'm glad. I need the weekend to rest. Still feel completely out of whack physically :yawn: and I am reaching out for counseling so I can understand more about how my brother died. Once I can tie the loose threads together, I know that I will find the peace necessary to let him go and mourn.…
  • Hi Everyone: Nice to be back in Colorado; i'm moving toward balance. How is everyone doing? Nancy
  • ok - i'll join in on the challenge - today will be the first day doing this challenge and i will hit the gym during lunch
  • I just checked out the new design. I really don't see any difference except that the visual will be different - updated, if you like...the way of tracking everything is pretty much the same; i dont have any problem with the new and improved version. nancy :)
  • Jillian Fat burning is at a lower cardio (65% of target rate) - meant to help us go longer. Cardio is at the higher rate - always (85% of target rate). THe longer you go exercise at a higher heart rate (now be careful - no heart attacks) the more calories you will burn. If you are just starting out, stick with the fat loss…
  • Jeffrey - OK...i'm all clear on the SIL, MIL, BIL, FIL, lingo; i'm sorry to know that she is not well; calie - when you are back on the trike, le me know - we can ride the road together :laugh: gayla - happy birthday to you; i've got a few more years to go before i also enter the 60s; not sure i wanna go there, to lol…
  • Another thought: when you cook - cook in volume - that is, cook a large stew or dish that can be frozen so you don't have to cook on certain days - just reheat and that should give you some free time; the bottom line: if you want it bad enough, you will make it happen for you - no one else can do anything for you that you…
  • What state do you live in - i can fit you in between 6:00 and 7:00pm any night - i'll supply the pots and pans!! :laugh:
  • HEY GIRLS!!! - THERE IS A NEW GUY HERE - :laugh: all kidding aside (maybe) nice to have you join the site - its always a pleasure to welcome a newbie nancy :glasses:
  • callie - elli - birdie; you crack me up. i learned to ride a motorcycle when i was 48 - woke up one day and decided "hey, I think I'll learn to ride a motorcyle". where ThAT idea came from, no one - not even me - can figure out; but hey - the rest is history. I actually feel safer on a bike then in a car - its a little…
  • Tracey - nice to have you here. You are in the same boat as all of us and while some are paddling, others are bailing out water faster than a duck can paddle - if you want, we can be friends and run this road together while learning all there is to learn to eat healthy and live a healthier lifestyle. Nancy :glasses:
  • hi ashley - nice to see you here; we are all here to help each other so if you ever have any questions, feel free to mail me nancy
  • Sherry - welcome:flowerforyou: nice to have you here; you went from 413 to 220? you go, girl - that is an awesome accomplishment - kudos to you, big time. Stick with whatever you are doing and the rest will come off, as you know. We just all help each other get over the bumps - mail me anytime nancy :glasses:
  • weaklink - thanks for the welcome, Motorcycle Mama works but Motorcycle Diva works better :tongue: I haven't heard the song mentioned but the song Born to Be Wild somehow always followed me - could never figure that one out :devil: Sandydur - thanks and I know I will enjoy being here. I have a feeling this is quite a…
  • Lafla - i am happy to be here. While reading your post, I couldn't help but wonder if you live in Minnesota - 40 degree below zero and all. No sticking your tongue on any metal objects while outdoors when its that cold, huh; :noway: Just got back from having dinner with two friends; one is done with the dating scene and…
  • Thanks sineadm - appreciate the welcome :smile: nancy
  • thanks - i'm 57 years old, work in civil/criminal law with my daughter, who is 23. My son, who will turn 21, is now just thinking of going to college - OK!! I'm born and raised New Yawk but moved to Colorado about 30 years ago and while having the opportunity to live in just about every state, this is where I will always…
  • gram - hi there - i'm brand new here today myself...nice to have you on board. if you would like to be friends, let me know - i could always use a buddy on this journey nancy
  • Hi all - I don't know if you have to be a certain age to join, but I'd like to be part of your group. I'm 57 and hope that qualifies me :smile: Nancy
  • Yeah - we are ALL watching you :laugh: Nancy
  • Thanks, Amanda - nice to meet you - appreciate the welcome wagon :smile: Nancy
  • Hi there - i read that you are experiencing headaches since eliminating soda from your diet; sounds like a caffeine withdrawal as carrie states; the best way to eliminate that is to slowly ween yourself off: half reg soda; half caffeine free soda for a while until your body adjusts - doctor recommended - doctor was right!!…
  • thanks megan - i appreciate your response. would you like to be friends on this journey with me? I could use the company :) nancy
  • tori - hi. i see you posted a blog about being stuck at 37 pounds. to begin with, i think you need to set your sights on your diet and exercise - NOT on the thought that other people are losing 10 pounds per month. while everyone's metabolism is different and everyone loses weight differently, i think you answered your own…