Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.



  • Hi Everyone:

    Nice to be back in Colorado; i'm moving toward balance. How is everyone doing?

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    It is time for all of us to get into a happy mode!


    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, you are right and today I am in a happy mode or at least back to my usual self! Praise God! I got weighed yesterday and my weight stayed the same even though I got a little bit sloppy on Monday.:blushing: So that is my positive thought!!!
    I know what you mean about the lights and music this time of year. They have the same affect on me! Glad they’re helping you with all the stress (your SIL, Day’s mother and your friend with diabetes).

    Thank you all for your prayers and kind words of encouragement. It meant a lot to me this past week..... and even got me through it all!:love:
    So I am back on track and doing well.:bigsmile:

    I'm behind on posts but I tried to read some of them.:happy:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I hope your visit with your step daughter goes well and you find peace in it all. It isn't easy but I'm glad you have your meetings to help you focus. 12 step programs are the best!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I use to go to OA (Overeaters Anonymous), so I am very familiar with their program and still use so many of their slogans like “One Day at a time & Let go and Let God.

    :cry: Barb: It is so sad about those climbers. How scary and very, very tragic!:brokenheart:

    :flowerforyou: Marie: You're doing well, I see. Always a light to us all! 2 ½ lbs is very good! Don’t underestimate it! Poor Nancy! So many sad things going on!

    :wink: Elli: Why can't you wear a 2 piece bathing suit?:wink: I had a section for all my kids and when the doctor asked about the incision and if it was a problem....I laughed!! :laugh: Only God and my husband has seen that much of me and I'd like to keep it that way!!!:laugh:
    (Also, saying a prayer for your DIL):love:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla: Hang in there! It can't be easy for you with all the issues you're dealing with....but it sounds like you are one strong lady and I admire that! Keep warm!!!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie: The hide of a Rhino and the sensitivity of a butterfly? Wow….what wisdom and yes very good advice. Thank you. (Congrats on another lb, too!)

    :flowerforyou: Sandi: 4 lbs!!! That’s awesome! Keep up the good work!

    :flowerforyou: Ellen: Glad to hear from you!!! Watch out for those diabolical cookies!!!:devil:

    :flowerforyou: Nancy welcome back and my condolences. What a tragedy! Let’s hope things are looking up from now on!

    If I missed anyone…sorry! But sending hugs and greetings to all!:love::love:

    Have a great day!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hey Nancy - glad you're back home. so sorry about your family's loss.....

    Birdie - thank you for your prayers for my dil - and i'm with you! No one needs to see that part of me! lol - scary!!!!!!!!!!!! not to mention wrinkly! I'm in happy mode also - such a great place to be isn't it? I'm going to bake some gingerbread and sugar cookies this afternoon - for my guests coming tomorrow! Don't worry! not for me!

    Marie - i used to smoke also - it's been......about 35 years since i quit - about the same since i quit eating grateful to be living a healthy lifestyle!

    talk to u all tomorrow! elli
  • Hi Everyone!

    Just a quick note to say hello! I will catch up better tomorrow!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from very warm Saskatchewan -- it was -10C (14F) and feels very nice. I had to take off one layer of clothing today. I only have a few minutes as folks are hungry here but wanted to touch base with you all. Neil's hospital stay is booked starting January 3. He will be fine the first day:smile: , ok the second:ohwell: , a little grouchy the 3rd:grumble: and worse from there:noway: . We will be with him most of the time. He will be in an Observation Room so some lights are on all the time. I think that is what irritates him the most. I think there are 4 or 5 beds all with various amounts of equipment. We will do the best we can to make it as comforatable as possible. I do have a picture of him from his last observation. If I can find it I will post it.

    Sorry, not to do personals for awhile. I am thinking of you all but life is a bit crazy. Hopefully I will do a better post tomorrow. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • Hi everyone,
    Yes, Barbie, so sorry to hear about the fate of the Mt. Hood climbers. Very dangerous passtime in the winter I guess.
    Thanks for your kind and welcome encouragement, Sandy and Barbiecat. I appreciate it.
    I guess most of us are in holding mode over Christmas. At least, not to gain is a good goal &/or accomplishment for the holidays.
    Keep well everyone, take care, talk soon when I have more time, have company staying over just now.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning ,
    Gonna be a nice day tiday. The sun is shinning rather cool right now but surpose to get warmer as the day goes on.

    Do you all know Christmas is next week. Are you ready for it? I guess I am . Got sll my gift card purchased. Now all i got to do is make some Christmas cards to put them in. I got all of the food I am to prepared ready to cook.We will be going to Kathy house to have dinner with all of her critters.

    Alice is still off work and having more test run. They still have not pin point her problems yet but she is feeling better

    Other than that everything is great.

    :heart: :heart: Marie:heart::heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - so glad Alice is at least feeling better! I AM ready for Christmas - i still have baking to do - i'll get started on that today after work!

    Gayla - is there any chance Neil would use an eye pillow? To keep some of the light out? That would be awful to have to sleep with lights on! I don't blame him for getting grouchy poor guy!

    Nancy - how are you doing?

    I'll probably be mia over the weekend 'cause i'm having company! Everybody have a great weekend!

    Oh - i'm feeling SO fat........really ready to get back on track - food wise AND exercise wise!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Here is my healthy recipe for today

    Flax waffles

    1/4 c ground flax
    1/2 t. baking powder, 1 t cocoa, 1 t. cinnamon
    1/4 c choppedd walnut
    2 pkg splenda

    Mix till blended well

    Add 1/4 c eggbeater, 1 T. oil,1/4 c light sour cream May need a little water to thin it down,
    I used about 1 T. Mix good and spoon into hot waffle iron untill it quit steaming. I serve mine with whipped cream cheese.
  • Hi all - today is Friday and I'm glad. I need the weekend to rest. Still feel completely out of whack physically :yawn: and I am reaching out for counseling so I can understand more about how my brother died. Once I can tie the loose threads together, I know that I will find the peace necessary to let him go and mourn. :cry:

    Colorado is enjoying 50 degree weather...which to me is warm. I did enjoy the flordia weather, tho - Tshirts and shorts the entire time. I think I can get used to that kind of weather though I don't like going from warm to freezing - air time to adjust to that - Ugh!!

    Everyone doing good today??? - My best to you all

    nancy :glasses:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hey Nancy - we're glad to have you back, but so so sorry for your loss.......I'm glad you're getting some counseling. Hang in there. You missed some REALLY cold weather while you were away. It's been beautiful this whole week though.

    Marie - your waffle recipe sounds yummy!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :wink: Dropping in to say a quick hello. I'm at work, all alone, and someone delivered a Gift Basket of the most decadent candies and cookies!!!!:noway: I was sitting at the desk, where the basket was, and reading the ingredients on all the items! :noway: What the heck's wrong with me!!!:noway: A "slip" starts in your head, so why am I thinking about all these diabolical:devil: treats!! I ran away from the desk and went online to talk to my MFP friends instead!!!:love:
    So here I am....10 feet away from a potential disaster.....but 100 miles from my lips!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: I will not touch it and instead I will feel very accomplished tomorrow when I think back on this tempting situation!:flowerforyou:

    Have a great weekend everyone! I have lots to do, as I didn't do much for Christmas yet. They say we have a snow storm coming on Sunday so I should go out after work and get some things done:ohwell:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! It is warm today but foggy with very icy streets. Dave and Quinn are on the highway to go pick up a fridge. Quinn's died and his bil had a spare that they can have. I hope it works, a bad time of year for an unexpected expenditure. Dave and I did a bit more shopping today and again out for lunch. I must have done ok because I am really hungry now. I just took some leftover chicken cacciatori out of the freezer so an easy dinner for sure.

    Nancy -- So sorry for your loss. Glad you are getting some help.

    Birdie -- You are very strong. I would have a hard time resisting. You will be rewarded for your diligence.

    Elli -- Have a great weekend. The eye pillows would be great if there is some way to keep them on. His head is covered in leads for the EEG. His head will be wrapped in gauze to keep them in place. They are actually glued on but the gauze is an extra security because they need to stay on for so long. The camera records on him constantly and if they see a seizure they match the activity to the brain waves. Interestingly, 2 days ago we increased one of his medications and as far as I know he has only had one seizure since. I am so hopeful that this is the ticket but I am experienced enough to know that it really never lasts for long.

    Marie -- You seem so happy with your diet. I am so glad that it is a fit for you.

    Hi to everyone else. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    I just realized that I haven't posted anything here for awhile.:laugh: I read your posts everyday and think about what to say in reply but apparently I kept forgetting to actually write anything.

    The weather is better here now----warm and about 50 degrees with some rain.

    The line dance performances on Monday and Tuesday went well. Jake came and watched the last one. There were 18-20 of us dancing each time.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I am in favor of getting in a happy mode and staying there. The holiday season was never meant for people to feel sad, lonely, stressed, or inadequate. You seem to know how to enjoy the holidays and not let things get you down. I'm not surprised that the younger guys are having trouble keeping up with you. You are in such great shape

    :flowerforyou: Marie, sorry to hear about your toenail and glad to hear that you've lost your cravings for carbs----getting rid of the cravings is half the battle. It is such a delight to hear from you. You have such a fabulous attitude about life. Congrats on losing more pounds.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I saw a sign today for a new place here that has hot yoga. Maybe I'll stop in one of these days and find out more (of course, I should probably get back to my regular yoga DVDs first :laugh: ) I will continue to think positive thoughts for you DIL as she awaits the next ultrasound. I know you're doing everything to help her avoid getting stressed out about this.

    :flowerforyou: Sandi, glad to hear about your weight loss and sorry to hear about your gall bladder. I don't know much about that but pain and illness are never good news. I hope you're back to your regular healthy self very soon.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, your upbeat attitude is such an inspiration to me. Neil is so fortunate to have you in his corner. I'm glad you have a great medical team to help him get through all his challenges. That stay in the hospital sounds like it will be tough for him but if it results in some help for him that will be great.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for sharing the news about the mountain hikers even if the news was bad. I don't watch or read the news at all. We've had rain that kept the dogs away from the dog park so they were really disappointed and they can't go walk around WalMart or Costco like I do.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I know you'll find the right attitude for your visit from your stepdaughter. I'm sure the meeting will help you get the right mind set.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, welcome back to the thread. I'm so sorry about your loss. We'll enjoy having you back with us. Getting counseling is a great idea. There are no prizes for people who try to walk through tough stuff by themselves.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, you are so right about aiming for no weight gain over the holidays. We had cake at line dance today and I just said "no thank you" and nobody cared :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie congratulations to you for walking away from the treat basket. You don't have to eat that stuff. You have done too well to throw it all away for a few minutes of pleasure that probably won't be all that pleasant anyway.

    Jake is gone all day to a special event that includes a potluck dinner. He cut up broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, radishes, and peppers and brought a tub of that yummy sun dried tomato hummus from Costco. I'm home with the dogs. We went to the dog park for almost an hour after lunch and they had a blast. It drizzled a bit but that didn't bother the poodles or the seven other dogs that they were playing with. I'm enjoying time at the computer and later will get on the exercise bike and watch some TV.

    You all add so much to my life and even when you don't hear from me, I'm thinking of you. Best wishes to all of you who are busy finishing your holiday tasks.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs,:heart::heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat, I was just going looking for you. And there you are. Glad to hear from you. That Jake really went for that hummus in a big way. It is really good for you. I can't have any yet but after January I can. Will have to check out the carbs and see how much I can have. It has giid fiber in it and that will bring the net carbs down some.Think I will check it out on our food chart. My faverite one is roasted peppers. May check the others out when I can have some.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    Wake up you guys.
    Another pretty day outside.
    I love it.
    All is well here.
    I know everybody is busy with Christmas.
    me too.
    :heart: :heart: Marie:heart::heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Good Snowy Morning,

    It is a beautiful site with fresh fallen snow, especially since I am staying in most of the day. :bigsmile: My step daughter is in from California and with the weather my husband asked me not to go to obedience school today. Since there won't be any class for the next two weeks I guess missing this one won't be a big deal. (I really wanted to go but if he is asking me to stay home there must be a reason)

    My DIL will be baking tons of Christmas cookies today along with my dancer grand daughter, another girl and my step daughter.
    I will be taking my four year old grand daughter to a birthday party later. Tonight I think we are taking a ride to go see the Christmas lights at Cuneo Museum, it is so pretty there.

    Hope you are doing well, getting things done and keeping happy.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We have a lovely day with the trees covered in a mixture of snow and hoar frost. It looks like a Christmas card. Dave was out early sweeping the driveway and the sidewalk, not enough snow to use the snow blower or even a shovel. Dave has been fighting an ear infection and it doesn't seem to want to clear up. He sees the ear specialist again Wed. but I am thinking he should call to see if he can get in Monday. Always something it seems. On the other hand, Neil has had only 2 small seizures since the medication change last week. Keep those prayers coming!! The best part is he is sleeping so good. I don't hear him tossing and turning constantly due to the seizure activity.
    As I said there is always something. . .. today I was into my recipe cupboard looking for my nuts and bolts recipe. I set my coffee cup down on the counter and you know it --- the recipes (papers, small books) came tumbling out of the cupboard, knocked the coffee over and made a general mess of everything. So I have taken the opportunity to go through the recipes and sorted out which ones I really wanted and put the rest in the garbage. Not sure why I save so many, I never seem to use them. Of course, several of the ones I wanted were wet. I have put them out to dry and will enter them into the computer later. I am liking that my cupboard now looks so organized. I have a few more cupboards that could really use some attention. So, I still have to make the nuts and bolts but have lost my enthusiasm. My youngest son and Dave are the real nuts and bolts guys. I also generally make a sausage quazo (sp.) and I am going to see if anyone would be crushed without it. It isn't hard, just takes time and I like it too much. Other than that I will make a few cookies and appetizers and call my Christmas prep. done. I seem to always be talking about food lately. Bad, bad girl.

    Marie -- I am so glad that Alice is feeling better but I know she must be anxious to get a diagnosis. I have been meaning to ask you about your loose toenail. Is the Dr. going to remove it? Is it giving you a lot of pain? Neil has a loose toenail as well (on the foot that was most recently operated on) and it seems to give him a lot of discomfort when he walks. The podiatrist said that it will fall off but will take about a year!!! I am debating taking him back to the orthopedic surgeon. I think it is loose as he jarred it when he fell off his bike awhile ago. It bled under the nail and this is the result.

    Sandy -- Your husband takes good care of you. Is he feeling a bit better? You have reminded me that I want to go see the Christmas light display that is put up every year at the Forestry Farm (it is a zoo). They have been doing it for years and we never have gone. It is so warm today that this may be a good evening to do that.

    Elli -- Your children are in my thoughts and I am so hopeful that all is well with the pregnancy.

    Barbie -- You have been very busy dancing! Do you have more performances scheduled? Sounds like fun.

    I guess if I am going to do anything today I better get started. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:
    Gayla no my toe don't hurt for the doc said it is not infective and I have no feelings in my foot from my diabetic. . It hasn't came off yet and I keep an good eye on it. I do feel some pressure on it tho.
    Alice is off getting her nailsd one and her gray hair color. Neither on of my girls want their grey hair showing. I never did get my hair color for it was just too much trouble going to get it fix.

    Sorry to hear Neil has problems with his. But that is wonderful that his sizures are not very often now, Is this the new medication.
    :heart: :heart: Marie:heart::heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Just checking in. It's cold and we're expecting a blizzard! I went shopping last night and will make sure I go to mass today at 5 because I'll be snowed in tomorrow! :noway: What a lovely time to get snowed in!!:love: I can do my cards, some baking, some wrapping and just plain enjoy the reason for the season. What a difference a week makes!!!:flowerforyou:
    Have a wonderful day and will try to check in again!:smooched:
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