Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning everybody. Nice to get up this morning and see all of the busy people.

    Alice is going thru a rought time of it. She has had chest pains for 2 or 3 months. now. They have run every kind of test and Tues her blood pressure went way up and off to the hospital again. Don't know how many times she has been in the past months. Her Doctor has her on Jello and water till Sunday. They thinks she has infamatation [misspell\ on her pancrease, so giving it a rest. I think she needs to go on this diet I am on. It is detoxing my pancreas.The first 8 weeks. And it has done wonders, I used to have dark elbows like I have not wash in a 100 years now they are nice looking. A couple others girs reportedt on the same thing, I think I have a couple more weeks and i will be adding more carbs to my diet.
    Alice was surpose to go to South America Sunday on her job, It is south of Mexico. but they cancel her trip out. My Son is going to Mexico on his job next week for a few days. I don't like them doing all this traveling to all these plasces but a job is a job.

    Gayla, That would be wonderful if Neil could learn to read. I am sure he could learn. For he knows how to used his cell phone,
    I am wishing the best for him. I got all my Christmas shopping done. Its was pretty simple just pick out gift cards.

    Barbiecats, Glad to hear you are learning to eat out. Sharing meals with others is such a plesure. Just make the right choice.
    I am so glad I am over my cravens that I have had so long.

    Birdie--- Sorry about you BIL. Its so hard to let go.

    Sandy, How is that big wonderful Daisy? And Frank, hope he is in less pain by now.

    Elli, You look like a young teenager in your pictures.. I an praying for you DIL. I know how thrill you will be.

    Jeffrey, Where in th thunder are you?


    I didn't get to finish my keys wouldn't move so had to cut it off.

    Was going to say good morning to Beth. and hope she has a vine Holidays ahead/

    I sent Nancy and Ellen both a PM but have not heard a word from them.

    talk to you guys later, Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Saturday,

    Our obedience class was canceled today, due to lack of space. They are having some kind of winter fest or something. Daisy has been so wild since my husband broke his shoulder. I don't think she understands why he isn't playing with her or feeding her like he did. Plus the cold weather really makes her hyper. I think I will try to get her to the dog park today so she can run off some energy.

    My step son asked me to make my home made stew for dinner tomorrow, so since I don't cook that great, I am happy to make something that some one likes. :laugh: It is a simple recipe from my mom, but Phil likes it over big egg noodles.

    My step daughter was supposed to come in this weekend from California, but she postponed until next week. She only comes for three days so it doesn't matter what days she comes. :tongue:

    Babe is still in pain and starting to get grumpy. I just don't think men can handle pain as well as women. (no offense Jeffrey or Jake) He wants his shoulder healed today. :laugh: :laugh: He does sleep, so he is getting some rest, if his pain doesn't feel better to him by Monday I will call the doctor and see what he says.

    I feel like I am getting a lot of exercise just taking care of him, up down, get this, get that, whew.......

    Have a good day,

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I did some internet snooping and found information on treating the injury your spouse has. One of the things they mention, in addition to pain meds, is icing the shoulder for 20 minutes at a time and avoiding direct contact with ice to the skin. You may already be doing this. If not, I wanted to pass on a hint. One of the best "ice packs" around is a bag of frozen peas. You can refreeze them, and when you take them out of the freezed, once they are tapped against a hard surface, then will separate so you can mold and shape the bag around the area needing treatment. When my former spouse broke his knee cap, I had a revolving pair of "ice bags" that got used during his recovery. Needless to say, after all that freezing and refreezing, we did NOT eat them later!!:laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm sorry to hear that Alice is going through such a tough time.........are you going to encourage her to try your diet? what is her eating like now? It must be stressful for you with them traveling so much

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm glad you're getting to do some things for yourself even with your hubby ailing and in pain. Poor Daisy not getting to play with her Daddy. :sad: I know that the dogs never understand when someone is sick or injured, they just want all the attention:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, my chiropractor always says "ice is your friend"......whenever some part of my body isn't right, I put an ice pack (wrapped in a kitchen towel) on it and it has always helped. I've heard about a bag of peas being a good substitute when you don't have an actual ice pack.

    We've had a fairly lazy day----we slept late and plan to go to bed early........I went to a holiday craft fair this morning....Jake fixed breakfast (eggs over easy, hash browns with onions, and turkey bacon
    yummy, but not something I'd eat too often) We both went to the dog park even though it was a bit too cold for Jake and his heart condition, we just didn't walk as fast or stay too long.

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Thanks Barb, we have been icing 30 minutes at a time, but we are using an ice bag. Next time I go to the store I will buy a bag of peas and try that. I did talk to the office today because his wrist is now hurting, but they said it is all from the fall and possibly from being in the sling. He is starting to get muscle spasms in his arm so I will be glad when Monday gets here and I can talk to his doctor again.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Barbiecat, Jake breakfast sounds so good.
    I am having pancakes this morning with turkey susage this mornring. the pancakes will be out of coconut flour. Which is on my list of foods. thanks Barbie, Alice had a better day yesterday. He has her on Pain pills and she slept all day. She can add broth to her diet today..Jello and water is gettin old. I don't know how long she will have to eat like t hat. She ought to lose some more weight,

    Sandy, [oor Daisy so mix up. I know Sammy is upset when his normal routine is mess up.

    Elli, Sammy got another bath with that shampoo in fact he had two baths. He got out and chase a cat umder the car and he went under too and got all dirty so 2 bath in one day. That didn't set too well with him. But he smells so nice.

    Good morning Gayla, You are a busy girl with all your sports event and bithhday cooking. The Dallas Cowboys play today. Football is the only sports game I like.. I was so disapponited when our Texas university quarterback did not win the heisman tropy.last night. I can hardly wait till Texas and Alabanma play in Jan.

    Birdie, I know why they call you Birdie because you eat like a bird. So proud of you, Keep it up

    Barbs, you keep us laughing.

    Beth, I have know you about a year now. So glad you kept in touch.

    Jeffrey, I have know you a year now. It seems a lot longer.

    Jake, Thats nice that you cook Barbie breakfast. And it sounds wonderful,

    Phoebe---I am looking forward for your time at home.

    Well got to go make them pancakes and get my coffee
    See you guys later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: I slept late today (6AM) and Jake slept until 8:30. When he sleeps late the dogs get back in bed with him and they all sleep and let me have some peace and quiet.

    Jake has a friend coming over at soon so I'm going to leave and let them have some privacy. In the good weather I used to go for a walk. Today I'm going to walk at WalMart.:laugh: I hope I can walk with my hands in my pocket so I don't buy anything I don't need. I already shopped on the internet (more silk underwear and more jeans that fit)

    It just started to snow. When I walked the dogs this morning I noticed that the sky was overcast but it was dry and warmer than it has been in over a week. The dogs love the snow.:bigsmile:

    WalMart has rest rooms so I can drink two glasses of water :drinker: :drinker: before I go and still walk without worry:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm glad Alice is getting some sleep

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, best wishes to your hubby for a speedy recovery and best wishes to you for some rest and relaxation

    :heart: :heart: hugs :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning,

    All this talk about breakfast makes me want to jump in the car and drive to your house and get some. Marie is too far away, so Barbie and Jake, bar the door, I can be there in about 4 hours, depending on how much traffic is on 101!!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Marie, I hope your daughter feels better soon, and I am so glad you found your pedometer, without having to buy another. That is usually what happens to me. I misplace something, purchase a replacement, and come home and the other item turns up!!:laugh:

    We dodged a major "weather bullet" this weekend. All week the weather forecasters had been threatening us with snow and freezing rain from the moisture that was heading our way from the south. When it arrived here and mixed with the arctic air from the north, we were going to be in big trouble. Fortunately, the moisture didn't come as far north as was expected, so there were problems about 50-100 miles south of here, but we just got plain old rain yesterday. It did freeze overnight, so getting to church was a little slippery this morning due to wet pavement.

    I would like to think the reason the snow and ice stayed away was because of the new snow shovel I purchased at the beginning of last week!!!:laugh:

    On a more sad note, the weather has been severe in the Cascade mountains, and three experienced climbers came up missing on Mt. Hood Saturday. Two of them are still missing as I write this, but unfortunately, the third was found dead on the mountain. There hasn't been any info about whether it was due to exposure or a fall, but sad all the same.

    Have a good Sunday, everyone.:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie, Do I see another 1 lb lost on your ticker? How much more do you want to lose. Jake will have to get you on maintance soon.

    Barbs sorry to hear about the climbers. They ought to have more sense than to climb those mts. in the winter. But still sad. Seems like every year we hear something like this.

    Everybody have fun with your exercise and eating. Jerry is having a TV dinner tonight. and I will have a hamburger fully loaded on a Low carb tortilla. And a good serving of veggies. And get a good walk in before the game. It is getting warmer out there now.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I didn't see Barbie's post before my last one as they overlapped. I have been going to the shopping mall near where I live to walk indoors. I find it "safer" to walk there, as I can do so without actually going INSIDE a store!!!!:laugh: I wish I could walk the doggies inside with me, but unfortunately, canine shoppers are not allowed, unless they are service animals. I don't think I could convince anyone that the three of them making me laugh is a "service"!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Marie, your hamburger sounds yummy. Maybe I will have to rustle one up for myself for dinner tonight.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barb, don't come to our house today for the food. This is Isagenix "cleanse day" and we're only having the liquid cleanse beverage and some small snacks to keep blood sugar level.........tomorrow might be a better day.:laugh: That is a shame about those climbers...sometimes the challenge just causes people to take chances

    :flowerforyou: Marie, yes, I posted another pound lost today. My goal is to lose three more pounds which may or may not be possible. I raised my daily calorie goal from 1200 to 1280 and I'm staying active so we'll just have to see what happens.

    My walk at WalMart added 4300 steps to my pedometer. I would have come home empty handed except that Jake asked me to buy him the new Harry Potter movie so I did. The snow lasted just long enough to be entertaining. There was neither rain nor snow by the time the doggies and I went to the dog park but the weather was nasty enough to keep most other people home so it wasn't very crowded.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Good Morning, at least I hope it is for all of you. I am not an early riser but every since my husband got hurt I have to get up early to take care of him and Daisy. :yawn: I stay up late so I am lacking sleep and for some reason when I do go to bed I am having a hard time falling asleep. :grumble: I can't leave the house for more than an hour because Daisy is hard to handle with one arm, so I am missing all my weekly activities. No card game, no bingo, no meetings......:cry: It could be worse so I am done with my whining. :bigsmile:

    Stress is so bad for you as far as eating, I overate junk food so badly yesterday. I got ti out of my system and will get back on track today. The last thing I need right now is to gain weight, not after how hard I have worked to keep it off. I will exercise today, I will exercise today......................

    Hope everyone had a great weekend and continued happiness for all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Sandy hope you have a better day today. It is hard nursing a husband and a big puppie. Sammie would absolutely drive me crazy with Jerry not playing with him and taking him for rides in the car.And sleeping on his lap. He would want me to sit down and hold him for his nap. Spoil iIreckon.

    Hey there Barbiecat , I bet you look hot in your red silk underware. WOW WOW.

    Barbs you going to have to get you some.

    Elli, How is that gingerbread house coming along.?

    Gayla, Get your son Birthday dinner all done yesterday and stayed out of the cake.

    Phoebe, You better get home and get ready for Christmas or Santa will forget ehere you live. Can't have that.

    Jeffrey, I know you are busy busy . Being sure everything is taken care of.

    Birdie,Got big plans for Christmas?

    Jake, What a nice Christmas present , being nice and trim for this Christmas. Alot difference for both of you.

    Beth, this time last year you was getting ready to be deployed. Glad it is over with and how is your running doing.>

    Have a wonderfu Monday
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Monday morning everyone!

    Sandy - so sorry you're hubby is hurting! Are you taking him to the doc today??? It's gotta be so stressful taking care of someone like that - don't beat yourself up about overeating - i know you'll get right back on track!

    Marie - glad Alice got some sleep - i'm hoping this diet she's on will give her some relief. It's no fun to feel bad! THank you for keeping my dil in your thoughts - she has her first dr. appt. today. I'm waiting to hear from her! The gingerbread barn came out great! My little friend Grace and i had a good time putting it together and had enough time to play 1 of our favorite games!

    Barbie - you just keep on melting away - i really want to be like you lol, i just don't have the self discipline you do! Don't know how you do it!!!!!!

    Barb - on the news this morning they still hadn't found those other 2 hikers and it's been over 72 hours now. It's not looking good - but there can always be a miracle. THEN there are the hikers in Iran!!!!!!!!! Tell me though - WHO goes to a war torn country (Iraq) to hike and THEN not be 100% certain of borders??????? I mean, I SO want them returned to the US - but i just can't wrap my arms around doing what they did! I mean - there are SOOOOOO many fabulous places in the world to hike!!!!!!! Looks like they are going to be tried in Iran - that can't be good.

    I had a crazy busy weekend - baked the barn pieces on Saturday, went and picked up toys from the storage shed, washed 'em, went to a glass show, came home and baked a cake for Sunday's dinner. Put the barn together on Sunday am, went to look at a house friends are buying, picked up Izzy (she's 16 months), brought her to my house while her family saw a Christmas Carol (hence, the toys) then fixed dinner for my kids - Dakota and Katie. WHEW! WAY fun weekend. Now i have to start getting ready for NEXT weekend when friends from Kansas are coming to stay!!!!!!

    The bad thing about all this fun is i'm not eating very great - i mean i'm eating "great" but not so much on program!!!!!!!!! I WILL get it together soon. I promise! elli
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from the still frigid North! It has warmed up a bit and was -40 with the wind chill when Dave went out this morning. Tomorrow it is supposed to be even better and by the end of the week we are hoping for -20 or higher. These cold snaps are awful but we do know that they will end. Glad I didn't have to drive into the city early this morning. We did go in around 10:30 for Neil's bath and then lunch with my son, the chef. His girlfriend joined us today which was nice.

    Marie -- I hope Alice is starting to feel a bit better. She will be losing weight on that diet!! Yes, we did have Gregg's birthday dinner last night, Back Ribs, Baby potatoes, asparagus and birthday cake (banana cake with cream cheese frosting). Please don't kick me out but yes I did eat some cake. I planned to make a salad but the Curling got in the way (our team won and will be going to the Olympics -- Yeah!!). So exciting to have a relative in the Olympics, hope they do well. Back to the food, I will make the salad for dinner tonight.

    Sandy -- You must be feeling very confined. Sometimes in that situation it feels like nothing you do is right or enough. I know that you are doing a great job. Try to have a little afternoon sleep. You deserve it! Maybe Daisy would enjoy a nice visit with friends for a couple of days.

    elli -- You are always so busy!! Sounds like a fun time!

    Barbie -- Wow, a nice long walk at Walmart and you hardly spent anything! Good job!!

    Barb -- Another mall walker! My husband likes to walk in the mall. I like to spend money.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    No way Gayla will we kick you off. Anybody live thru -40 temperture will burn it up real fast like. I cant imagine that cold. the coldest we have ever been is -2 for a short time. And I don't remember that, just heard tales of it.
    Your birthday dinner sound so good. and I am sure you had a nice lunch at the resturant where your son is a chef. Does he cook at home? If so send him my way.My son do a lot of cooking Mostly out side on the grilled. Jerry don't cook to suit me. He dose his own cooking.for him. That sure take a lot of mental work off of me. Or maybe he don't like my cooking anymore. Alice husband does all of their cooking, but he is a stay at home Mom. Kathy and Ricky mostly grilled outside.

    Alice just called and she is not any better, They must have goof up on that test they gave her. She slept most of the day today. I think she said this is her 4th day to be off work.
    and she was surpose to be in South America this week.

    Jerry took me to Whole food store today. What a wonderful store. I got me some unsweeeten coconut, hamburger meat, and some roasted veggies. already cooked. Lazy I think. this Saturday will be my 7th week on this program. usally about 3 weeks and I am off of my diet. But i like this one and the food I am getting is satifying me. I am not losing much weight but my body is liking it. I no longer stay awaketill 3 or 4 in the morning, Sleeping all night now. my blood sugar is coming down, Had to cut my insulin way down, And I feel wonderful. Also I always had rought looking elbows and they clear up/. a couple of the gils on the Met B forum said the same thing happen to them. So now my elbows look clean.

    Have a wonderful day---Its a wonderful life.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Here is a reply from Nancy . So sorry to hear about her bother.

    hi calie

    sorry i haven't been around; my brother went missing and when we found him, it was too late; been in florida dealing with all that goes with a sudden death; my mother has been having a very difficult time with this - i'll catch you when i get back to colorado

    Thought you might like to know.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It's late and time for bed but I wanted to say hello to you......this was the day our line dance group danced at two assisted living places.....I got to wear my thrift shop outfit and it looked great with everybody else in their festive outfits. The audience enjoyed our performance and we all had a great time :smile:
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning, Hope this find you all in a very happy mood and enjoying this Wonderful life that we have. Lets make the most of it. I am off to the doctor this morning. or rather this afternoon. It seems a little colder this morning. thats what winter is all about.. I got a bunch of chores to do this morning. So better get up and get busy.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Condolences to Nancy and her family.:brokenheart:

    Barbie, you look so darn cute in your jazzy outfit. :bigsmile: I am sure you and your group were well appreciated.

    Marie, how wonderful you health has improved with your new diet. Being able to sleep is great, I hate it when I toss and turn. :mad:

    Just wanted to say good morning, my hubby is letting me go play cards, he said I need to get out of the house. YEAH!!

    Have a great Tuesday, will talk to you later.
