Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
Here is our new thread. I remember.



  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All... things here are going well... I should be able to catch up with y'all this week :)
    Marie... love the new picture!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Jeffrey, September 25, 1953
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Jake October 10, 1945
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Options're the greatest! Hope to catch up a little now that I have a slow day.:wink: I'm alone in the office and there's next to nothing to do.:yawn: Boy do I feel like sleeping!!!:yawn: :yawn:

    I won't know how I did for November YET as I get weighed on Wednesdays.:smile: My food has been good, but for some strange reason, I feel bloated:grumble: It might be because I ate different foods, like things with sugar and butter (in very small amounts) during the Holiday, and maybe my system's just not use to them any more.:ohwell: I'll know tomorrow.:drinker: :drinker:

    But to all struggling, I say it's a new month!!! :flowerforyou: Give yourself a great gift this month, and that's the gift of a positive attitude! :happy: holiday, party, leftovers etc. taste better than making choices that will bring you self esteem! I think we all lack a little in the department, for one reason or another, I know I do,:ohwell: but in this department (unless there are serious health issues and/or restrictions) WE ARE IN CHARGE!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    For all those doing well....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    May today and this month, bring you all happiness, fullfilment, discernment to make healthy choices, the faith to do it and a real dose of confidence and self esteem!

    You can do it....One Day at a Time.......if you decide to. It all starts with a decision and then focus!!

    Talk to you soon:wink:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20
    Phoebe july 26
    Jeffrey, September 25, 1953
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Birdie March 30, 1948
    Jake October 10, 1945
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning friends! Well - time to get really serious - i'm 10 pounds over goal now, which means i've gained 7 pounds in the past couple of months.

    OK - so i'm a dummy - how do i put my birthday on the list?

    Hi Beth! My Soldier/son is down in you and Marie's part of the world right now - down at Ft Bliss, doing some training.

    My goal for today is to eat well and do hot yoga after work.

    OK - gotta get to work. Have a good one!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Good Morning,

    Marie, thank you for the new post, I carried over the birthdays for those who didn't get a chance to fill their birthdays. :smile: And I agree again, your new picture is great, you are a hot momma.

    Elli, your dog story was so good, almost thought you were going to say she found a human.:laugh: I never heard the word doula, but is that like a mid wife? Keep working your program, you did it once you can do it again. :heart:

    Beth, so good to hear from you, I hope your adjustment is going well and those races are being ran. :flowerforyou:

    I did get my inside decorations done yesterday, today I hope to get the outside done. Then I can pay bills and get my Christmas cards ready for mailing. Christmas came so quickly, I swear I just took the decorations down. :laugh:

    My weight is going well, I lost another pound but not to be posted until I know it is off for good. Life is good!!!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Sandy! That's AWESOME that you lost another pound! I'm so proud of you! You ROCK!
    How do i post my birthday?
    A doula helps a mom during pregnancy, labor and delivery and a bit post partum. I do it 'cause i'm a birth junkie! It's the oppositve of you - doing home deaths.........THAT blows me away.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: YIPPEE I found the new thread. Marie, thanks for starting it.:bigsmile:

    I didn't make a weight loss goal for November, but I lost 4 pounds anyway.
    I got much better doing my exercise videos---a friend from MFP sent me two VCR tapes of Leslie Sansone and I have them in the guest room so I can put one on anytime even if it's just for 15 minutes......I do the Richard Simmons in the living room
    We did yoga only once all month so I'll continue to try to make that part of my routine.
    My other goal was "never, never, never give up" and I didn't give up
    So I guess my score on November goals was "Good" :bigsmile:

    We have company coming in a minute.....gotta go.....I'll talk to you later
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Thanks Sandy. Thats exactly what i wanted. it to be copy at the first of Dec. but look like we have no Dec. Babies. Thank you so much. I tried again this morning and it still wanted to copy the whole month of Dec Didn't have any problens copying and paste the link last night tho. I don't now what I am doing wrong. I will type it out on my word pad. Can you see if you can get Birdie Birthday in. It is March 30,1048. I am scare I will mess it up if I tried. I SEE SHE ALREADY HAS CHANGE IT. tHANKS bIRDIE.

    Now to get on with our regular chatings.

    Someone tell Elli how to get her birthday on the list i MAY BE DOING SOMETHING WRONG.

    Love, Marie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Use the quote function to reprint the last birthday list into a reply window. Go to your name within the quoted post and add your birthday. Move your cursor to BELOW the "/quote" that shows at the end of the quoted material and add anything else you want to post. Good luck.


    Since the new version of MFP came out, I have found it is more difficult to copy a limited amount of material from a web page. I think you are running into the same problem I did. You have to be very exact in how much you highlight before hitting "copy" or you will get more than you bargained for when you hit "paste" If you do copy more into a window than you intended, you can always use backspace or delete to eliminate the excess.

  • jeffrey71
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Pretty quiet here again today. I cleaned up the last of the Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch. It was still good! Nothing out of the ordinary for the last 24 hours. Workouts are going very well and the knee seems a little better but still quite sore. I am going to the doc next week for it. Most of the Christmas shopping is done but not wrapped and I am glad that it is about done.

    We are going to stay home this weekend! The first one in a month! I can't wait!

    Beth good to hear from you.

    Sandy congrats again!

    Barbie you are doing great too!

    Elli what's new out your way?

    PJ where you traveling to next:

    Birdie good to read your post again.

    Marie thanks for the new link!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We have been having a bit of snow here today but still quite a nice day. My sister, friend and I are going to see the So You Think You Can Dance, Canada tour tonight. I am glad my friend is driving. On Thursday, Dave's birthday, I am going with the girls (terrible wife) to see the play Little Women. I wouldn't have arranged it on his birthday but it is when our Season's tickets fell. He likes to give me a hard time but I don't think he really cares. We will be celebrating on the weekend with the family. His request is always roast beef and chocolate cake. I can pick anything else to go with it.

    Jeffrey -- You have got to be the best husband ever!! Cooking, cleaning AND Christmas shopping AND wrapping!! Perhaps I could send Dave to do some training with you. Hmm, I think after 38 years it is likely too late!!

    Marie -- I think you are going gambling. If I am right, good luck to you and have fun!

    Sandy -- Way to go on losing the pound. You are so close and one day soon will be at your goal!

    Elli -- Don't worry about your lapse, you are a determined person and when the time is right you will jump back on the wagon. There will be lots of folks here to haul you up. I am counting on that for myself too.!!

    Barbie -- Good for you on a good November. How is Jake feeling?

    Barb -- Hope the animals are staying out of mischief today. Enjoy your stories.

    Birdie -- You are doing fantastic! Way to go!

    Phoebe -- Nice to see your name here! Hope you get to enjoy home for a few days.

    Beth -- Hmm, you were born in the year I graduated from nursing. Glad to have you here, good to have some young blood circulating.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20, 1949
    Phoebe july 26
    Jeffrey, September 25, 1953
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Birdie March 30, 1948
    Jake October 10, 1945
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie Nov. 7.1930
    Gayla Nov 20, 1949
    Phoebe july 26
    Jeffrey, September 25, 1953
    Barbiecat March 25,1946
    Barb/weaklink109): April 6, 1954
    Beth 24 Feb 1971 (guess I dont qualify as a Senior but if you ask my 15 year old I am)
    Sandy March 10, 1942
    Birdie March 30, 1948
    Elli May 16, 1952
    Jake October 10, 1945
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    ok - i think i figured that out - thank you Barb for your step by step directions! I tell you, i'm definitely computer challanged!

    I don't know what my problem is - it's cold and windy and i just didn't want to drive into town for yoga. I better get it together here pretty soon. At least my eating isn't out of control. Sorry - don't mean to be a whiner! i know it's all about the choices i'm making.

    Thanks Gayla - for your vote of confidence! I know - it'll all come together here pretty quick. I'm just lazy right now!

    Marie - thank you for starting the new thread.

    Jeffrey - did you read my dead deer story? lol Today i found some scat in my yard that's really got me wondering if we may have a big cat around.......that's a little scary if it's coming this close to the hosue though!!!!!!! Maybe just a stray dog or something............

    have a great night everyone! i'm planning on staying on my eating plan - even though i didn't work out!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I just posted my new picture which was taken on Thanksgiving Day this year, with my 3 beautiful daughters and my beautiful granddaughter!:love: While I was downloading the new pictures, I stumbled on the pictures taken this year when we went to Maine!!:noway: :noway: I know I got motivated to do something about my weight when I was there (in Maine) but now I know why:noway: :noway: I rarely take pictures but looking at these...even to me...they were eye openers!!! I had no idea just how noticible my weight gain was until I looked at them!:embarassed: (The last picture was also taken on TD this year, and the 2 before were the ones taken in Maine:noway: ) Thank God MFP was waiting for me upon my return from that trip!:love: It's been a wonderful and fruitful journey ever since:happy: Thank you MFP and all my special friends who are on this journey with me!:love:
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    :bigsmile: I'm just marking this so I can find it again:laugh: :laugh:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Birdie, look at you, you look like you lost another person. :laugh: You look terrific, keep up the good work.

    Marie, you almost got all the birthday's. Are you going to bake us a cake when it is our day??

    Jeffrey, you are a good husband, but I must say mine is also terrific.

    Jake, funny man, afraid we are trying to ditch you?

    Elli, we all go through what you are going through. When you are ready you will work really hard and lose the pounds you gained.
    It is hard during the holidays, some us don't have the will power as much as others. Don't beat yourself up, it will happen.

    My husband helped me and we got all the outside lights up, it looks great. Tomorrow the bills, and then the cards.

    Going to go to the couch now, I am exhausted.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I have to disagree w/Sandy. You didn't "lose" a person, you "gained" a new person-YOU!!!!:drinker: :drinker: flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    It was sunny here today, BUT, at this time of year, that means when the sun goes down--B-R-R-R-R!! The nice thing about clouds is they hold the warm air below them, but it is nice and clear out tonight, so we might get down to the upper 30's tonight. By the end of this coming weekend, they are promising us HIGHS in the 30's, thanks to that pesky north wind that Canada will be "sharing" with points south. Thanks alot Canucks!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I did get out with the doggies today, but only for about 30 minutes. They were ready for more but I had places to be.


    When you are finished wrapping all those presents, could you come out here and do my shopping and wrapping???:laugh: :laugh:

    I have to figure out what's for dinner, so long for now.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Birdie you look so good. You really lost good. and boy is it showing.

    Jeffrey, since you like dead cows stories . I have to share with you what my Grandson was telling Thanksgiving day. He was driving a friend truck to go pick up a horse/ As they came up the hill and going down there was 3 cows in the road, They hit a 2,000 lb bull and kill it total the truck but no one other than the bull was hurt. , They were lucky

    We didn't go to the casino today for rain was in the foercast all day and night. So now Our plans are for Thrus.


    I made a big pot of homemade chile today. Sure was good on this cold and rainy day.Must admit chips sure would have been good, I did toast a low carb tortilla tho and it wasn't bad. I get 5 net carbs per meal and they fall in that line.

    Have a good night all.
