Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning all of you.

    Beth did you make it to Texas for the hoidays? Hope you enjoy your family.

    It is a dreay day heere in Texas today. No snow as Of yet. But cold and rany/ We will attemp to go to the casino in OK. in the morning. It is surpose to be partly sun shining. I hope so. We did make it to the store yesterday and got our grocers for the week. Made a big pot of chili. We will have it to eat on when we get back tomorrow night. Jerry just turn the TV on in here and snow got pretty close to us. The little birdies are out this morning eating pecans, Jerry been thowing the pecans out in the street and tha cars smashed them up and the birdies love them.

    Barbie :flowerforyou: what a fantastic job you have done on your journey. I am planning on following you down your path only a little slower. It is so hard to lose when you are on insulin. But I did lose 4 lbs during november. I will be happy to lose 4 lbs during Dec. This Met b diet is working for me. Their is a muffin recipe they have called 1 minute muffin. You used 1/4 c groun flax seeds. some baking powder. some cinnamon. mix it all up and bake it in the Microwave for 1 minute. I made one in a small bowl and it made a big one. Very good for the body.

    Gayla:flowerforyou: Enjoy going to all ot those concerts. I never did watch So you think you Dance on TV. - you don't let the weather stopped you from going. anywhere.

    Phoebe, glad to got to be home for thankgiving. Looking forward to Christmas and seeing a little more of you.

    Sandy. You are a sweetheart. Thanks for your help.

    Barbs. I know all to well how to used the back button., But to delete a whole month of posting, that turn into a job. My finger get so tire holding down that key.

    Elli, Hope you found how to add your birthday to our list . If not just post it here and one of the girls will get it on for you. I will get a Pm off to Ellen and Nancy to get there Birthday. Is there any body else we need to add?

    Jeffrey. How is the weather up there? Sure hat to see you out Shoveling the snow again. but good exercise.

    HEY IT IS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ground is too wet to stick.

    Birdie, I am so proud of you.

    Jake, You wouldn't play golf down here today. Just too cold and wet.

    Nancy, Hey girl we missed you

    Ellen. You have been missed too.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    OH MARIE!! I'm so happy for you you have SNOW! That's AWESOME! Get some pictures if you can! We have more again this morning - supposedly more to come and down below 0 tonight. I turned the dogloo heaters on for the dogs and i'm leaving them on all day. Hope my electric bill isn't going to be sky high! Oh well - i want them to be warm!

    Birdie - you look AMAZING! And your daughters look like you. You've done such amazing job and i don't know if you lost or gained a person - all i know is the new you is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

    Sandy - thank you so much for the pep talk and the vote of confidence. I'm down a pound this morning so at least i know i'm doing something right! It's just my life and as long as i don'g ever go up over 125 i'm going to be all right.

    Hi everyone else - sorry to be so short but today is our day to close the office and we go "shop 'till we drop"! It's an annual tradition that my friend/co-workier Ang and i do! We go out to lunch too and i'm sticking with my salad this time!

    Have a great humb day all! elli
  • jeffrey71
    Good Afternoon One and All!

    Thank you ladies for the compliments! My father was a great man, father, and husband. I have just tried to be like he was. You know Dayanne works too, she comes home just as tired as I am. I try to do my half and some of hers just to make her life a little more pleasant. Nothing special, just living life!

    We are supposed to get a little snow tonight, maybe an inch or two, but I think that it is too warm yet. The stupid moles are back in the lawn again. I have never seen them like this. I bet I have 2-3 thousand dollars in damage from them now. I keep at em!

    Today is yoga day so that is good. I upped my weights on my workout last night and kind of pushed my back a little harder than I should have and I am a little sore today. I have really cleaned my diet up again and I am feeling great. The holiday season makes it hard to stay focused!

    Barb if you seen my wrapping skills, you would just hire it done somewhere else! LOL

    Elli careful of the cat signs. My uncle got one years and years ago. BIG kitty! You might let the local Conservation Officer know about the scat and I bet he would come out and look around. Might be worth it.

    Marie I am glad that no one got hurt on the cow crash. We had that happen once when we had cattle. I hope you win a bunch this week!

    Sandy have you been downtown yet for shopping?

    Everyone have a great day!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :bigsmile: I got weighed this morning and I lost 2 lbs! SWEET!! :happy: I’m so excited and rather blown away with these loses! :bigsmile: I really am not doing anything crazy accept exercising 5-7 days a week (30 – 60 min on the treadmill), drinking my water and keeping my calories to 1200 (plus exercise calories on the days I exercise) and staying in touch with my MFP friends :love: as much as possible! It’s kind of a miracle, as, at 61 losing is usually slow and has always been slow for me!!:blushing: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Marie: I love your new picture, the wig…….and that bull story ….WOW!:noway: It's a good thing no one was hurt!!!:noway: And all this talk of Chili:tongue: is making me hungry!! You’re doing great on losing weight! 4 lbs…that’s awesome!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: :heart: Barbie & Jake: You’re both so cute! I love the new picture!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Sandy: You too!!! All these new pictures are just so wonderful! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Gayla: I bet that show was great! :flowerforyou: I love to watch people dance….it’s the music…it’s in my blood!!!:laugh: But, not to sound prudish or anything… but some of the costumes on the TV shows are so skimpy I don’t know how they stay on!:noway: I like the dancing but the revealing costumes take away from it. :angry: They should look at the old movies with Ginger Rogers (boy am I dating myself!).:love: Now that was class, glamour and talent all rolled up in one! (Off my soap box):ohwell:

    :heart: Elli, I agree with Sandy…don’t beat yourself up! It’s not like you gained 100 lbs! :wink: I wasn’t motivated for a long time even though I was gaining all kinds of weight. (For the last 14 years!) :noway: I think I just accepted that at 61 ….it is…what it is!:ohwell: Then the light went on and I looked in the mirror and said, “You are the weight you are…because of your own choices… so don’t complain.:angry: If you don’t like what you see…only YOU can change it! :angry: So get use to it or do something about it!”:embarassed: That’s when MFP came into my life!!!:love::love:
    I think you look GREAT anyways.:flowerforyou: Those last few lbs will come off when the motivation sets in.:wink: You just have to be patient and try to do it one day at a time. At least you look great in the meantime!:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Jeffrey: I haven’t even THOUGHT about Christmas yet, never mind have all my shopping done! :noway: Good for you!!! :flowerforyou:
    BTW….I’m glad I’m NOT one of those moles!!! :noway: Watch out!!!!:noway:

    :heart: Beth: Howdie!!!:smile: Hope all is well with you and you’re settling in!:wink:

    Have a great day to everyone and those I may have forgotten!!!:laugh:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If it is any consolation, the moles are more active around my area than usual, also. The walking trail near my home has all kinds of mole hills alongside the paved trail. And the ones out here have no respect for church property either. There is a regional meeting center for the Baptists congregations in my area that is not far from my place, and the moles have been going crazy on the lawn outside their building.

    They sure can wreck a lawn in a hurry, can't they?

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A quick hi to you all. Neil and I had to go get our seasonal flu shots today. Dave never gets one and so far he has been flu free. I absolutely hate throwing up so if I can prevent it I will. Actually I am not sure if this one is a stomach flu or another respiratory variety, at any rate I shouldn't get it!! I think I have had my share for this year. After the Dr. visit we went shopping for Dave's birthday tomorrow. Lee Valley is always a good place to find stuff for him. I know he will be happy. I am hoping to find some warmer weather clothes for our Feb. cruise for Christmas presents. I really need to get moving on that!

    We enjoyed the Dance Show last night. The only really negative thing for me was the flashing lights. I found it really irritiating and thought it took away from the dance. I expect it enhanced it for the younger people so what can you do. More than anything it had me a bit anxious because of my seizure disorder, I thought any minute I would have a seizure but of course, did not! The dancing was excellent and I especially enjoyed the ones without the flashing lights! They had many of the best dances from the show which was very nice.

    I need to start getting dinner going. I am making some stew so it will need some time to simmer. It is one of Dave's favorites so thought it would be a good thing to have on hand for his lonely birthday dinner tomorrow. Yup, still feeling guilty. :wink:

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    Jake took me to lunch today and I got to choose the place so we went back to the Vietnamese restaurant with the great chicken curry. This time I brought half of it home and had it for supper. It was fabulous and definitely worth all the extra time on the exercise bike to burn off all the calories.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I bought a new scale today. I've been envious of everyone who report their weights to .2 or .4 or .6 so I decided that I wanted a scale for my next weight loss prize. Jake asked if he got a prize, too, and I reminded him that he got a new car last week. :laugh: With all the sodium I had in the chicken curry today, my new scale will probably tell me that I gained five pounds

    :flowerforyou: We have beautiful, clear, cold weather now with temperatures right at freezing......the full moon over the trees looks like a picture on a holiday card.....the grass is frosty and crunchy on the hill where I walk the dogs and they aren't happy that I won't take them up to the top where is gets really steep.....I walk them alone and in the dark and i don't want to find myself sliding down the hill.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, you'll be back on track know all the right stuff to do.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, congratulations on the continued weight are doing an awesome job. Your new picture is look great and so does your family.

    My brain is dead and it's bedtime.
    hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah it's true i got a car, but I use it to support us and help other people. I prize wuold be a new golf club or something else really important, LOL
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Yeah it's true i got a car, but I use it to support us and help other people. I prize wuold be a new golf club or something else really important, LOL

    I agree with Jake, Barbie, the car is for both of you.:love:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone - took the day off from work yesterday to shop and came back to all kinds of messages and things to and personal stuff. I ordered a personalized thing for one of my boys for x-mas and i spelled out his name SO clearly - D I L L O N, and it came back - DILLION! They're going to replace it though and try and get it out by x-mas. Just one of those little things you know?

    Marie - did you ever get any snow? We didn't get much more but we got down to 7 degrees last night. brrrrrrrrrrrrr! Today it's up to 14 already and feeling pretty good 'cause the sun is out!

    Jeffrey - now i've started getting up at all hours in the night and looking out the window to see if i can see any critter in the yard! lol. Nothing so far - i'm not that worried about it though 'cause i don't have any animals that "free range" now. I have some friends in Durango who's horse got raked on the neck by a mountain lion - not fun! The mare lived to tell the tale though, so that's a good thing.

    I did pretty good with food yesterday - oh - i made this stew in the crock pot that i thought i'd share with you guys. A cup of black beans, a sweet potato, a can of veg broth plus about 1/2 can of water, carrots, onions and i used some soy protein - you could add meat if you want - anyway, it came out REALLY good and made what i think will be 4 good sized servings. I didn't figure out the calories, but i don't think it can be too bad with 1/4 C of beans and 1/4 of a sweet potato!

    OK - time to get back to work! have a good day everyone!

  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Right on Sandy, I need all the help I can get, after all I'm sensitive and don't suffer well.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: I'm tired of using the same smileys all the time, so I'm using these:glasses: :glasses:
    I weighed myself on my new scale this morning. I weighed more this morning than I did yesterday but I don't know if it's because of the high sodium on Wednesday or just that the new scale is different. I will give it some time before I have any sense of comfort with the new information. What really matters is that my size 6 jeans are starting to be a little looser than I like :smile:

    :happy: Elli, we sometimes have reports of wild animals in our neighborhood so we keep our cats indoors for a few days----what a headache :frown: Bernie makes such a fuss about wanting to go out, then the dogs chase him, and then one of the adults hollers at the animals :laugh: I've seen deer and raccoons but none of the dangerous wildlife that our neighbors report. Your crock pot meal with beans and sweet potato sounds delicious.

    :happy: Sandy, I'm glad you got your decorations up. I'll bet your house looks great.

    The rest of the story about the new scale (it doesn't take much to entertain me :laugh: ) is that it will keep track of weight for four different people so I declared myself #1 and Jake is #2

    We started practicing in earnest at line dance for our performances at the assisted living places. We'll do eight dances, some easier and some harder so dancers at all levels can participate. We'll do some of our familiar dances to Christmas music rather than the music we're used to so that will make it more challenging.

    The dogs and I had a great time at the dog park. The city has temporarily fenced off half of each of the yards and are beginning to bring in some top soil with the plan of reseeding in the spring.

    Now it's time to get busy on my chores. :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Right on Sandy, I need all the help I can get, after all I'm sensitive and don't suffer well.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Poor Jake, you must have SUCH a rough life being married to Barbie!!!!.....:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    When I saw your post last night I was going to make a bright remark about how you couldn't drive a golf club, but then I realized if you got a "driver" that wouldn't be true, it would just mean only one person could "drive" at a time.:laugh:

    I hope you are enjoying the new car, no matter whose you think it is!!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    And Jeffery,

    I took the doggies out on my walking trail yesterday and just for the heck of it, I started counting mole hills in the area I had mentioned previously. By the time I got to 30, I decided there were at least 50- 60 of them in total.:noway: They are busy as beavers I guess.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    WSe made it to the casino today. Had a lovely day. Jerry really enjoy his self. We didn't win anything,
    I did real well on my low carb diet. We ate breakfast at Craker Barrell and they have 3 or 4 choice of low carb breakfast. I had one with 5 grams of carbs Which is my limit for breakfas Plus coffee, We ate lunch at casino buffet, I had Salad, boiled egga, Slice of pork roast Cottage cheese with Splenda. So no 5x5 carbs which is fine till I go into step 2. Then I will have to eat 11 grams of carbs every 4 hours. including doing the night. Thats where I can have fruits. Can hardly wait, Bring on the carbs!!!!!!! I am still in my 4th week of step 1, so I have 4 more weeks to go after this one.

    Hey Barbie you got a fancy scales. It's nice to keep up in oz. too.

    Hey Barbs and Jeffrey I don't think we have any moles down here. Plenty of skunks tho , won't me to send you guys some. We have plenty to share. Which remind me a story about my brother. He and a friend went hunting early one morning before school and ran across one and got squirted by one. they went on to school and the teacher sent them home.
    real fast.

    gayla, you were saying Hope you want have an issue with siezuire, I hope you are talking about your coughing siezuire you had with the flu.tell Dave Happy Birthday for me. He seems to be one heck of a nice guy. He will love your Beef stew.

    sandy, Looking for snow tonight too? We did hae some snow Wed morning but did not stick to ground. Melted as fast as it fell. They say we may have some more tomrrow morning.

    Birdie. You are simplely amazine.

    I got a Pm off to ellen about her Birthday. But haven't heard from her yet.
    I also try to fine Nancy Name to send her a PM but never did fine it. I forgot her posting name,
    I need to get the new ones on my friend list.

    Now it is time for me to go get me a carb.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We really enjoyed "little women" live theater production except that it was so warm I had a hard time keeping my eyes open for awhile. Once the heat was turned down it was very enjoyable.

    Marie -- I have a seizure disorder and have been on medication for it for about 20 years. It is well over 10 years since I had a seizure but the neurologist has said that he would never take me off the drugs. It is pretty much a non-issue but I didn't like the flashing lights and did end up with a headache. It was likely from anxiety about the flashing lights and not the lights themselves. :laugh:

    Any way, it is late and I have to pack Neil's bath bag for tomorrow morning. Dave will take him in and will be home all by myself. Sharing one car is not going so well right off the start. I think I will start looking for a car soon. We do have a 3/4 ton truck but it eats a lot of gas so it only gets used for hauling the boat or picking stuff up.

    Off to bed, have a good Friday. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh brrrrrrrrrrrrrr - it's a chilly Friday morning here! We're supposed to get up around 30 - i sure hope so! It was down around 4 this morning i think. I'm sure glad i got heaters in the dogloos!

    Oh Marie - i heard Houston was having snow today! I know you're north of there - is it pretty cold though? WOW - i BET they sent your brother home after being sprayed by a skunk! that's NASTY!!!!!!! When i lived in the mountains my dogs used to get sprayed, but more often than that they'd get into it with the porcupines. That was always bad........

    Barb - i know - ya just HAVE to feel bad for Jake - married to that mean old Bariecat huh?:laugh:

    Barbie - i figured out the calories on that black bean stuff - a serving, which i figured as a fourth of the pot i made is only around 250 calories if i figured right - so that's pretty good! It's kind of hearty too.

    Tomorrow i'm going with friends (with a 16 month old and a 5 year old) x-mas tree cutting! I'm going to leave a crock pot going with white chile and i'll make a batch of cornbread to go with it. Should be a great day and i won't worry too much about calories 'cause we'll be trapsing around in deep snow.

    It's Friday!!!!!!! yippeeeeeeee - everybody have a great one!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    ooops - i forgot,

    Marie - Nancy's posting name is freedomdancer
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi folks! It is very quiet this morning. We are cold here, -17C (1.4F). We still only have a dusting of snow so I think it feels colder than it is. I went on a 'forced' walk yesterday and at a very fast pace. We couldn't find a place to park close to the theater so we had to park about 6 or 7 city blocks away and really boot it as we were running late. We got there just in time and enjoyed Little Women very much.

    Elli -- Just wondering about the 'black bean stuff', did you puree the sweet potatoes or keep them in chunks. It sounds so good. I love making soup and would love if you posted the recipe. Your mention of cutting down your Christmas tree takes me back to another family story. I will try to be brief and feel free to skip on.

    Just a few years after my Dad died my sisters boyfriend (now her husband) and a friend decided they would get my Mom a tree for Christmas. In our house Dad brought the exuberance to Christmas and there was a big hole without him. The boys thought they would cheer my Mom up. I digress. The friend's family had some farm land with a number of volunteer evergreen trees and his Dad said they could chop one down. Off they went and found a beautiful very large tree, more than beautiful, perfect. However, the tree was much larger than a house could hold so being 16 year old boys they chose to just cut off the top of the tree. They very proudly brought the tree home and set it in our living room. I was living in Edmonton so missed on the event. Again, I digress. They were happily decorating the tree when there was a knock on the door. To their surprise it was the RCMP (cops) asking about the tree. Apparently they had miscalculated the property line and took the tree from their neighbours wind barrier. The neighbour recognized the truck and reported the 'theft'. The police had to take the tree as evidence and charge the boys. They said the cop said he felt like Scrooge and indeed, from that day forward was called Scrooge. I am sure my Dad was laughing in heaven. Moral of the story -- make sure you know who the tree belongs to before chopping it down.

    I think it is a def. sign of old age when things are always reminding you of stories from your past. I will try to restrain myself. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi Gayla! on the contrary! Please do NOT restrain yourself! I LOVE old stories from people's past and that one in particular was fabulous! I'm fortunate enough to still own mountain property (ond of the few really smart things i did in my early 20s lol) and that's where i've cut most of our x-mas trees. This year though, since either of my boys are in on it i'm going with my friends up to forest service ground where they always cut. Hopefully we'll be all right!

    The black bean stuff i just kind of threw together. I cut the sweet potato into small chunks. So it was 1C black beans, soaked overnight - then just threw it all into the crockpot! Beans, 1 sweet potato, onions, celery, and i used soy sausage. Covered it with veg broth and a little extra water and cooked it on low all day. You could throw in any vegetables - i think the combination of the black beans and sweet potatos made it!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, Loves your stories. Keep "um" coming.

    Ellie I type in Nancy username on search and all I got was your post telling me her userer name. Do anybody have any ideal how to get in torch with Nancy?
