Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.



  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Everyone! Remember me???

    It has been quite a challenge here lately ( the past 2 weeks). Day's mother is slipping fast, mentally. It is a long story but it is and was very predictable. She has been taking a lot of our time up. Diane (SIL with cancer) is slipping too. This round of chemo is, and has been, terrible for her. Outside of work, we have not been home for the last 5 weekends. It appears to be settling down for now, but more is coming!

    Sam had her Madrigal Dinner last Satuday. It was a good show and thier vocals were amazing. We have been to those at Indiana State for the last 7 years with Amanda and Sam. I like the show but I hate that drive. We hit a little freezing rain coming home and that was a bit spooky but we returned safely.

    We have had a little rugged weather here but nothing like Elli! Cold and very windy. We have decorated the house for Christmas and it looks very nice. The girls will be home for the holidays soon. Sam this weekend and Amanda next week. I can't wait! Daddy's girls home!

    One of my friends has just been diagnosed with Diabities. I have been after him for years to lose weight, quit drinking, and exercise. Now he will! I am trying to get him to workout with me. So far no luck but I think that will change.

    Day and I are fine, stressed but fine. I love the holidays, especially the music and ligths. It makes me feel at peace with myself. I try to make sure that I remember the meaning of the season and it's true intent. As I write this I realize that life is good and we are enjoying many, many blessings.

    OH! Sandy! I entered the Senior Division Chicago Triathlon for August! I will be the one either floating face down in the lake or flattened out on Michigan Ave! LOL I think it is a mile swim, then 16 miles bike, then 6 mile run. I just hope to finish! (alive)

    Well that is the update for now. I will try hard to get back daily!

    Take care my friends!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hello Jwffrey and Sandy. Jeffrey so glad to hear from you. A busy life for you. But a wonderful life.
    Sandy so glad you are getting out for awhile. You have been cooped up for so long. Babe must be feeling better.

    I got a PM from Ellen this morning and her birthday is Aug. 29. That mekes us complete all but Nancy and as soon as she get her life back to normal We will hear from her.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie
  • ellens292
    Checking in after a rather long absence. Have enjoyed catching up on some of your posts.
    Congratulations Barb, on your wonderful success.
    And Barbiecat, you keep on keeping on, and your new picture shows it.
    Calie, thanks for keeping in touch.
    We have been cold here too, so it's mall walking, not nearly as fun as outdoors, and more expensive if you stop to shop too.
    Our kids in Edmonton, Alberta had it -48 on Sunday, the coldest place in North America, and their furnace went out, the gas line actually froze outside where it goes into the house. It was pretty chilly before the service man came to their rescue Brrr!!, Glad we're not going there for Christmas this year.
    I've been having some heart problems and not been able to do too much, except it seems I can always keep eating for some reason. Have some damage to repair. Oh, those Christmas cookies.
    Keep up the good work you all have been doing.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning friends!

    Jeffrey - nice to see you back here - sorry times are tough with Diane and your mil :frown: I think it's amazing you're going to even ATTEMPT to do the triathelon! I may be able to do it in 3 days!!!!!!:laugh: Our weather has gotten nice again - back up in the 30s! It feels great. I think our friends up in Canada take the cake for the cold though........Ellen and Gayla - you girls are TOUGH!

    Welcome back Ellen! Hope your heart stuff gets squared away. I know - it doesn't seem to matter for me either - whatEVER i have going on i can ALWAYS eat! I have some damage to repair myself - but don't think it will happen until after the holidays. I'll be happy if i can just maintain right now which so far i seem to be doing - i keep wondering if my scale is broken!:noway: I keep expecting to gain more and so far (i'm knocking on wood here) i haven't.

    Sandy - i have to agree with you - Barbie looks pretty darn cute in her dancing outfit! So glad you're getting to get out of the house today! He must be feeling better?????

    Hey Marie - that diet sounds SO great for you! How's Alice doing?

    I'm really enjoying the season, remembering SO much i have to be grateful for. My older boy comes home from TX this Saturday and he and my dil will get to celebrate their pregnancy together..........we're all praying and hopeful! I'm going to do a little more shopping this afternoon, then i'll be mostly done!

    Gotta get - dogs barking like crazy!!!!!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good Morning, this is our early morning---up at 5 and a spiritual meeting from 7-8. the temps are above freezing but the roads are icy. Jake grew up in Cleveland so he knows how to drive on ice.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm so glad you're finally able to get out....maybe Babe and Daisy will snuggle in together while you're gone. Thank you for the kind words about my holiday outfit.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, you and Day are so balanced about how you handle all the stuff going on in your will be such a treat to have your girls home with you. Your race sounds like a great challenge and I predict that you will be equal to the challenge....I know how you feel about your friend with diabetes. I want so much to pass on our healthy lifestyle to our friends who need it, but I've found that until they are desperate, they aren't interested in making any healthy changes.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I've known you for a long time and I know how many different food plans you've tried hoping to find the one that works and that you can stick to. It looks like you've finally found it.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, it's so good to hear from you again. I'm sorry to hear about your health problems....I will be thinking positive thoughts about you finding a solution and a return to the healthy ways you had before. When I hear about your weather, it makes me realize how "balmy" the weather is here. This winter I'm learning to wear warm long underwear (I have silk tops and cotton pants on right now) I do some of my walking at Wal Mart because we don't have a mall.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, if you can maintain your weight with Christmas and family in your new house (and especially new kitchen) that will be a great accomplishment. How great that you son will be home soon. I continue to think good thoughts for their will be an awesome grandma.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, i hope you're staying warm

    We have a meeting for our business this morning followed by line dancing in three assisted living places then Jake will pick me up and we'll go out to dinner (i think to the place that has the great chicken curry)) and then we have some friends coming to the house in the evening.........there may be no time for the dog park :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Darn I just lost my post but Hi to you all from the not as frigid North. We are warming up which makes us happy, it is -26C today (-9F) which is actually ok especially with no wind. Our temperatures sound really awful but the most important thing is we know how to dress for the temperatures so it is usually quite tolerable (except for those -40 days which no one likes). We still have very little of the white stuff but enough to call it a white Christmas. I need to do a few loads of laundry today and get started on some Christmas baking (sweets and appetizers than can go in the freezer). Thursday I am going to take Neil in to work so I will get some shopping done. Hopefully finished. Some friends that retired a few years ago want to take me out for lunch so should be fun. I hope the weather stays nice. Tomorrow we have an appt. for Neil to see his neurologist. I honestly don't think there is anything he can do aside from surgery and I would rather not go there. I know that he is on the newest and best medications that there are and I think he is maxed out on dosage. We shall see. He is having a little sleep now and then his favoritie show will be on TV (Bounty Hunters) which always makes him happy. I just looked at the time, I better wake him up and turn on his show. Catch you later.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :ohwell: It has been a difficult and discouraging weekend and for the first time since August I ate extra food last night.:frown: I went to a dinner Friday, where I was harassed about my faith which is my lifeline.:cry: I started crying and then felt like an idiot!
    We had Frank (my BIL's) Wake and funeral Sunday and Monday, which I just fell apart at, too.:cry: I use to be so strong and in control of my emotions but it seems the older I get, the easier I cry.:sad: I tried to keep my food clean, which for the most part I did, but then I got another virus in my computer, so I couldn't track anything...... and today I went into my basement to use the treadmill , there was water all over the cellar floor. So I can't exercise either. I am at work after taking the morning off for the plumber. My faith, this website and my treadmill have been the power force behind my last few months of success. I will hang in there as.....This too shall pass. I am knocked down but NOT knocked out. Please don't forget me and say a little prayer for me to get it together. I know I will....but knowing your support is there...helps.
    I haven't read the posts but I did see your cute picture Barbie:flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Birdie, I admire your faith and whoever harassed you about your faith is not a kind person. :explode: I would think they are envious of you and your way of life. You know I go to Al Anon meetings, which along with AA is a spiritual program. It is letting go and letting God handle what we cannot. In learning how to take care of ourselves it doesn't matter what people say or do. We can not control anyone nor can they control us. You have no reason to feel bad about being emotional about your faith and especially about your BIL., sometimes crying is the best release for all the stress we carry. You have had a bad weekend, but now it is in the past and you have to let it go. Your broken heart will get better, the plumber will fix the leak, your treadmill will be waiting for you and you will get back on track with your food. Take it One Day at a Time. I will keep you in my prayers. :heart:

    As a side note, once you get your computer fixed you can try the free version of AVG Antivirus Version 9 and the free version of Malwarebytes both found on Just remember to update them once a week since the free versions do not do it automatic.

    Jeffrey, so happy to hear from you but not all your news is good. You could apply my advice to Birdie to your life as well. I believe God never gives what we can't handle. I am very happy your girls will be home for the holidays, that always makes daddy happy. I am also impressed with your Triathlon, if anyone can do it you will. I would rather see you flat down on Michigan Ave, then in Lake MIchigan, it could be a tiny bit safer. :laugh:

    Elli, how did the doctor's appointment go for your DIL? My prayers and good wishes are with her and the family. You are so good with kids, you will make an excellent grandma. :bigsmile:

    Ellen, glad you checked in with us and will also keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery with your heart problems.
    Know that we are all here to support you in anyway we can. :flowerforyou:

    Gayla, you talk like -20 is a warm day, I am freezing my tootsies off and it isn't even in the teens yet. :laugh: I hope the doctor can help Neil in some way, I feel so badly for him having seizures all the time. :cry:

    Marie, you are so healthy now, you should be writing a column teaching others how to get healthy. :heart:

    Barbie, this is Hanukkah correct? The time to light the candles for Chanukah? I have to admit I looked this up because I wanted you to think I knew what I was talking about, but in truth I do not. I do know that Hanukkah and Christmas are around the same time (at least I think they are). I once dated a Jewish man and his son made his Bar Mitzva which I witnessed and was so impressed. My granddaughter just a couple of months ago went to a dance friends Bat Mitsva and she too was impressed with what she had to learn. She was more impressed with the big party they held afterward and how dressed up everyone was. :bigsmile:

    My husband is doing a little better, he is still in pain but he said it is a little lighter then he was having. The funny thing is the pain pills make him talk in his sleep, which is fine as long as he doesn't keep me awake. The bad thing is as I was writing this he had a dream that he was catching a ball and jumped up and hurt his arm. I did go play cards today, but my DIL took Daisy to play with her dog so my hubby could rest while we were gone. Thank God for her, she helps me a lot if needed.

    I guess I am done with my soap box for the evening, hope I didn't offend anyone. Take care and keep warm.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Birdie, it is amazing how mean spirited some people can be.......someone once talked about people who tried to give helpful advice to people who were happier than they is amazing that people can be critical of the things that are most important to us.....some of the best advice I ever got was to develop the hide of the rhinoceros coupled with the sensitivity of the butterfly. I hope you could freely discard the hostile comments about your faith. Even without computer and treadmill you'll walk through this rough patch and learn lessons you couldn't possibly learn any other way....Sandy's right, this too, will pass.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, Hanukkah is really a pretty minor Jewish holiday. It is important because it is about a small army conquering a huge one, about people fighting for religious freedom, and about the miracle of oil that should have lasted for only one day, actually lasting for many days. The reason it is so well known and so publicly celebrated is because it falls near Christmas and seemed to be an opportunity for Jewish children to join in the gift getting season along with all the children who celebrated Christmas. Thank you for remembering. Actually, the older we get, the less holiday celebrating we do. Because we don't decorate, we seem to have a great appreciation for all the decorating done by others. When we were at the senior residences doing our line dance performances, I think I spent more time looking at the decorations than anyone.

    :flowerforyou: We danced at three places today. Jake came to the last one to watch us. Then we went out to dinner and guess what I had:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: chicken curry. The place we went tonight had brown rice. instead of white:smile:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm sorry that there may not be an easy solution for Neil's latest problems......I'm glad he can find joy in simple things like TV

    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning!

    It is time for all of us to get into a happy mode! Everyone write at least one good thing today! Here is mine:

    It's 12 degrees here. It could be 0! LOL

    Pretty quiet nigth here. I had a real good work out last night. I have increased my work out weights by about 20% and it is really taxing the muscles, but I am seeing the difference. I have been training with some 21 year old guys for the past month. They cannont keep up! They are starting to gain on me but they are not there yet. Good for my ego, not so hot for theirs! Got yoga tonight and my back welcomes it.

    The family is good. Quiet day, thank the Lord! We have a little Christmas shopping to finish up this weekend and other than that we will just be starting to prepare for the family gatherings. Cleaning house and all that goes with it.

    Everyone be well!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart:

    You guys just lift my spirit so much. What a swell bunch we have here.

    Barbie. you look cute as a button in your outfit.

    Sandy, You always have the right things to say.

    Birdie, Hang in there sweetheart.

    Gayla, Don't know if I could handle things as well as you. Holding down a job and taking care of your family all these years.

    Jeffrey. You are the Rock of our lives

    Jake, You and Barbie sounds so Happy together.

    Ellie, Glad you drop in and hope you get to feeling better.

    Nancy, My best wishes for you.

    Phoebe, Home soon !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Beth, So glad you are home.

    I did go to the doctor yesterday, She said I am losing my toe nail on my right big toe. She took Blood work
    I go to my primary doc Monday to get the HI VI fku shot flu shot I lost 2 1/2 lbs since I have been on this program. Not much but its a start.In 2 weeks I will go into step 2 and get more carbs. I am surpose to be able to handle more carbs after this. I will get 11 to 20 each meal to be eaten within 5 hours of my last carb fix.This will last till I reach my goal. Then I will go on maitance. A Lonf way off. This diet has cured my cravens for carbs.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    The sun is shining, I am in good health and all is good!!! :heart: :heart:

    After I exercise today and yes Sandy, you will exercise today with no excuses I hope to wrap all my presents. Once that is done, I am finished and can relax and do as I please. :laugh: :laugh:

    Keep up the good work everyone, we are so worth it!!!!!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - when i read your post about someone challanging your faith i got pretty mad and had all kinds of uplifting things to say to you. Then Barbie and Sandy went and said them all! Thanks guys - Anyway - i second everything they said! Thank GOD you HAVE your faith to get you through these times. You just keep on doing as you do and let go and let God!

    Jeffrey - you ROCK! That's SO cool that the 21 year olds are having trouble keeping up with you! My kids got a WII fit last year for Christmas and they'd had it about 6 months before i went and played with it with them. Dakota said "how come she's so good at it so fast ?"(the snowboarding i think it was) and his g/f said "BECAUSE SHE DOES HOT YOGA!". That was a fun moment. lol I'm glad your family will all be together for the holidays. Nothing like having those kids around is there? I LOVE your idea of writing a good thing! Today mine is: My business is ending up with a better year than 2008! I find that truely amazing and a blessing of huge proportion!

    Sandy, Barbie, Marie....thank you ALL for keeping my dil in your prayers. Her first doc visit went well - just did paper and blood work. She's only like 5 weeks along and pretty nervous. I sure WANT to be a gramma - hope you're all right that i'll do ok! First we've gotta get this baby HERE! If my son gets into CID they're going to request Germany for a 2 year post. That will be kinda hard - but an awesome opportunity for them. I just hope things don't move too quickly and they get to HAVE the baby here! Sandy - how's the hubby? Glad Daisy got to have a fun play date!

    Marie - that new diet is so good for you! That's amazing that you no longer crave carbs!

    Barbie - I still have the menorah that my family had when i was a kid. The shamos is above the other 8 candles and i always remember it starting to droop around day 4! Happy Chanukah to you! I don't celebrate anymore - but have fond memories from my childhood.

    Gayla - ok, you shamed me - i'm done complaining about the cold! :embarassed: I mean, i start feeling excited around 28 degrees - you're still below 0 and happy! WOW!!!!!!!! I know what you mean abour dressing for the weather though. I pretty much live in long underwear during Jan! This year i just put them on (AND my flannel sheets) earlier than usual. Neil is so lucky to have you. I hope he has a great day today!

    OK - i better get to work! Have to leave early today - my electrician friend is coming this afternoon to do some final things. I'll sure be glad when it's DONE!

    :heart: elli
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Today was weigh-in day for me......down 4 pounds!

    Had a G.B. attack on Friday and am still not back to normal. At least I can wait until January to have the surgery.

    One thing for sure I won't be overdosing on fatty goodies this year.

    Have not gotten caught up on the thread yet but I will!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We have been in the city all day today and I am pooped!! Dave and I went out for breakfast all by ourselves!! Then we were off to do some shopping. We picked Neil up from his work at noon and took him to lunch. I think I did quite well at both, not perfect, but ok for me. Then off to do some more shopping. Neil is nearly finished his, I still have to shop for Dave and I hope to do that tomorrow. Then I will wrap and put under the tree. At that point I will know what else I need to get.
    We saw Neil's neurologist this afternoon and he has decided to put Neil in the hospital early in January to monitor his EEG and video of him for about a week. He wants to try to take him off Phenobarb as the drug company has notified that they will be stopping production of it this year. He is worried about it causing more seizures so he won't do it unless he is in hospital. Then after the monitoring we will have to decide if we try surgery, what kind of surgery or what. . . . . . I am very worried and pray that his Dr. is guided in making this decision. He is a wonderful Dr. and I do have a lot of faith in him.

    Dinner is ready, heated up soup from last night but I should get it to the table. I have read the posts and my heart goes out to Birdie, Ellen and Sandi. The rest of you are in my thoughts as always.

    Something positive -- I am so glad that Neil has such a wonderful medical team. Also, very happy that the temperature is rising.

    Keep smiling. and have a happy evening. Gayla :heart: :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My positive is having you all here, sharing our lives with one another.And for putting up with this old granny this past year.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Guess I haven't posted on this thread since last weekend. I have posted here and there on other threads, but have been spending a lot of time watching news reports.

    I am sorry to report that the two climbers on Mt. Hood that I mentioned on Sunday were not found. The weather has been incredibly BAAAD up there, with the exception of Monday when it cleared for a while and allowed for some aerial searching, but with all the snow that has fallen since, and threats of avalanches, they made the decision to stop the survivor search and change to a mission of recovery. Too much time has passed for them to be found alive.

    The third member of the climbing party, who was found dead on Saturday morning, had a digital camera and the pictures found on it seem to indicate that there was some sort of accident that injured the female member of the trio. They think that the climber they found, who was the most experienced of the three, was trying to get down the mountain to get help and got caught in the storm that came up late on Friday. They determined he died of hypothermia.

    This is so incredibly sad, and this is an eerily similar scenario to what happened on the same mountain, almost 3 years to the week. In that case, it was again a party of 3. One was injured, and by the time he was located, he had succumbed to the elements. The other two have never been found.

    I don't mean to be a downer, but since I brought the situation up earlier, I wanted to let you know the outcome.

    I have been staying in the past few days, sick of the rain, but at least it is above freezing and you don't have to shovel rain!! I went to the nearby shopping mall and walked around inside it, and outside when it actually stopped raining for a while. Then i had some delicious grilled chicken and veggies for dinner.

    Keep well everyone, and my thoughts are with anyone who is experiencing adversity.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Barbie, it is very sad to hear about those mountain climbers, what a tragedy.

    I will be going to my meeting today, Cheryl again has kindly offered to watch Daisy. :love:

    My step daughter is coming in tomorrow from California to spend the weekend. It is always some what stressful when she comes, so I really need this meeting to get my head straight. :blushing:

    It has only been one week since my husband fractured his shoulder, at least 5 more to go. :devil:

    Have a good Thursday, my blessing far out number my troubles so life is good.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone - Barb - i was sad when i heard about the climbers on Mt Hood this morning. The gir's Dad was talking about how much she loved the mountains and would have wanted to be burried there and now she is.:frown: so sad.........I worry about those kids in Iran also.........that's just terrifying 2 me.

    Sandy - i'm sure glad you have those meetings to fortify yourself for the stressful times! I hope your weekend goes well and there's not TOO much stress! I have friends coming from Kansas for the weekend. I'm fixing brunch Saturday morning just for 3 of us girls - it should be nice and not stressful at all - except i'll eat too much.........:ohwell:

    Gayla - how will Neil do spending a whole week in the hospital? It's a great thing that you have so much faith in his medical team.

    My dil had a scare yesterday - they called her in to do more blood work - they were concerned 'cause they didn't see the fetal pole on the ultra sound, but i'm hoping and praying it was just to early for them to see it. They're bringing her back in on Monday for another us. I'm glad my son will be back from TX Saturday morning to be with her.

    Sandi - sorry about your gall bladder.:sick: it's the worst! i had that back in my early 30's. i had one attack at a truck stop in Mesquite TX and thought i was going to DIE! I finally had surgery RIGHT before they started doing it laproscaply so i have a lovely scar! lol - oh well, not like i'm going to wear a 2 piece bathing suit or nething neway!!!!!!:laugh:

    Better get going - we're BUSY - thank you GOD!!!!!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Ellie, A gall bladder attacked in Mesquite, Texas, A good place to have one. I had one too way back ine the 60's I was smoking then and went to the the doctor and told him I thought the cigeretts done got to me. Did surgery and no more problems. But I fanally
    gave them up about 5 years later.Thank God. Enjoy your friends coming for a few days.

    Hoping this fine all in a jolly mood by golly.. We have no plans today. Just a restful day. It should warm up and Sammy and I will take a walk. Of course the usally housework and cooking.

    Gayla, I have a prayer in my heart for Neil. Do hope they can help him . Is there another medication that he can take.?

    Lets all get ready for Christmas And eat in moderation. My plan is just like Thanksgiving, No sweets ,dressing hot rolls.. I will probable take a bag of steam veggies for me. Kathie will fix green bean casserole Which is off limit for me Alice will be bringing devel eggs and I can have them slong with the turkey and ham. And I will take my "ricotta Sundae" They are so good.