Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Even though I first read this about 4 years ago when one of my Canadian aunts sent it to me, it is STILL HILARIOUS!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I hope your hubby is recovering as well as he can from his fall. How is he doing?

    The latest in the saga of "Bradley the Incorrigible":heart: is that I went out for 3 hours today, returned home and found not one naughty thing done in my absence. :drinker: :drinker: Nothing taken from the cupboards (he can't lift canned goods:bigsmile:), dog food bag ignored and garbage can undisturbed ( I cheated, I put them both in the bathroom and latched the door!!:laugh: :laugh: )

    I would like to believe that this was a result of the quality one on one time I spent with him just before my departure, carrying him into the kitchen, pointing out past sites of misbehavior, and telling him "no," and capping off my departure by telling everyone that I expected to come home and find no unpleasant surprises. In reality, he probably couldn't find anything to get into trouble with!!! Maybe I wasn't gone long enough!!!:laugh:

    There are all kinds of news stories about broken pipes due to our freezing weather, and yet another story about some silly middle schooler sticking their tongue on the flag pole:noway: and getting rescued by the fire department and a glass of warm water!!:laugh: One school was just about to serve lunch when a pipe burst above the kitchen and spilled water all over the kitchen and the food. The kids got sent home for the day.

    I will be glad when the cold is over with, as I haven't been able to get out and walk for the last few days.

    Have a good evening, all:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: i wore my cotton footless yoga tights under my jeans this morning when I walked the dogs and they felt so nice and warm that i put them back on after my shower and wore them to line dance and then to the dog park and I still have them on. I also have a wool knitted afghan on my lap so I'm toasty warm.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I love what you posted about pets......I read it to them and they enjoyed it too.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: the big news here is that we sold our motorhome. The people who drove it on Monday made us an offer on Tuesday. They offered us less than what we asked but a whole lot more than the lowest amount we were willing to accept. It will take a few days for them to get the money together so the deal will close early next week. We have a loan to pay off but there will be a fair amount of cash.......I want to claim a bunch of it for buying new clothes (especially silk long underwear)

    We loved the motorhome and had a great time with it, but our business is requiring travel that doesn't fit in with RV travel so it's time for a new chapter in our lives.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I'm glad Bradley had a good day and didn't get himself into trouble.....I'll think positive that it is the beginning of many more trouble free days.

    Time for tea :drinker: and TV.......hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Sandy, that was cute.Sammy dosn't like to sleep by hisself in this cold weather And it is getting down to 22 here tonight. That bed and more covers is going to feel good tonight. and then we will get warm again, When that wind is blowing it is down right cold.

    Babiecat, I may need to go buy me some long underwear., But I think I would like Thermal.

    Barbs, when will we get to see Bradley.?

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie,

    Regarding pics of Bradley, the only digital camera available to me is in my cell phone, and I don't have an adapter for my pc so that the little card that comes out of it that holds the pics will fit in the slot, and I refuse to pay $14 for one, as they don't seem to sell them alone, only with another memory card that I don't need, so I have lots of pics in my phone and no way to put them in my pc and download them. "One of these days"....I'll try to get some new pics on here for both Pepper and Bradley.

    I am also including some info I posted on the 50+ thread regarding thermal underwear on sale at Sears:

    "I was in my Sears store today and they had some micro fiber thermal underwear on sale for $12.99 per piece (regularly $22/ea).
    They are called Cuddl Silks, and they are available online at the link below. The sale price is good through Dec 12th. It says you can buy online and pickup in store, and the website had a message about free shipping for orders placed today, 12/9/9.

    Despite the name, these are NOT silk, but micro fiber, but they did look very thin when I saw them in the store."

    It is supposed to get down to about 12 here again tonight, so I am glad I have three warm little doggies:heart: and an extra blankie.:flowerforyou:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Stopped snowing but is very, very cold today. :grumble: Not as cold as Barbie and Elli, but in the teens, we are supposed to warm up by the weekend. :happy:

    Daisy loves the cold weather and the snow, it is so hard to get her in the house but I am so afraid of her freezing her pads. I think I will look into boots for dogs. :laugh:

    My husband is still in pain but he said it is getting a little better. There is not too much he can do right now, so he is being spoiled with TLC. :heart: The hardest part is that I have to stay home more than I am used to because Daisy is hard to handle when you are in pain and only can use one arm. She loves going in and out all day long and it gets frustrating. I should get a doggie door like Barbie, but it would have to be so big a human could get through it. :laugh:

    Thank goodness I finished my Christmas shopping except for a couple of gift cards which I hope to get as soon as the extensive pain goes away. I will probably start wrapping today and then I should be done for Christmas. :happy:

    Hope this doesn't put a damper on our Christmas plans, but in two weeks I would think he will be able to enjoy a nice dinner at a restaurant. Since there will only be four of us celebrating Christmas Eve I thought that would be a better idea than cooking, but I might change my mind and make filets instead. What are your Christmas plans? Isn't Hanukkah around the same time and how do you celebrate?

    Hope to exercise today, still holding at the same weight, could be because I love hot chocolate (sugar free) and whipped cream (lite) or cool whip or marshmallow cream (yum) when it is so cold. Love hot apple cider (sugar free) with a cinnamon stick. I am a bad girl I know, but it is just a kick I am going through right now, it will pass. :blushing:

    Have a good day everyone, I won't be going to my meeting today so I have to remember to take One Day at a Time.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hello Sandy..sorry Frank is still in pain. and you are having to stay home more. Thats not your style.
    Our plans for Christmas is to go out to the farm and check on the squirrels I am going to cook pies and a big peach cobbler. And the girls will do the rest. This will be Kathy first Christmas Dinner ever. Thanks for dropping in on Facebook. I am enjoy it. Done talk to my brother Mike " his Birthday today and My granddaughter. Thanks Elli and Gayla for dropping in too.

    Barbs--- I look up Sears last night but could not fine them.

    Gayla, Are you getting ready for Christmas? I am going to have a low carb dinner. for sure. I will be taking me a flax muffin, they are so good. I have one at every meal and have to be sure and drink lots of water too. The muffin are a freebies so don't have to count it as a carb. My step 2 is surpose to start New Year Day, but I am going to wait on a friend and start with her on Jan. 4. She has really help me thru this step 1. Loving it. I am falling asleep as soon as i hit the bed. My BM has really improve, Also my Blood Sugar is on target.I go to the doctor next week to see how my blood work is doing. My wig has felt good during this cold spell. You can shut the gates now , Thank you. Its been mighty cold for us. Down to 22 F And that is cold for us southerns

    To all of you, I have wrote about all I know now so See you guys later Take care

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Goodmorning. Not much to say. When I got home last night I was greeted with the news that by dear BIL Frank passed away a few hours earlier. I never even got a chence to see him one more time. :cry: They told us that he had 5 weeks to live last week! At least he didn't suffer and that is what I prayed for.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If you take the link I put in my prior post and copy it and paste it into your browser address bar, the page with the thermals will come right up.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from the still frigid North. We are happy to give it away!! I have been spending a lot of time watching Curling. My cousin's son plays for one of the teams and I am so hoping the win the spot for the Olympics. Dave and I went out for breakfast this morning after we took Neil to his work and then did a bit of Christmas shopping. It is so easy to shop for Neil as he wants everything. My major gift to the rest is the cruise in Feb. I want to get somthing to wrap as well and of course, some stocking stuffers. I remember one year I found a lump of coal in mine. Lucky for me it was not the only thing in there but instead just a little reminder that I could be better behaved. We will be decorating the tree after dinner on Sunday, Gregg's birthday dinner. I will be making ribs and I am not sure what else. I have to ask him what kind of cake he wants.

    Birdie -- My condolences for your loss.

    Sandy -- My Christmas plans are not very put together yet but I think I will have at least 15 for dinner so I should start thinking about a menu. Christmas eve we usually go out for Chinese food but the last couple of years we have done a fondue and then we go to my sister's for a very nice evening of visiting and singing. Neil sings so much that the sweat pours down his face. I do believe it is his happiest day of the year. Everyone gets pure pleasure from watching his joy. I am hoping it is a joyful day for him. He has been very sad the last few days, his seizures have been out of control leaving him with terrible headaches and a feeling of his head spinning. We have had a mixture of tears and anger. I called his neuroloist to see if we could move up his appt. but haven't heard back from the receptionist. Life never seems to be easy for him for very long.:cry:

    Marie -- I am going to make some plans for the Christmas baking that I want to do, it will be less than some years. My kids would hold a revolt if I didn't make nuts and bolts and a few other favorites. Hmm, maybe I should just put the reciopes in their stockings instead. It sounds like you have planned a good day for you, way to go! I am not sure if I am having a houseful on Boxing Day or not. My sister is working over Christmas so likely I will do both days. Quinn will be home and he is so fast in the kitchen that the prep goes quickly. Today when I was shopping I told Dave that it felt like I was skipping out of work, first day I have had that feeling. He asked if it felt good to know that I wasn't. It did in a sense but I did have some anxiousness. Silly girl!!

    Have a great day, keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    And what is Boxing Day, my dear friend? Never heard of it.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    And what is Boxing Day, my dear friend? Never heard of it.


    Boxing day comes from Great Britain, and also Canada, it is December 26th. It is a tradition from Great Britain where people would put what they no longer wanted out in front of their homes in "boxes" for the poor to take for their use.--thus "Boxing Day."
    Nowadays, most people don't put things in front of their house, but the day after Christmas is still referred to using this term.

    When I was a kid, I thought it meant my cousins fighting over their Christmas presents (boxing):laugh: :laugh:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Barb -- You are too funny! :laugh: Boxing Day has traditionally been a day to gather for our family. It has always been another big meal, games and visiting. I really should box up some of our leftovers and take it to the Salvation Army.

    Marie -- Barb gave you a good explanation. It is a family day for us. Usually my sister and her family come from about 200 miles away. I had no idea that you folks in the US didn't ackowledge Boxing Day. We learn something new every day here, sometimes about dieting and sometimes just general information.

    Neil's Dr.'s secretary called and he will see Neil next Wednesday. I am not sure what he can do as Neil is pretty maxed out on all of his medications.

    I better get some dinner made as there is more curling on TV very soon.

    Take care. Keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I found it. or rather Jerry found it. It was in my foot cushion. How It got there I will never know.


    But will be wearing it around the house and shopping.

    Have a nice dayall.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone - yay! we made it to Friday! My adventures in babysitting didn't go so great! My little friend Izzy (16 months) had a bad stomach ache (along with LOTS Of diaper changes:sick: ). After about an hour of unconsolable crying i had to call her Mom to come get her. Poor little kid - when they're sick they want mom and HOME! Grace stayed 'till morning and loved oatmeal, strawberries and hot cocoa for breakfast!

    It's finally starting to warm up - it's going to be in the upper 20s today! What a relief!!!!!!!

    This weekend is a ceramic sale (friend who's a potter), glass sale (friends who blow glass), baking and building the gingerbread barn with Grace (age almost 6) from abovek going to see a house friends just put an offer on........going to be a great weekend!

    Oh Birdie - I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Sometimes these things go so much faster than predicted, but like you said - he's not got to suffer anymore. You're in my thoughts.

    Wow Marie that thing has been missing for a LONG time! So glad Jerry found it!

    Boxing Day - what a great idea! I used to do the opposite - BEFORE x-mas, when my kids were little we'd pack up bunches of their old toys (to make room for new) and clothes and donate them.

    Oh Gayla - Poor Neil. I'm sending good thoughts and vibes his way. I love the picture i have in my head of him loving Christmas and singing along so happily. Hopefully that will happen for him this year! You just keep on getting used to enjoying that retirement!

    Everyone have a fabulous weekend!
    :heart: elli
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Birdie, my prayers are with you and your family. Death is always so hard on the living, but as Elli said no more suffering. Another angel to watch over you and yours. :heart:

    Marie, so happy you found your pedometer, just walking around the house puts many steps on those things. With your new diet and those steps, you will be crusing to losing in no time. :smokin:

    Gayla, I love the idea of boxing day, I never heard of it, but what a fun idea. I hope Neils doctor can do something more to help with those seizures, they must be so hard on him (and you). I can visualize Neil singing and having fun and that is the true pleasure of Christmas. :heart:

    My husband is still in a lot of pain and I am still giving TLC. I am going to a white elephant party tonight but just for a short time. My step son will watch Daisy at his house so Babe doesn't have to get up and down a million times to let her out.
    She is so adorable but a pain in the butt. :laugh:

    Have a good Friday and will check in later or tomorrow.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all.

    Elli---we are to get in the 60's tmorrow and 70's on Sunday. Hope you do see some warmer weather. I din't now it got that cold in Denver.

    Gayla, Does Neil get on the computer, If so Hope he might join us someday. I think we all think of him with much love.:heart::heart:
    I know he is getting excited about the trip in Feb.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    TGIF! it's been a long week. :ohwell: We will have the wake for Frank on Sunday and the funeral mass Monday morning, so I will take Monday off from work. Sandy is right, we need to appreciate the time we have and the people we have.:flowerforyou: Life is fragile but there's so much to be grateful for too. :wink: I spent the evening with Franks family last night and we shared the funny things he would do :laugh: as well as how he touched so many lives.:love: It was a positive thing and so loving.:heart::heart:
    Tonight I am going out for dinner with the office.:happy: At first I felt guilty :frown: about partying but Frank would be upset if I didn't!:noway: :noway: After all, NOT going out is not going to change anything.
    We're gong to a Bistro where the chef has a "tasting menu'.:tongue: We have no idea what he will be serving but it consists of 4-5 entrees, but very small servings. Just enough to "taste" something different. Also, he does "wine pairing" which should be interesting. He serves, a small portion, of the appropriate wine to go with the entrees. Sounds like a learning experience. Obviously I can't plan my meal so I did the next best thing. I did the treadmill for an hour and burned 300 calories, had my usual breakfast and only half of my lunch plus tons of water!:drinker: :drinker:
    I may not be online as we have a virus in our home computer. :angry: Hopefully Russ will get it fixed soon. So if I seem MIA, I'm probrably pouting near the computer.:grumble:
    I'm at work so this will be brief. Have a great weekend everyone, and even though I have read all the posts, I haven't the time to respond. Many hugs to all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    We went to a holiday open house this afternoon and I followed my party rule of putting my energy into talking to people instead of focusing on the food. I had a few cashews, four whole wheat crackers with homemade salmon spread, and some fresh veggies with no dip:bigsmile: this evening Jake and I are watching a movie and taking turns on the exercise bike.

    My red silk long-sleeve undershirt arrived today and it's beautiful and warm......also the size 4 jeans I ordered came and they fit perfectly so I ordered more

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, we have a few decorations that we put up for Hanukkah and we light candles every night but otherwise we don't do much about it. In years past, I've made potato latkes (yummy potato pancakes served with applesauce or sour cream) but we haven't decided yet whether I'll make them this year or not...Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah so we said prayers and lighted candles.....I have to be very careful about candles because the cats like to jump up onto the table so I have to supervise them very carefully.......we had boots for our Golden Retriever when we lived in a snowy place and she loved them.....a friend here has them for her poodle.....our dogs don't mind the snow and we clean out their paws very carefully when they come into the house from the snow.....of course, we don't have as much snow as you do. We have been invited to a big dinner on Christmas Day
    somebody will cook ham and turkey and the rest of us will bring side dishes.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm so glad you found your pedometer.....I'm not surprised that you found it in a strange and unlikely great that you didn't get around to ordering a new one.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I'm sorry to hear about your BIL and glad to hear that his suffering is over.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, your holiday plans sound great....I guess all I ever knew about Boxing Day was that it was a holiday and the stores in Canada had big sales (some of them for a week that they called "Boxing Week" :laugh: ) I hope Neil's doctor can find a solution for him.

    :flowerforyou: elli, I just noticed the picture of all of you with the Christmas tree you cut down.....sorry your child care adventure had so many bumps in the road.

    Best wishes to all of you for a great weekend......enjoy the holiday spirit. hugs :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    This girl is tired today. I had a busy day, it was my day to work so Dave dropped me off at the hospital to see my little people there. I got picked up and taken over to the office where everyone was getting ready to go out for our Christmas lunch. It was fun to be with everyone. I did need to get back to the office to do a bit of charting on my hospital visits and make a few contacts for same children. I used an office car to drive home and pick up Neil to go to his Christmas party with him. It was a nice dinner and some singers after dinner which was nice. Neil won a door prize of home baking from one of the staff (exactly what we needed :wink: but he was thrilled to bring home his winnings. I let him have a few things and then off to the freezer they went. I got home in time to see the end of the women's semi final in curling, not a great game but some good moments. We used to have my exercise bike in the family room and I do miss it being there. There simply is not enough room with Neil's hospital bed in there and the bed is too darn heavy to move to the basement until we are done with it.

    Marie -- Unfortunately Neil doesn't read. He can sight read a few words to find some TV shows he likes and writes his name but not much else. He has recently decided he wants to learn how to read. It is way over my head so I have put out some feelers in the community to see if there is someone to help him.
    Glad you found your pedometer. It will likely be warm enough for you to get outside soon. It was bitter here today.

    Elli -- Sorry the baby got ill, next time will be better. Good practice to the grandbabies. Sounds like a great weekend ahead.

    Barbie -- You do have the applesauce all ready for the latkes but I can understand not wanting to get started on them. Way too yummy.

    Birdie -- I am glad you chose to be with friends for dinner. It is so nice to take the time to remember someone with family.

    Sandy -- So sorry that Frank is still in so much pain. I am sure it doesn't make it easier to hear that it just takes time. I hope he is able to sleep, that helps a lot. I know two people who are also called Babe, nicknames that stuck. My mil's cousin who has died and my sister's friend (girl). She tried to get her given name used but long time friends still call her Babe. Also related to the name, I often call Neil 'babe' and a few days ago he said "Why doesn't Dad ever call me Babe". It struck me as really funny as it so wouldn't be something Dave would do. It also indicated to me that Neil really likes being called Babe.

    I need to get a few groceries tomorrow so better find a cake recipe I want to make for Gregg's birthday. I would hate to be short an ingredient. His only request is that it have real icing and not whipped cream (or cool whip). I think I can do that.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good morning everybody. Nice to get up this morning and see all of the busy people.

    Alice is going thru a rought time of it. She has had chest pains for 2 or 3 months. now. They have run every kind of test and Tues her blood pressure went way up and off to the hospital again. Don't know how many times she has been in the past months. Her Doctor has her on Jello and water till Sunday. They thinks she has infamatation [misspell\ on her pancrease, so giving it a rest. I think she needs to go on this diet I am on. It is detoxing my pancreas.The first 8 weeks. And it has done wonders, I used to have dark elbows like I have not wash in a 100 years now they are nice looking. A couple others girs reportedt on the same thing, I think I have a couple more weeks and i will be adding more carbs to my diet.
    Alice was surpose to go to South America Sunday on her job, It is south of Mexico. but they cancel her trip out. My Son is going to Mexico on his job next week for a few days. I don't like them doing all this traveling to all these plasces but a job is a job.

    Gayla, That would be wonderful if Neil could learn to read. I am sure he could learn. For he knows how to used his cell phone,
    I am wishing the best for him. I got all my Christmas shopping done. Its was pretty simple just pick out gift cards.

    Barbiecats, Glad to hear you are learning to eat out. Sharing meals with others is such a plesure. Just make the right choice.
    I am so glad I am over my cravens that I have had so long.

    Birdie--- Sorry about you BIL. Its so hard to let go.

    Sandy, How is that big wonderful Daisy? And Frank, hope he is in less pain by now.

    Elli, You look like a young teenager in your pictures.. I an praying for you DIL. I know how thrill you will be.

    Jeffrey, Where in th thunder are you?
