New Guy

VeloLoser Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello. Good luck to everyone!


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,277 Member
    Hi! And good luck to you as well! :smile:
  • HEY GIRLS!!! - THERE IS A NEW GUY HERE - :laugh: all kidding aside (maybe) nice to have you join the site - its always a pleasure to welcome a newbie

    nancy :glasses:
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Are you a Spartan?
  • I am. In fact I work for the University!
  • spinningmango
    spinningmango Posts: 197 Member
    hello,welcome to mfp :)
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I'm so jealous! My husband and I met while we were students at MSU. We just moved out to the east coast from Birmingham two year ago. Gave up our football season tickets this year to fund ski season (since we weren't making it to games anymore anyways).

    Just last night my husband and I were talking about good old EL--in the context of "if we won the lottery (ha!) and didn't need our current careers to support ourselves anymore, where would we move?"--EL is definitely one of the top 5 places!

    Go Green!
  • It's funny - my wife and I didn't always plan to end up here, but we're glad we did. It's a good place for our kids, and it's very close to so many great things to do, best of all is the amazing Lake Michigan shoreline! I always pictured myself in Vermont or Oregon or somewhere mountainous, but this is a great place to be, and a great place for the kids to grow up.
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