

  • He might have put a faster pace of weight loss when he did his. IF he put in 2 pounds/week and you put in 1 that might do it.
  • I'm no expert, but I wouldn't think it would be a big deal. Just take a look at your weight loss over the course of a few weeks. If you're not losing at the pace you should, make adjustments. If you are, then don't worry about it.
  • It sounds weird, but once you do it for a little while, you get used to it, and it stops being hard. In the beginning, it's a little rough. You just have to find your stride. Focus on eating foods that have a lot of bulk, but are low in calories. There are certainly a few out there. 1. Salads (leave off the dressing) 2.…
  • I don't count tea as water, but I have no good reasons why.
  • Make changes to your diet if the weight stops coming off as it should. I say don't fix it if it's not broken.
    in Carbs Comment by douglw March 2011
  • If I get a bad headache, I take one or two regular aspirin and then drink a cup of coffee. I think the caffeine and aspirin work together somehow. I'm not a doctor, so use at your own risk.
  • it is possible to have shin pain in only one leg. One possible cause is that one leg is shorter than the other. This puts more load on one leg than the other. One solution is custom arch supports for your shoes. They will measure your legs and increase the thickness to put you back in balance. This will also help your arch…
  • I used to have some nasty back pain when I was younger, and it mostly went away when I started lifting weights. It came back to a much lesser extent when I slowed down on the weights, but is now completely gone thanks to abdominal exercises. If you are able, I recommend a good ab workout twice a week. Before you start on…
  • bananas are good.
  • variety is the spice of life.
  • My Wii fit is pretty close to my scale. I think the most important thing is to use the same scale at the same time of day to weigh yourself. That way you can keep a realistic eye on your progress.
  • I think you just don't have enough data points. I weigh myself everyday, right when I get home from work and before I eat any food. That way, I get the most consistent measurement possible to compare to past numbers. Every once in a while, I see a weird number pop out of nowhere. Sometimes, down, but more often up. That…
  • I quit drinking pop about a year or two ago. It seems silly, but I actually felt like I was missing something for about 3 days. It was almost like I was in withdrawal. I know it sounds stupid. Anyway, after about 3 days, I didn't even miss it anymore. I just drank water instead and have never looked back.
  • Good choice. The site will help you lose, but it will also help you learn to maintain after you've lost. That's why I started doing this. The choices are easy when you're trying to lose weight. Maintenance takes a balance. Recent history has shown that I need help balancing. Good luck.
    in hello! Comment by douglw February 2011
  • eating healthy in a cafeteria is tough. Good luck.
  • I wouldn't say that it's normal to feel sick from running, but it has certainly happened to me from time to time. An obvious solution is to try to slow down a little bit and see how that works out. Everything takes time. The most important thing is to get of the couch. Even if you're just walking, just doing something is…
  • Just keep taking that weight off and that muscle will start to show. Looking toned is more about body fat percentage than muscle. Consider NFL offensive linemen. Those guys look really chunky, but they are amazingly strong.
  • When I first started, I had some pretty rough cravings, but they went away for the most part after the first week or two. In a time of extreme hunger, I have a few super secret go to foods that get me through a day. Each is relatively high in volume without being too high in calories. 1. Egg whites - I usually eat them…
  • I have the same issue. I have no problem keeping myself under control through the day, then at about 10:00, I get cravings. Getting rid of easily available snacks helps a lot. The other thing that I do is drink a lot of water. I drink about 32 ounces a night to help that urge. I hope that helps.
    in control? Comment by douglw January 2011
  • Good luck. Small changes make a big difference.
  • It seems like every time a diet pill turns out to actually work, it's later found to cause heart attacks or something. I would do it the old fashioned way and leave the weird chemicals to the chemists. 1 pound per week is a good goal.
  • I've heard good things about this book, but I have not read it yet. You might be interested based on your post. Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
  • I kicked pop and sugary drinks a while ago, but I have a hard time giving up beer and the like. A few beers here and there seem to make life a little more livable. I never even considered giving up coffee.
  • Before you get too exotic, I recommend eating a banana and drinking lots of water. You probably just got your electrolytes out of whack. Bananas have lots of potassium. It always does the trick when I get cramps. If you are new to working out, you might also try to ease into it a little more. Stretching also helps.