AnniePenny Member


  • Workout of the day done!! You guys are all doing so well! It's really impressive! I can't wait to be on the same stages as you guys :smiley: I realised I spent longer dreading the workout than what i actually spent working out haha how crazy is that? Feeling good for getting it done tho B)
  • Hey guys!! @RachelRiley87 so glad your mom is back home! :) I completely bailed on t25 this past week and it looks like it's gonna be the same this week too =/. I definitely don't feel good about it to be honest but I have just sooooo much to study! I have 2 heavy exams this week and I'm freaking out a bit about learning…
  • @RachelRiley87 I hope your mom is feeling better! Sending positive vibes your way :) I had to take a couple rest days during the week lastweek because it's time for exams and I'm going crazy studying.. Yesterday I started with week 2 of Alpha, Cardio. It was worse than the first time I did it, I had a runny nose and a…
  • Hey! I was googling the same thing myself earlier and came across this: dunno exactly how accurate it can be, probably not that much but I guess it could give you an estimate? Hope it helps!
  • Hey everyone! Just finished the abs interval workout :) I do have strong abs under that belly fat hahah it was really sweaty but really good. I didn't have to modify any of the exercises (thanks pilates!) and I feel very happy I worked out. Sweat yes! everywhere lol I end up looking completely gross but oh well. I'm a…
  • Oh this thread is great!! Thanks so much OP! I am only on my 3rd day (I couldn't wait till monday to start :P ) .. I've been doing pilates about twice a week but I no longer have like an hour+ to workout between working 8 hours a day and going to university + studying so I figured this workout plan would fit me better..…
  • Hey! I started it too a couple days ago lol couldn't wait till monday :) It's such a killer but I like that it's only 25min so i can easily squeeze it in my day Let's connect!
  • I haven't tried THAAAT many but I currently have a pretty strong love/hate relationship with Insanity. I know, it's hardcore, it's super cardio it's like OMG I'M DYING kinda dvd but I love how it challenges me and makes me realize I can actually do more than i think i can so yea.. :) Insanity all the way for me rightnow
  • My thoughts exactly!! Stop thinking this as in "i have to change my body to feel good with myself" and instead work on changing your mind so when you look at the mirror you actually see yourself and not this projected image of a fat person that, in reality, doesn't exist. Best of luck
  • Exactly how my friends are and how i respond to them. I think picking healthy options not on a random day but on many consecutive days is admirable, i still can't do it LOL so i think trying is effort enough to be cheered on. That being said, my friends on MFP are probably THE BEST out there, I forget how many times they…
  • I'm a dancer and that means i've always had big build up thighs because well.. you use those muscles A LOT for ballet.. Without a thigh gap i don't remember rubbing issues whenever i was 16 years old and weighted like 105 pounds and now i barely have issues at 134. I reckon it's a thing related to body composition as…
  • I attempt for them to be all equal but to be honest dinner is probably my largest meal. Either cuz dinner also is after workout since I usually work out between 4pm and 9pm so there's only dinner left.. or because i'm just at home so i eat more. Sometimes i try to make my lunch the bigger meal of the day but i'm so used to…
  • oh thank godness for the search feature on the forums :P I was about to ask the same thing! Thank you ladies :)
  • My new years resolution was to go back to university (choreographer degree) after dropping out almost 6 years ago and to dance periodically 3 times a week or more. I started training back in october so when i would go back to school i wouldn't feel too embarassed about being out of shape (started gym + ballet classes).…
  • Yea i agree with her, i'm thinking it's probable that you need to up your intake to see better resutls, maybe between the exercise and your daily intake you're in a too big of a deficit. I would try upping the intake to their recommendation for a couple of weeks and see what happens
  • jajaja si nose.. como que no hay nadie :P Yo soy de Rosario pero vivo en Buenos aires :)
    in Hola xD Comment by AnniePenny April 2013
  • Yes i wonder the same thing! Great accomplishment though, congrats! =)
  • Hola!! Sigue vivo este grupo? Espero que si :P Que bueno pense que eramos 2 argentinos nomas en esta pagina!
    in Hola xD Comment by AnniePenny March 2013
  • Thanks for the clarification!
  • There's a dude that goes to the gym to use the treadmill every night, he runs pretty fast, he looks fit.. what is weird to me is that we're on summer here.. temperatures are usually between 75F and 90F and more so at the gym with so much people sweating.. still the dude runs for his life at the treadmill wearing long gym…
  • Didn't read all the comments but yea.. Ok so i have tried this.. a substancial soup with a variety of veggies and beans. I did this long ago and the "program" lasted only 7 days. I lost a lot of weight (around 4 kgs so i guess 8sh pounds? ) though i reckon most of it was water or muscle or water. Once i finished the soup…
  • It happened to me when i was at 1400 that after a while i got used to it and wasn't hungry to reach my goal. I think the body gets used to it, also for what I've been reading all over the forums, this sense of not getting hungry doesn't necessarily means you're gonna continue to lose weight but more like the metabolism…
  • EXACTLY!! anyone can add me too :) Coffe-holic since high-school here :P
  • Sore muscles retain more water. it's normal to gain a bit when you start a new workout rutine.. It'll go back to normal in a couple of weeks
  • I take the pill with the minimum hormone dosage and I haven't noticed any weight gain or odd new habits.. It works well for me, Give it a try and see how it goes?
  • I guess it depends on the exercise you're doing, what type and how often... but to me it seems like you're net is around 1200 and you're not getting there, at least on the past week or so.. If you're exercising and only eating 1200 cls it's likely that you're eating below your bmr, You need to eat somewhere between bmr and…
  • I've been taking body pump classes 3 times a week startin on jan 2nd this year.. I def feel better, I see my muscles getting more defined little by litte... I know some people are against body pump but to be honest I just love the class, I look forward to it everytime, the music keeps me motivated and i think as long as…
  • This! .. It might be pregnancy, it might be the birth pill if you recently changed brands or something.. All i know is if the changes were sudden then most likely it's not food related, it's hormone related .. Unfortunately LOL you'll have to go see a doctor to know exactly what's going on
  • jajajaj wtf is this OP?! is this a new language or wth ?
  • THIS ^^^^^^ !!! Take your time and go here: and read the pinned threads on things you should read.. it takes time to get the information right, def make yourself some tea as there's some serious reading ahead.. but yea you'll discover how important…