Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    This didn't bug me per se but it definitely made me look twice...maybe more times.

    This past Sunday I was on the treadmill and a lady in her 60's gets on the one next to me and I just couldn't get over the whole big picture;

    fairly fit
    aqua blue velour pant suit (with matching jacket)
    black 3/4 sleeve shirt with ruffled sleeves
    HUGE necklace, earrings, and loaded with jewelry
    reciting her rosary in one hand while eating pretzels on the treadmill.

    Yes some are going to slam me for judging but it's not the usual "dress code" I see at the gym so it caused me to look. Only part that bothered me was the pretzels. Only thing I can figure is she had just come from church.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    People are taking this way too seriously.

    I sometimes have that thought about threads on MFP...

    ...and then I remember that I'm not responsible for determining the level of seriousness each thread should have.

    It's the interwebz. People are getting so butt-hurt and defensive over something so stupid. That's my point.

    Good effort at trying to be cute though.. 1/2 star.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    This didn't bug me per se but it definitely made me look twice...maybe more times.

    This past Sunday I was on the treadmill and a lady in her 60's gets on the one next to me and I just couldn't get over the whole big picture;

    fairly fit
    aqua blue velour pant suit (with matching jacket)
    black 3/4 sleeve shirt with ruffled sleeves
    HUGE necklace, earrings, and loaded with jewelry
    reciting her rosary in one hand while eating pretzels on the treadmill.

    Yes some are going to slam me for judging but it's not the usual "dress code" I see at the gym so it caused me to look. Only part that bothered me was the pretzels. Only thing I can figure is she had just come from church.

    I admire this lady's ability to multi-task.

    And that she is fairly fit and hitting the gym in her 60's!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    This didn't bug me per se but it definitely made me look twice...maybe more times.

    This past Sunday I was on the treadmill and a lady in her 60's gets on the one next to me and I just couldn't get over the whole big picture;

    fairly fit
    aqua blue velour pant suit (with matching jacket)
    black 3/4 sleeve shirt with ruffled sleeves
    HUGE necklace, earrings, and loaded with jewelry
    reciting her rosary in one hand while eating pretzels on the treadmill.

    Yes some are going to slam me for judging but it's not the usual "dress code" I see at the gym so it caused me to look. Only part that bothered me was the pretzels. Only thing I can figure is she had just come from church.

    I admire this lady's ability to multi-task.

    And that she is fairly fit and hitting the gym in her 60's!

    Was she hot?
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    Yes talking on your cellphone or yelling with your girlfriends really loudly on the other machines is really annoying.

    But I have these really fancy little gadgets called an MP3 player and headphones.

    EDIT: But if you have marinated yourself in perfume and are gagging me then you deserve to die a horrible and cruel death.... Probably by roasting in flame given the amount of flammable scented crap you have all over yourself.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

    This. I'm self conscious enough in my 3rd week at the gym without knowing the runner on the next treadmill is judging me for holding the handles.

    Yeah, I'm a total klutz and it takes a while for me to get my balance. I figure holding on is better than flying off the back, right? Had no idea it was an irritating trait. Avert your eyes, people. Avert your eyes.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Talking on the phone.. Leave your phone in your lockers people I am sure the world won't end in that 30-60 minutes you aren't attached to your phone..

    Holding onto the handle bars.. your just hurting yourself.

    Walking backwards on the treadmills.. Mainly because I like to use the elliptical/stair machines that are behind the treadmills and don't like people watching me while I am watching people.. Or people staring at me when I am staring at them.. Its awkward.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    That person on the treadmill next to you, hanging on for dear life, is ME.
    I have balance issues due to my MS, so I sometimes need to hang on so I don't fall off and get hurt.
    I want to be healthy in spite of my MS.

    Sorry it bothers you so much.. maybe you should be less judgemental.......
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    This didn't bug me per se but it definitely made me look twice...maybe more times.

    This past Sunday I was on the treadmill and a lady in her 60's gets on the one next to me and I just couldn't get over the whole big picture;

    fairly fit
    aqua blue velour pant suit (with matching jacket)
    black 3/4 sleeve shirt with ruffled sleeves
    HUGE necklace, earrings, and loaded with jewelry
    reciting her rosary in one hand while eating pretzels on the treadmill.

    Yes some are going to slam me for judging but it's not the usual "dress code" I see at the gym so it caused me to look. Only part that bothered me was the pretzels. Only thing I can figure is she had just come from church.

    I admire this lady's ability to multi-task.

    And that she is fairly fit and hitting the gym in her 60's!

    Was she hot?

    She looked like someone's grandma...very stylish grandma. The only issue I had was the pretzels
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    When they have one or two of their friends standing next to them talking loudly for a good 15+minutes. When they stare at your treadmill on the stats screen. That's about it.
  • never124get
    never124get Posts: 163
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

    ^^^^^^^^^THIS! I am super self conscious on the treadmill because I've got a little extra jiggly like....all over haha and I like to use the treadmill but then I noticed people staring at me because I'm huffing and I stop. I don't have a gym membership anymore and I'd like to get back to the gym soon but this sorta worries me.....:grumble:
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!

    Perhaps that is all they are medically able to do and for them it is a work out. Just because someone isn't running, doesn't mean they aren't working out. Perhaps there goal is just to get their 10,000 steps in per day.
  • AnniePenny
    AnniePenny Posts: 62 Member
    There's a dude that goes to the gym to use the treadmill every night, he runs pretty fast, he looks fit.. what is weird to me is that we're on summer here.. temperatures are usually between 75F and 90F and more so at the gym with so much people sweating.. still the dude runs for his life at the treadmill wearing long gym pants and a hoodie zipped all the way up..

    It doesn't bother me i just honestly can't help noticing cuz it doesnt make sense to me to wear so many heavy/warm clothes when it's so damn hot.. i would go train in undies if i could jajaja I don't understand people that wear tons of stuff as if that was gonna make them lose more weight due to sweating more or something.. if it was me it would only just give me low blood pressure .. i dunno i don't get it
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    There's a dude that goes to the gym to use the treadmill every night, he runs pretty fast, he looks fit.. what is weird to me is that we're on summer here.. temperatures are usually between 75F and 90F and more so at the gym with so much people sweating.. still the dude runs for his life at the treadmill wearing long gym pants and a hoodie zipped all the way up..

    It doesn't bother me i just honestly can't help noticing cuz it doesnt make sense to me to wear so many heavy/warm clothes when it's so damn hot.. i would go train in undies if i could jajaja I don't understand people that wear tons of stuff as if that was gonna make them lose more weight due to sweating more or something.. if it was me it would only just give me low blood pressure .. i dunno i don't get it

    It's a good way to train FOR the heat. I do it as well. I train in heavier clothes than I race in.
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    When they crank up the incline and hang on for dear life.

    ahhh THIS!!^
    drives me nuts lol
  • jacklis
    jacklis Posts: 280 Member
    There is a guy that would be on his phone with someone, somewhere, who was apparently coaching him through his run. Neat concept, except that it seems that it was likely a friend or girlfriend or something- because every time he or she stopped talking to him he would YELL into the phone to "keep talking, keep talking". It was kind of weird, and made me actually laugh out loud- I then felt guilty- cuz "whatever works". Luckily I was usually able to step off as it was during warm up time for me- and he has since stopped doing it.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member

    People are taking this way too seriously.

    :laugh: :laugh:
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Talk on their phone!
  • micabrito2012
    micabrito2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    What bugs ME is people nosying into my workout and judging me for doing what I'm doing... Does it affect your weight loss or performance if I'M holding on to MY handlebars? Why on earth should it bug you?:huh: I may be checking my heart rate, I may be new and worried about flying off the end (that WAS me when I first started actually :laugh: ), I may have a balance issue... who cares unless it is actually interfering with your ability to do your workout? Concentrate on YOUR workout and you won't notice the poor probably already-self-consious handlebar-grabbers.

    Well said!!!!
  • ton40orbust
    ton40orbust Posts: 155
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    When people try to talk to me while we are both on a treadmill. its especially frustrating when it is someone from a church because I feel bad saying "you know, when I'm at the gym I try to just focus on my own work out and not talk to people please leave me alone"

    And as for holding the handle bars on the treadmill, any machine that has a heart monitor on it I hold on to the handles because I have problems with my heart but can't afford a monitor. So I watch my Heart Rate while I'm on the tread mill, eliptical, arc trainer etc.