bdunt2646 Member


  • look at your jaw line... you can see a world of difference right there!! nice job!!!
  • i have read that lifting heavy will help to tighten skin... but do it throughout yur weightloss journey!!! dont wait until the weight is gone to begin lifting... obviously, start with what you can lift and increase accordingly... but DEF strength train throughout your journey... i too have a lot of weight to lose, i fear…
  • there really isnt much to gain from drinking...except empty calories... i applaude you in your decision to not drink... im also a non drinker... it saves money, and you didnt work your butt off just to ruin it with a beer or some other kind of beverage... congrats on stickin to what you feel!!
  • i had found an actual formula for how they figure out calories burned with heigh weight heart rate etc...and i plugged in numbers just to see out of curiosity and that sounds about right... even if you go to the insanity site, it says you can burn around 1000 calories in an hour!!... awesome job by the way lol
  • i feel that a chest strap will bug the crap outa me lol..
  • i have a feeling i will have to purchase myself one lol... on the insanity site it says you can burn up to 1000 calories in one hour... but i feel that the amount would be different for each person depending on the level of intensity they perform at... do you know of any good brands to look for as far as HRM's that track…
  • ??bump??
  • thanks for the feedback everyone :)
  • i just began my journey on a vegitarian lifestyle 3 days ago!!! feel free to add me!!
  • low iron can also cause dizziness.... i would deff check with a doctor before trying to diagnose yourself though :/
  • i would have to go back through my file to figure out what my levels actually are... but there are not good at all.... not one number was in the right range .... it really upset me when i got the results back
  • im actually considering a vegitarian lifestyle... it seems it may be more benificial for my health at this point in time...
  • i guess my blood type... it stated that ppl with blood types in the A range have a harder time digesting meats...
  • i didnt over stuff myself this year like i have in the past... i satisfied my hunger...gave it a few hours and satisfied it again lol... managed to stay well under my calories... i even have enough calories left to have a snack after work! :) its all about portion sizing and telling yourself "your eyes are bigger than your…
  • c25k free is what i have
    in C25K Comment by bdunt2646 November 2012
  • thank you all for all the positive feedback.... i dont plan on giving up, faliure is one of my biggest fears lol... and as for the 5.5 mph being fast for a beginer... i guess i have been pushing extra hard, mostly cause i had read somewhere that in order to hit the 3 miles within the 30 min at the end you should be going…
    in C25K Comment by bdunt2646 November 2012
  • bump.... im curious about the statement on the lean muscle....i personally LOVE cardio... i do some weight training but im more concerned with loosing weight first before i tone to an extreame... so id love to see the responses on doing both at the same time as well!!
  • that is if you dont replace that water into your body
  • we should be drinking 8 glasses of water AT LEAST a day, at 8oz each... drinking more on workout days is probably a good idea since when you sweat you loose water... our bodys are made up of some crazy percentage of water.. i wanna say at least over 50%... sweating and loosing some of that water im sure would have negative…
  • yea.... def keep me updated!!!
  • im really thinking about it ...ive heard really good things too!!
  • ...
  • if you are eating more... just workout more... build muscle.... its okay to eat, but you just have to make sure you are useing the food as fuel!! food fuels your body like gas fuels a vehicle... use it to its full extent.... on the days you eat more, maybe go for a jog or a long walk shortly after! good luck!
  • hmmm... i will have to go check that site out now!!! thank you!!
  • those are some good ideas :) and i dont think the boss would like the balance ball idea :( "this is work, not the circus" is something he would say... i once saw an infamircial on this odd looking chair, i cant recall the name of it but its built to have you work your abs.... and where could i find this pedal exerciser??
  • congrats!!!! i know i cant wait until i can run continuously!!! i started doing the couch to 5k if all goes well...i should be able to run 3miles 2 months from now... its a pretty awesome program :) you should check it out!
  • i agree!!! i have been reading Chris Powells book... and mfp has had me on a wayyy low calorie deficit... i havent lost much and im learning this might be why... im sure everyone is different, but im giving his book a try!