hajjcomb Member


  • It's total bull crap.
  • The whole idea of the "fat burning zone" is basically a myth- perpetuated by a lot of stuff in the fitness industry- in particular cardio machines with "Heart Rate Zones" showing the "Fat Burning Zone". Go for total calories burned. While it is true that a greater PERCENTAGE of fat calories are burned at lower intensities,…
  • I'd be wary of doing speedwork too early- it is not for new runners. I think, like others have said, you will get the biggest gains from just running more- you have to build up your body for running, not just aerobically, but also the connective tissue, bones, and muscle. I've been there. A few years ago when I started…
  • Personal Trainer / Wellness Counselor
  • The healthiest way to eat bacon is about once a month. :-)
  • 6'0" male Heaviest: 237 Original goal: 187 Current weight: 177 New goal: 167 Want to get into single digit body fat. Currently around 14.5%
  • Low impact and gentle, like cycling or swimming. Helps the muscles recover. And then make sure to stretch after- foam roll too if you have access.
  • I still eat meat, but very rarely, and when I do it must be humanely raised and local/regional. The documentary Forks Over Knives got me thinking about it more, and then the documentary Food Inc. made my wife and I swear off store bought, industrial meat.
  • Check out this study which examined caloric output during kettlebell workouts. http://www.acefitness.org/getfit/studies/kettlebells012010.pdf I do not do a lot of kettlebell work myself at this point, but there is a lot of value in it. I am using them for swings with a couple clients right now thou. You can get similar…
  • . Thank you. I have seen this all over Facebook as well. The picture and accompanying story is somewhat true, but also misleading. I love Snopes. Another good one is the PLU codes on food indicating if an item is a GMO. More examples of "I read it on the interwebs so it must be true!"
  • Yes, more energy for sure. My guess is that the tiredness is due to lack of sleep, which is a common side effect of having young children. (One of the reasons I chose dogs. Less side effects. :-) Sleep is extremely important for our overall health, and for weight loss as well. It is often too neglected by people in this…
  • Rule of thumb, if you find yourself asking "do I eat too much cheese?", the answer is yes, you eat too much cheese. :-)
  • Could also be from tight hamstrings- tight hammies can lead to lower back pain.
  • I highly recommend a hunter's safety course. My state New Hampshire, for example, requires a person take one before obtaining their initial hunting license. I would also look for a local range or game club where he can meet other hunters and possibly find some people with experience to hunt with starting out. Hunting is…
  • Is there Planet Fitness near you? $10/month.
  • As someone who has chosen NOT to have children, you're preaching to the choir here.
  • How quickly were you upping your mileage? Try not to increase your mileage by more than 10% week over week. Also, a lot of people swear by Hal Higdon's plans, but I personally think he is too aggressive in volume. Look for a couch to 5k plan that is on the longer/gentler side.
  • You sound like a mature and centered individual. Good job taking care of yourself, on multiple levels. The path doesn't lead to happiness. Happiness is the path. :smile:
  • I sprinkle chia seeds on my English muffins with peanut butter. Chia seeds got very popular after the book Born To Run came out. They have some great health benefits. Just beware of the side effects. They have an anti-coagulation effect, so if you have low platelets or are on a blood thinner like aspirin or Coumadin, talk…
  • Hmm. The book I have is the third edition. It differentiates between hypertrophy, maximal strength/power, and peak. Reps for hypertrophy they list as high (12-15), and for strength/power it says moderate-low, (8-10). Peak is where they get into the low reps, 6 or fewer. Obviously weight increasing as the reps go down. This…
    in DOMS Comment by hajjcomb November 2011
  • I am going by ACSM protocol. ACE is probably different. As with most things, there is more than one opinion out there on the matter.
    in DOMS Comment by hajjcomb November 2011
  • What is your goal from strength training? Hypertrophy (increasing muscle size), or increasing strength? If size, find the comfortable weight that would allow you to do 3-5 sets of 12-15 reps. I would lean towards 3 sets, 12 reps to start. The last repetitions should be tough, but you shouldn't be struggling, and you…
    in DOMS Comment by hajjcomb November 2011
  • DOMS is an indication that you are using too much resistance. It is not uncommon for certain muscle groups to be more conditioned and better trained than others. I would rest your upper body so that the pain has subsided, then in the next workout reduce the weight you are using in your upper body routine. Some soreness is…
    in DOMS Comment by hajjcomb November 2011
  • I keep a bar of dark chocolate in the house for my fix. About 25 calories per square. Usually lasts me 3-4 weeks.
  • Our bodies can hold about two hours of glycogen stores in muscle to convert to energy. Try both ways, see what works best for you. If I know I have a big workout ahead, say around two hours with moderate to high intensity, I will eat something. 1.5 hours or less, I will usually just have breakfast within 30 minutes of…
  • The midsole does not break down over time. They do not expire from sitting around. The big difference is the quality of the shoe. There is a big difference in materials and construction between a $50 running shoe and a $100 running shoe. Take a pair of $50 running shoes and twist them in the middle, then do that with a…
  • Excellent. Great work, and thank you for posting this. A perfect example of an important concept. Great illustration of why BMI is not accurate for active people. Edit: haha, just saw this isn't you. Well, it's still a great post!
  • Thank you to all the vets for your service. My wife and I will be putting together care packages this afternoon for our troops over seas.
  • Pack a lunch. Baked tofu in a pita with hummus, carrot and zucchini is a delicious cold veggie sandwich. Or make soup and heat it up at work.
  • Yes, you burn less calories as a result of lower weight and increased cardiovascular conditioning.