

  • This helps so much! I have been logging pop pilates under pilates and I am thinking there is no way I burned only 60 calories in 25 minutes! I will start logging pop pilates under calisthenics. That feel A LOT more accurate!
  • you could do something 80's themed. You could make it practical for running and warm with the leggins :)
  • I think it depends on how active you are. Going over on protein is okay in my book, even more so on days when I work out really hard. A big salad chuck full of greens and some bread with a little bit of peanut butter may be about the right amount calorie wise. I would be more concerned with calories and fat then other…
  • Love the Burn Fat Boost Metabolism! They are all really good!!!
  • This is just me but I have to have something on my stomach. I can't workout on an empty, hungry stomach!! Eat something with protein like toast with peanut butter, egg, or even a piece of fruit. At least for me it makes my workout more effective since I have the energy and my tummy isn't growling!!
  • Yes eat!! Don't go to bed hungry you will be miserable.
  • I think Salmon has about 200 calories per serving? The frozen ones I get that's what it says. A lot depends what you put on it though.
  • My body did the opposite; I gained when I STOPPED nursing. I think it's because I had a BIG baby that loved to eat (and nursing burns calories, or sucks the calories out of you :) ) and I really watched what I was eating to make sure he got the right nutrients (little to no fast food, no pop, etc). So it's my fault that I…
  • I allow myself one sometimes two girl scout cookies a day (forgot I even ordered them, and they can to the door with them last week). Then I feel like I have got a little something sweet, but didn't over do it. I think if I completely deprived myself of them, I would break one day and eat a whole box. Putting them in…
  • Just because you are not hitting the gym everyday doesn't mean you aren't exercising! I try to do actual "workouts" maybe 4-5 times a week. I think we need to give ourselves more credit though! If I can't get to the gym one day, I think cleaning, working, casual family stroll and chasing after an active 3 year old burns…
  • I have only lost 5 lbs but I am only 5 feet tall so I have already noticed pants being baggy in the bum! So have other people!!
  • I personally LOVE Zumba! It is really high energy and the time goes by fast. I have never tried it on the Wii though. I like doing it at my gym because it motivates you a lot more when you have a fun instructor and others around. Thats just me though :happy: