Do you work out 7 days a week or skip a day?



  • Lisa076
    Lisa076 Posts: 78
    I have heard that you need a day of rest but I am working out 7 days doing P90 (day 11) and I will continue to do so until my body tells me otherwise :smile:
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    If you are doing hard workouts it is very important that you take at least one day of work. If you are just getting a heart rate up for 20-30 min every day. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

    Intense activity. Long Runs, Long Bikes, HIIT, Weight training. All of these highly physical workouts should have at least one rest day.

    If your starting out and a light workout is all you can manage but to you its very hard. Then by all means take a rest day. Its about physical exertion. Listen to your body. I dont mean ...Oh your muscles are sore skip a day. Muscle soreness does not require a day of rest. Sorry to disappoint. If you are sore make sure you warm up good and stretch out good before beginning

    I do a minimum of 5 days and I try to do 6 If I'm feeling aggressive I will do 7-9 days consecutively and then rest
  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    Generally I work out 5 days a week. I do interval training on the treadmill for an hour 4 days a week. I work 3 twelves with a 3 hour commute so I usually don't get home till 9 at night. Most nights after work I am too exhausted (on my feet all day at work) but will generally walk at least a mile.On my days off I kick up the workouts by adding an aerobics dvd or weight training in addition to the treadmill.
  • WashingtonGrown
    I work out 4-5 times a week.
  • appleshells
    appleshells Posts: 165
    I want to add that I can not wait for it to get warm so I can get on my bike and also head to the woods for some hiking!!!
  • jenrobyoung
    I try to do something active every day, unless by body is telling me to take a day off. I will not workout with weights all 7 days. If I am doing any strenght training I keep it to no more than 6 days a week, hitting different muscle groups every day so I am not hitting the same one two days in a row. On my day off from strenght training I will still walk, do cardio or go hiking, but its focused more on heartrate then muscle toning.
  • FrankyOsage
    FrankyOsage Posts: 275
    P90X 6 days a week (which already switches it up for you so you aren't working same muscles everyday). On Sundays I do the Stretch X and play with my dogs at the dog park, nice and low key. Some days though I do a quick twenty minute dvd or go walk the dogs with my mom to keep her motivated too. I love love working out!!
  • tneeland
    tneeland Posts: 24 Member
    I end up working out everyday bc I combine turbo fire and chalean extreme. I don't complain cause I know if I miss a day I might fall back into my old habits. On the days that I do only one exercise is my more relax days. Also I don't plan cheat days When I crave something unhealthy I have it and count it as a cheat day; I normally I go weeks without this happening though.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I can see that I am an anomaly on MFP, as I only workout 2-3x a week and lately haven't been very good about that! I knew when I started that exercise would be my weakest link, but I managed to lose my weight and now just trying to maintain it. I do believe that once warmer weather gets here, I will be back to walking outside more. Ya'll are inspiring though, I have to say!
  • KKOLB1
    KKOLB1 Posts: 53 Member
    When i started this time I did the shred for 30 days. then for a week I did another interval cardio workout for 25 min & a month ago i did the elliptical for an hour. Now I do the shred & elliptical for 30 min. everyday. Somethin isn't working though cause I haven't lost for 3 wks
    I go to Zumba twice a week and going to swim twice a week. I also walk the dogs 5 times a week for an hour, so I dont really have a day off but on days I just walk the dogsd (which varies) I dont do as much.

    What exercises do you do?
  • bethymay123
    I do some form of formal workout four days a week, tuesday through friday.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I can see that I am an anomaly on MFP, as I only workout 2-3x a week and lately haven't been very good about that! I knew when I started that exercise would be my weakest link, but I managed to lose my weight and now just trying to maintain it. I do believe that once warmer weather gets here, I will be back to walking outside more. Ya'll are inspiring though, I have to say!

    Thank goodness for that. I thought I was the only one.

    When I am maintaning (which has been pretty much most of my adult life) then twice a week. When I have been dieting (a total of about 10 months of the last 20 years or so) then 3 usually or 4 max.
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    On a good week I work out Monday thru Fridays. I try to keep the weekends for me and to give my body a break. On a bad week maybe three or four times (which may include a saturday morning)
  • stephriley
    Just because you are not hitting the gym everyday doesn't mean you aren't exercising! I try to do actual "workouts" maybe 4-5 times a week. I think we need to give ourselves more credit though! If I can't get to the gym one day, I think cleaning, working, casual family stroll and chasing after an active 3 year old burns calories as well.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    My only full rest day is Sunday. I work out twice on Mondays (am & pm), Tuesday AM, Wednesday PM, Thursday AM, Fiday AM & Saturday AM. Sunday my only exercise is chasing my kids. :tongue: Or my husband. :wink: :tongue:
  • exxxtasi
    exxxtasi Posts: 39
    I always take 2 days off a week
  • lelegrev
    lelegrev Posts: 15
    I run 3 times a week, sometimes 4 times if I have the time or am willing to. I do some pilates and an ab routine 5 days a week.
  • ravenlunatic76
    ravenlunatic76 Posts: 69 Member
    Workout 5 days a week. Try and pad two consecutive days of rest in there which probably isn't good. Probably need to do 2 days, rest, then 3. Who knows.

    In week three of Bob Harper's Weight Loss Yoga as well as doing 30 minutes of Treadmill work. One month in, feeling great.
  • fantm
    fantm Posts: 87 Member
    I hike 5 miles on Sundays, bootcamp every Mon - Fri, and try to do the elliptical for 60 min on Saturdays. But if i'm injured, or not feeling good, or traveling, I will take a day off and not stress out about it. I like how I feel after I exercise, so that's why I do it 7 days/week.
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    i workout five days a week, i try to do treadmill all five days then mix it up with wii zumba .when the weather breaks walks outside are awsome.