It's def more than I have been doing in the last 6 months, I feel so lethargic and wobbly! So 20 mins cardio and 10 mins weights. I just know when I get going I won't be able to stop and then my work will suffer, but hey my body will be back!
Yep will try and remember to measure the same spot, not lower the tape to a smaller spot either ;) Why is it it never comes off where you want it too, my mid thigh section is shirking marvellously yet the upper inner thighs - not so well!
Thanks everyone! Some months I seem to drop a few inches and others none at all! Will check out that website! Thanks
Thanks Lu, I have 30 day shred but really didn't like it compared to the others, maybe I should give it another whirl!
Thank you, thats some great advice - I have already been trying to gradually increase my calorie intake and as a rule I lose just 1lb or 1.5 every 2 weeks - it seems to come off fortnightly! I love the resistance work so much more too! now its time to make some exciting circuits :) Thank you!
Why not try cardio routines which include lots of twisting and stomach focused moves - boxercise and combat tends to be really good for this. That way you're burning off the fat as well as targeting a troubles area :) I kno you cannot spot reduce but I'd incorpirate some reverse curls, planks and russian twists. x
Cardio - anything that gets your heart rate up - aerobics, swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, workout dvds, gym? whicever you choose. Resistance Work - Dumbells or body weight exercises as mentioned earlier. A good balance of both - Cradio will definitely get rid of the wobbly bits :) and resistance work will tighten…
I'm a newbie to Pilates and last night I did Weight Loss Pilates for Dummies, I loved it, was only about 30 minutes in length! Not sure what other ones but I really liked this especially for beginners, my mum picked it up for me from a carboot sale!
Thanks all, will introduce some heavier weights I think!
Gosh it's all a bit technical - I'm guessing on exercise days I'm not to eat cake as a means of upping my cals! pahaha!
Hi Sharon, I understand that if you for example burn 1000 calories working out and are only eating say for example 1200 calories then you're only manging on 200 calories but I had never ever contemplated eating more! I am not sure if i dare eat extra incase I gain! Well done on the 72lb loss that is amazing!
Thank you I will look into it and buy some heavier dumbells! Thank You
Thanks Rachel - I worry that If i use too much weight that I may bulk up?! Not sure if this is the case! Thanks for advice so far!
Thank you for this - not too sure if i would like to be measured underwater mind! lol!
Hi Melanie, Thanks for that - well I am not sure if my % is accurate just using ym bathroom scales - which I am slightly addicted at checking! I use weights for my resistance - arm work some ab work and squats etc but usually lowish weight and more reps. You will get there keep at it. x
Whats the healthy range for body fat % I measure my'n using my scales - not sure if this is the right way?? My'n is 26% - is this good or bad!
Hi Smiler, Thank you for your kind words! I wish I was just 11.5 :) ! I have looked into PT in my area but the only trouble is the gyms I have been to they tend to not know what their doing and even with a review they appear to put half of the women on the same plan! Bet your PT puts you through your paces! I used to love…
Also AK I would be very interested in a work out plan if you could devise one for home workouts?? Thank You
Hi AK, Thanks for your input. You have given some really good tips there. I am aware that I can't spot train but I try to include all over resistance work to help my body to shape up. I have noticed definition in my upper abs - light definition may I add! Recently my weight loss has slowed but I feel that my body is…
I have noticed a big difference from squats and lunges. Im best at the static lunges as i find i have the best control at these, or side lunges where u bend slightly forward mainly targets inner thigh but a real good one. Squats - toes pointed at ten to two (slight angle pointing outwards) - sets of 20. 1 set slow, 1 set…
Does anyone else have any good advice on exercise routines??
I seem to worry If i don't do everything that it'll all go to pieces, hence the long workouts over 2 hours sometimes :( - love it at the time but takes too long! On the body fat % note - my scales tell me that my % is 22% is this good, average or shocking ! pahaha! Carla
I seem to worry If i don't do everything that it'll all go to pieces, hence the long workouts over 2 hours sometimes :( - love it at the time but takes too long! On the body fat % note - my scales tell me that my % is 22% is this good, average or shocking ! pahaha! Carla
Thanks Missy - I have a donut ball and gym ball but how do you do arm exercises on gym ball - tricpep dips I guess??
Sorry forgot to add have lost my weight slowly - have been doing this since october to give my skin time to ''recover''!!
Hi, I have a similar aim - to get smalled firmer upper arms. My query is how often to do these arm focused exercises. Already doing 4-5 days a week including at least 45 mins cardio and at least 45 resistance. would it help to do 10 min arms every morning or something??