UK Members - What results have you got from fitness DVDs


I'm an avid Workout DVD fan, trouble is in the past 6 months I must have bought about 40, so i keep chopping and changing between various DVD's/ I'd really like to hear what results people have found with what DVD's - i.e inch loss, muscle tone etc.

I personally like the Davina DVD's - particually Davina FIT, but I also like the old pump it up DVD's - but since i use various I can't seem to keep track of which is working.

Look forward to hearing your views!



  • lu123
    lu123 Posts: 247 Member
    30 day shred worked for me. Did it last year so cant remember exact measurements but I know I lost weight and inches and I remember feeling much much more toned.
  • cakoro
    cakoro Posts: 4
    Hi UK - I've been using the Leslie Sansone Walk at Home DVD - there are 3 DVDs in the pack and you can elect to walk one, two or three miles and let me tell you after 2 miles the sweat is pouring off. It also incorporates stretches and arm stretches. Also tried the 10 Minute Solution especially the Ab and Waist Definer. Good luck - ca from Calgary Alberta
  • micarla1
    micarla1 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks Lu,

    I have 30 day shred but really didn't like it compared to the others, maybe I should give it another whirl!
  • gemwho2
    gemwho2 Posts: 82
    30 Day Shred!
    I love it and recommend it to everyone