aimiee88 Member


  • WOW was umming and arrrhing about doing Insanity...after seeing your video am deffo going to do this when i have finished 30day shred! Well done, i have heard its really hard! but looks defo worth while!!!!
  • Hey, You do level 1 for 10days, then level 2 for 10days then level 3 for 10 days =) I use youtube for all of them!!
  • Day 2 is always the worst! Im now on day 4, its still hard, but getting easier and can see my endurance getting better already =)
  • Hey, I am starting today so I will add you and we can keep each other motivated! =D
  • LOL Thanks pointing it out :tongue:
  • WOW this website it really good thank you, I know what I will be doing this evening! =D
  • ummm, maybe not quite close enough :tongue: Any ideas on where to go/see? :flowerforyou:
  • Hey, Thanks for the replies, Sorry for the delay in replying to you all, havent been able to get to the forums over the last couple of days. We are looking at going to Yosemite National Park, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas etc. We are flying into LA, and thinking about driving up through the national parks to Yosemite so we may…
  • We plan a week ahead too, keeps me on track =) No baddies then in the cupboards to nibble on too lol
  • Hey, I think you need to do whats best for you! Im the other way around, I am on 1200cals, and when I exercise NET about 800cals - I didnt eat my workout cals...I wasnt losing anything... I started to eat my workout cals, so Netting 1200cals and the weight coming off good and steady. I think its different to each and every…
  • Thanks all =)
  • Hey, If its any help, I am on a 1200cal intake. When I dont exersice I only eat 1200cals. When I exersice I eat my NET calories at 1200cals (eat my workout cals) I have lost a stone Since the beginning of Oct. When I first started though, I misunderstood what MFP was trying to tell me, and was only eating 1200cals then…
  • Keep your chin up and keep going, it does suck when the scales dont budge, and its alot harder to keep going when it doesnt! Thats my problem, but friends on MFP give great motivation and keep you going.:flowerforyou: May I ask, you said you started working out this week, are you eating your workout calories back? I only…
  • Hey Im 5,4 and my goal weight is 140lbs, thats the high end of heathy for me apprently, but im happy that I will be in my ideal weight for my age/height etc... Im at 185lbs at the moment, lost 27lbs, and I think that my body will look way to skinny for anything under that, as I have always been big. :blushing: So will see…
  • Love the lighter laughing cow triangles and only 25cals a peice ...Winner! =D
  • I get the laughing cow light cream cheese triangles which are only 25cals, really yummy on toast/bagels etc...I could also eat them on their own they are soo yummy! Also put lowfat cream cheese in pasta for a quick half decent calorie meal with loads of veggies =)
  • Hey, Myself, and quite a few others put it down to 20mins of Circuit training. =) Someone told me you can work it out on her website, and it does calucate to pretty much the same as logging in as the above =) Hope that helps x
  • Hey, Im 24, your welcome to add me =)
  • Im in the same boat, and thinking its not right?! Finally clicked that when MFP sets your cal intake, it sets your NET CALORIE GOAL.... I think we need to work at meeting that at 1200 rather than the calorie intake. So I think i am deffo not eating enough!!!! Hope that the weight starts shifting again now!! =D Will add…
  • Awh wow you look fab! well done! =D
  • The Lasagne is amazing! My friend cooked it for us, and we were all abit :S about it, but it was REALLY tasty. She made it with Quorn mince as my partner and I are veggies, and she said is was faily easy, not as hard as it seems! Give it a go =)
  • The 30 day shred is also on youtube! I am working on that now, its hard work but already seeing results..cant wait to record after 30days!! If you go through the success boards you can see people that have done the 30day shred before and after pics and they are amazing!
  • I borrowed this book off my friend to take a few receipes out to try, and I have actually brought this as there were so many! Being veggie, I was abit unsure of what I could eat - but most receipes I can change to suit me! Cant wait for it to arrive!!!!!
  • This is what someone told me when I had the same question... It works out pretty much the same as logging Circuit training for 20mins... hope this helps. This is apparently from Jillians website "30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you…
  • Hello Feel free to add me as a friend =) have been doing MFP for about a month now and lost 10lbs! The support on here is amazing! Motivation is what i needed, and i am getting it here! =) x
  • Hello I asked the same question the other day, other people log it as Circuit training which is what i am doing, but someone posted this: --This is apparently from Jillians website "30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and…
  • Hey Advise and motivation is what I need! will send you a friend request =) Thanks !
  • Hey Im on 1200 which MFP put me on, this tends to be a normal spilt for me: 200-300 breakfast 300-400 Lunch 500 Tea Depending on what it is i eat when, i can have a snack, but i didnt tend to eat snacks before so its easy for me to go without. Today my Diary is: Breakfast: Bran Flakes and Milk 165 coffee 25 Lunch (my…
  • I will join you! I will be weighing tomorrow, and then not until Dec! I am also doing 30 day shred so I was thinking about not weighing, but this post has just made my mind up! Good luck every1!!
  • Hey MFP set me up with 1200 calories and it suits me fine. This is beacuse I have a desk job, and I set my loss at 2lbs a week. I have about 250cal for breakfast, 350 for lunch. If I am peckish I have a bannana or an orange mid afternoon so have between 500-600cal for tea depending on the snack. I hardly snacked before MFP…