How many calories should I be eating?

I'm so confused. I have no idea how many calories I should be eating.
I'm 5'2. Currently 124 my goal weight is to 110. I work out every single day for 60 min sometimes a little more.
For the last 2 weeks I have not budged in weight lose. MFP has my calories set for 1200.
Everyday I burn about 500 to 600 calories and at the end of the day I'm under my calories buy 400 to 600. I'm thinking that might be the problem. Just not sure.
Please some advice TY


  • Colliex3
    Colliex3 Posts: 328 Member
    I know that 1200 should be your maximum low even after working out... maybe you should eat back some calories?
  • aimiee88
    aimiee88 Posts: 47 Member
    Im in the same boat, and thinking its not right?!
    Finally clicked that when MFP sets your cal intake, it sets your NET CALORIE GOAL....
    I think we need to work at meeting that at 1200 rather than the calorie intake.

    So I think i am deffo not eating enough!!!! Hope that the weight starts shifting again now!! =D

    Will add you, and we can keep each other updated!
  • ejensen86
    Maybe look at what exercises your doing- are you reaching your threshhold weight loss heartbeat?
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    Hi Guys,

    You definately need to eat back exercised calories... I didnt realise this until about 2 weeks ago, and slowly I'm dropping again!

    I was at 1200 calories, but have upped it to 1230 (not a lot per day, but adds up over the week).

    You need to fuel your body, it cant burn fat if it has no energy!

    Edit: Plus, if you are netting under 1200, your body will go into starvation mode and not a lot will happen! EAT MORE :)
  • beautiful4ever
    Since you weigh 124 thats really an awesome weight !! Also you are getting a lot of exercise . 1200 calories might not be enough for you . I am going to weight watchers and they have a point system . It is too low for me . I had a fitness coach tell me don't go below 1568 calories on any diet . If I eat 1200 calories ( or less) my body goes into starvation mode . Then just say Thanksgiving or Christmas I eat 2000 calories . Bamm the weight comes back on . More rapidly than before. I would find out what your metabolism is and stick to no less than those calories . Also was on Julian Micheals on line eating plan too $52.00 for 3 months ( $4 a week ) and lost 8 to 10 pounds and could not lose anymore . I called their help line and she told me to eat 200 more calories ( apple, piece of cheese , Almond butter) a day for a week . I did and I lost 5 pounds eating more !!!
  • flutterbug123
    flutterbug123 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks so much everybody for the advice. I'm just super afraid that if I eat more calories I'm going to gain, but I think I'll try it anyway :)