

  • To look as awesome as I did in high school. That was the last time I ever looked in the mirror and thought "damn I look nice today!" I was still overweight, but not nearly as much as I am now. Related to the above: So I can rock short hair again. I keep hearing that short hair generally does not look good on fat girls.…
  • I just splash some Frank's Red Hot sauce on there. Mmmm buffalo chicken... ;)
  • Not the parent of one, but I had this problem myself. I would get bad ear infections as a kid and had my first set of tubes put in when I was two. I don't remember much from it except that I was really scared when they put the anesthesia mask on me. Eventually they realized my adenoids were ridiculously large, so during my…
  • Walter White, Iron Man, and Natalie Portman.
  • Like, exaggerated anger. Like wanting to beat the **** out of the person making the noise. That's what I meant.
  • Fun fact: Irrational feelings of anger triggered by sound is apparently called misophonia. That said, I totally have this issue too... crunching, smacking, slurping... doesn't even have to be particularly loud either! I jam my headphones in if someone does it nearby. Thankfully my cubemate who smacked her lips when she ate…
  • Man I WISH they had a pool! I'd be swimming laps every day! I do this. The cardio equipment has TVs built in. I'm fortunate that one of my favorite shows is on when I usually go to the gym. That plus music is my distraction at the moment... but I'd kinda like to change things up.
  • Thanks to those who actually attempted to answer my question instead of stir up drama. I'll ask them about that rowing machine. I always thought it was odd to have it out in a spot away from the rest of the equipment... Is rowing good cardio anyway or is it more of a strength thing?
  • They played at my college one year. They also recruited local musicians for the show. My friend got to play violin with them.
  • 0.81 46 inch waist and 55 inch hips. Huge I know but at least my ratio isn't THAT bad. No full body pics but there are a couple from the waist up in my profile.
  • I already do, for breakfast and lunch. Those are available in the cafeteria at work. Left to my own devices, I am capable of making great choices. It's when my parents get involved that it gets hard. Which is why I want to move out and buy my own groceries.
  • Tell that to the hordes of people in this thread who snapped at me for going over 1210...
  • Not to sound whiny... I really don't mean to... but nobody knows what my habits were like before I started this journey, and nobody knows how I've changed since I started. I keep struggling with my own inner "drill instructor" who is "go hard or go home, you pathetic maggot" and seeing harsh or tough responses from other…
  • Then maybe I should have asked a completely different question in this thread. Everyone pointing out my mistakes and making me feel bad for them all over again is NOT helping. I'm likely going to turn my diary private now...
  • I'm not listening? I hear loud and clear all the people telling me off and telling me to change everything I'm doing. They repeat themselves enough! I AM WORKING ON IT. It feels like everyone is expecting me to just suddenly overnight start eating squeaky clean every day without fail while jogging three miles a day! My…
  • Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..." Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....
  • Plenty of people said "suck it up." My mind, upon reading that, subconsciously adds the last part. I interpret that kind of attitude very badly... No, I can't. My RL friends are still in college in Missouri, or after graduating got jobs in Missouri. I live in Texas. My brother's friends are all off at college themselves…
  • Because people are yelling at me and pointing out every mistake I have ever made. That is not encouraging at all. It makes me feel like I can't do this. I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!" I know healthy…
  • ^This sums up EXACTLY what I feel right now, that first paragraph of yours. The idea of just giving up completely, or forcing myself to live a boring life with no indulgences EVER, has crossed my mind at least twice in this thread thanks to some of these responses. But that's ridiculous. Thank you for the encouragement.
  • To those who have been positive, thanks. To those who have been hostile... a review maybe: In this thread I have said that I plan to do my own grocery shopping so that I don't have to put up with my parents' bad decisions anymore. I also said I plan on working out EVERY day this week. Saturday was my worst day ever and is…
  • I just don't like feeling attacked over my bad decisions... I feel bad enough when I make them! I came here for support, not to have my nose rubbed in it. Some posts have been helpful! Others not so much...
  • Ok. Fair enough that was a bad choice when I went to go see a movie. I didn't read the box well enough when picking something out and I know I probably should not have had anything at the movie.
  • Ah, that day. That was a bad one too. I miscalculated my plan for Taco Bell, and my coworker brought the donut holes. At least i didn't have a Blizzard...
  • I have never eaten 42 pieces of Hershey's! I had 15 individual Kisses one day! A serving is 9! Thank you for being one of the more positive and reasonable people! My goal this week is to hit the gym EVERY day. I once lost five pounds in a week at college by ONLY going to the gym every day and not changing my eating…
  • What's upsetting me is that people assume I eat Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is absolutely not the case. Pizza is a once a week thing because of family (if I have a piece the following day it's a leftover and I always try to budget it). McDonalds maybe once a month. Krispy Kreme this was my…
  • I have never had a blizzard on the same day as Taco Bell and donuts. In fact I never had Taco Bell and donuts on the same day. Saturday was my first donut in a month and then we had Italian and I made a poor choice there.
  • I actually did lose weight this week. I lost the two pounds I gained the previous week for whatever reason. Thus... net loss of nothing for two weeks.
  • ...really? Ok, I hear you on the Blizzard... bad decision, but even without that I'd be over. And it's bad to eat one serving size of Jolly Ranchers as a treat? I am quick to get defensive when people point out my mistakes and belittle me for making them. I KNOW I screwed up, I hate being reminded, and I hate being retold…
  • I did join a gym. I'm going today. Nobody talks to me there... no one even makes eye contact with me... I have no local friends and can't find anything social to do that would fit in between work, exercise, and personal free time.
  • ...Did anyone even BOTHER to look at a typical weekday for me? Try looking at some of my first weeks here? Everyone is so quick to jump down my throat over having Krispy Kreme ONCE, or eating HALF OF WHAT I USED TO EAT when it comes to pizza (I used to eat half a pizza. Not joking), and then attempting to budget a leftover…