No loss in two weeks...



  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    I am not attacking you in anyway but as many of the people above had said that you are an adult and some have given you some amazing tips.. All you need to do is sit down, think about what you really want, whether you want to lose weight or not and take it from there..The choice is up to you and nobody else. If you want it bad enough it will happen.

    With my job, I eat out every night. I am a designated driver here in Canada and I sit in a car all night.. Taking a meal from home and eating it a few hours later just doesn't cut it for me.. Sure I take my snacks, but the meals I eat out.. So fast food and restaurants it is.. But I choose healthy.. If I go to Wendy's I have a half salad and by the time I am done I am full.. Sometimes I will order a small fry and eat 5 or 6 fries and it stops my craving for them.. Hubby ends up eating the rest. I eat a lot of Pita's, also the pita place I go to makes Pita Pizza so there I can eat the whole thing as opposed to one slice of pizza and it's a lot more healthier for me too.. If I go to the restaurant I order a diet plate.. It's usually a burger no bun and a salad as well as a bowl of cottage cheese.

    Another poster posted to have smoothies. I am not a breakfast kind of person so I make myself a shake in the morning with Almond Breeze.. Many people use skim milk.. Have that with protein power, fruit, just keep the smoothie at a certain amount of calories..

    As I said the choice is up to you and you have to want to do this.. Nobody can do it for you.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    Because people are yelling at me and pointing out every mistake I have ever made. That is not encouraging at all. It makes me feel like I can't do this.

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    I know healthy food can be delicious. For lunch today, because the cafeteria closed before I could hit up the salad bar, I'm having celery and carrots with fat free dip and some beef jerky because it was lower calorie and lower sodium than the premade sandwiches. Cooking on the other hand is boring. Eating the same thing every day is boring. And when I only ever get to see any of my RL friends when my parents invite their parents out to dinner and they just HAPPEN to be home that weekend, and if I'm not going out to dinner with them... that's boring too.

    Cooking isn't boring! You just aren't doing it right. :P

    I never used to like cooking either, but it's not as hard or as difficult as people make it sound.

    I dance while I prepare my meals. True story! I crank up the music and I boogie my little butt off while I'm chopping those carrots and mixing my ingredients.

    Might I suggest learning how to prepare some easy, quick meals?

    Last night I dined on baked chili! YUM! And it took only twenty minutes prep time (much of that prep time was spent with me dancing and/or watching TV while I prepared). The rest of the time the food was in the oven and I didn't have to do ANYTHING but wait for it to finish.

    Not all cooking requires your full attention for thirty minutes. You can cook AND do the things you love. Cooking should take MAYBE ten-twenty minutes of your undivided time. That's the bulk of it. And isn't it worth it? If it means feeling healthier? Losing weight?

    I know everyone seems really harsh right now but try and hear what they're saying beneath all the venom.

    Everyone here is saying: If you want to do this, don't make excuses. No more excuses. It's time to change.

    But don't be discouraged. If it feels like too much, then make small changes and work your way towards this new lifestyle. If you really feel you can't jump in then just start small and build up to the bigger changes.

    And don't be discouraged if your weight loss is slow and/or seems to stall! Only get discouraged if you start to regain everything. :\

    Anyway. Look at you! You've gained two and lost two. That's good! Better to gain and lose then to gain and not lose!!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Listen dead honest.
    In order for you to lose you are going to have to change your diet and your attiude.

    All this "it's boring" whining is for the birds and it's why you won;t get where you want.
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    I live with my parents also and it does make it more difficult, but I have learned that if i want to be successful i can only depend on myself. It is all about making the right choices. If they are eating pizza for dinner, you can have that pizza but only a small portion, and opt for veggies instead of meat. Skip the chicken wings and get a salad instead. I noticed a lot of sweets in your diary also. Remember that while it is important not to deprive yourself of those treats you have to limit your intake otherwise you will be unsuccessful. It involves a lot of self control passing up the sweets your parents have laying around in the kitchen or eating that salad while they eat a giant bowl of pasta (trust me i have been there), but it WILL be worth it and eventually you won't even be tempted. You made the decision to be healthy so you just have to stick to it! I hope that this helps. Good luck :smile:
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    Ok, enough is enough. I can't sit here in silence.

    You are making ridiculous excuses.

    You aren't taking your diet seriously. You seem like a bright woman, so I know you know this deep down.

    So how do you seriously expect to lose weight?
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I'm 21, live with my parents, and have an office job. It's *hard* to plan ahead and eat right, and a lot of the time I still don't because I forgot or was lazy. And then I pay for it later. I'm learning that instant gratification (i.e. I don't have time to cook because I want to go do ________) is not worth it in the end. But it's a process to get there.
    Weight loss isn't always fun. Eating right is certainly not fun all the time. You're going to have bad days and good days but it's the attitude you need to change to see results.

    I was a terrible cook two months ago. Now, I'm not fantastic, but my whole house eats what I make and it's healthier for all of us. As for social, all my friends are away at school. I have my bf, but it does get lonely. I go to the gym when I feel like that.

    You have to really *want* it. If you find yourself making all these excuses, maybe it's not the right time for you to change your life.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    Only person who wrote anything like that you.

    Plenty of people said "suck it up." My mind, upon reading that, subconsciously adds the last part. I interpret that kind of attitude very badly...
    3. Stop relying on your parents to socialize. You can see your RL friends on your own, at a Panera Bread rather than Texas Roadhouse

    No, I can't. My RL friends are still in college in Missouri, or after graduating got jobs in Missouri. I live in Texas. My brother's friends are all off at college themselves too. Being the oldest in our group SUCKS.

    Well that's part of your problem....stop assuming others want to hurt you in any way with vague responses...we want to HELP you!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Uh oh....are the meaners out today? Bottom line, you get out of the program exactly what you put in. However, T.O.M derails me for about 2 weeks every single month :ohwell:

    Be patient. Be very diligent If you really want to see results. And, pay attention to the results you get based on what you eat and drink. For me, alcohol and sodium also make me hold on to weight longer than when I don't drink or eat out.

    Welcome to MFP and hang in there!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    Only person who wrote anything like that you.

    Plenty of people said "suck it up." My mind, upon reading that, subconsciously adds the last part. I interpret that kind of attitude very badly...
    Nah, the last part's not really there. And while the admonishment to "suck it up" may sound harsh, it's unfortunately accurate. While it's true that lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, they do require focus and commitment.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    What does socialization have to do with weight loss? I keep seeing that come up.

    Ok seriously. People keep saying this. Do people really believe that if you aren't the "popular" type that hangs out with friends instead of playing video games that suddenly you'll start losing weight?

    It's because the OP said it was one of her reasons for not being able to eat healthier.

    OP, focus on small things you can change. Maybe you want to decide to only eat out twice a week, or maybe you replace one serving of chocolate with a piece of fruit. Small changes add up. The biggest thing to me is be consistent. You can lose weight eating out all the time, but it's so much harder. All the sodium will make your water retention be all over the place. All your calories get spent in one place and then you don't get to have anything else that day.

    It doesn't have to be "all junk" or "all healthy"-- I generally do about 75/25 and I'm trying to get to 80/20. I do have chocolate pretty much every day, but I also have grilled chicken, veggies, quinoa, etc. If you can just work on making most of your meals at home I think it'll help your progress. I also wonder if you might benefit from raising your calorie goal a little and then sticking to it consistently. Your exercise calories may also be off, so I'd suggest either using a HRM or only eating back half.

    Finally go back and read over your entire diary with a critical eye. Find strengths you can be proud of, and then also find weaknesses. Sometimes I'm surprised when I go back and look at mine; either I thought I was being healthier than I was, or I felt like I had a terrible week and it turns out it wasn't so bad. But I think looking back after some time has passed can help figure out what is working and what isn't.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Well the middle-sized Billy Goat Gruff, when he saw that his brother had safely reached the meadow, he straightened himself up and he started to cross the bridge.


    Went his hooves on the wooden boards. He was nearly at the middle when suddenly the enormous head of the....

    too subtle, huh?
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....
  • toogsmom
    toogsmom Posts: 81 Member
    we all have good days and bad days! Its the better choices over a sustained period of time that leads to true change! Its no doubt that you have to do what it takes to lose the weight ! I am a firm believer that.... what we choose today is who/what we are tomorrow and that is with everything in life! I really think that you need a support group and maybe it wont come from your parents! Sometimes those that should love us the most continue to enable us to make bad choices because it doesnt make them feel so bad about themselves! Find a friend who NEEDS your help/ You need theirs too! ACCOUNTABILITY helps alot!! Secondly try to plan ahead. Find some healthy /healthier options in advance if possible!! Dont ever give up! Slow progress is better than NO progress... Weightloss takes time and in my experience i have noticed a pattern to the way my body drops weight! I can go 3 weeks and not hardly lose anything like maybe 1 lb.....then in the 4th week lose about 7 lbs or more.... so over a month thats the typical healthy weightloss in a 4 week cycle.....until I noticed this it was WEEKS OF FRUSTRATION!! Every one is different but you may notice something like this with you as well.Also the week before my period I can gain3 lbs or more of fluid and drop it the very next week! Our bodies are complex and everyone is different! Just keep making better choices...Good gives over to BETTER...then BETTER to BEST!!!!
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    OKAY, you HAVE stop eating crap.

    the end.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Just keep this in mind: If I keep doing what I'm doing, I'm going to keep on getting the same results. If I want change, I have to change.

    Seriously, good luck to you. If you can see the sincerity in the posts, there's a LOT of good information here. Sure, it's not the fluff that you might be looking for, but chances are, it's just what you need.

    *hah! song lyrics. I'm so funny.*
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Another thing: the way to a mans heart is through the stomach...... you want to 'one day attract a boyfriend' you should probably start to learn to cook....

    just a thought.
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    You have an excuse for everything it seems. I'm not trying to be harsh but you aren't listening nor do you sound like you truly care. What I think you really wanted was someone to agree with your choices and tell you it's ok, well it's not ok. You need to probably work on yourself inside and outside it seems.
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    ^^That right there should be your motivator then. You have to drop the weight to fix whatever health problems you have. You really need to look deep and get the ball rolling again. As for the friends things, make new ones! Join a gym class and meet some people. Don't rely on your parents. You are an adult, at some point you are going to have to have some self accountability. We can't fix this for you, YOU have to want this 100%. Sure you say you have to whether you want to or not, but in order to succeed you have to want it. Period, end of story.

    So my advice? Stop with the victim playing, the excuses and just do it. Again, good luck.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    Having to do it and not being committed to doing it won't work out too well for you. You need to dig deeper and ask yourself if you REALLY are going to do this or if you're just going to use the many excuses you've come up with as a reason to stay the same. Obviously a person who smokes cigarettes generally know they "need" to quit smoking for their health...but guess what...if they don't commit to quitting...they aren't going to.
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    Ok so two weeks ago I gained two pounds despite my calorie deficit. I decided to blame it on water weight because I was not diligent about drinking water that week. Last week, drank water like crazy, lost those two pounds BUT NOTHING MORE. That tells me it might not have just been water weight. Still maintained a calorie deficit. Only thing I was not diligent about was exercise.

    What the fluff is wrong with me? :grumble:

    (And this week I'm doing all three!)

    PS: TOM might be this week or next... I can never really tell...

    I feel your pain. I stayed pretty much the same weight for 3 weeks and then a 1/2 pound loss. Guess what? TOM is late for me by 3-1/2 weeks and finally came this week. I followed my program diligently except for 1 day in the last 4 days or so. If you eat within your limits the loss will come eventually. Hormones are hell for some on a weight loss program. I'd say stick with it and it will eventually show up.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Way less excuses & much more accountability.