No loss in two weeks...



  • MelisMusing
    MelisMusing Posts: 421 Member
    These are the things I'd try to focus on:

    Adjust your calorie target- you might not be eating enough.
    Consider taking out simple carbs and sugar....too much will kill your eating plan
    Replace simple carbs and sugar with healthy quality protein and veggies and fruit
    Drink more water
    and if you're not exercising, try and do so.

    You're asking the right questions- now you just have to tweak things until you figure out what works for you. Be can do it.
  • RatherBeFishing
    RatherBeFishing Posts: 61 Member
    Here is a great link for people that say you can't eat junk and drop weight. The twinkie diet!

    But I personally wouldn't complain online about not dropping weight if my diet was all messed up. Just sayin.. :noway:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Here is a great link for people that say you can't eat junk and drop weight. The twinkie diet!

    But I personally wouldn't complain online about not dropping weight if my diet was all messed up. Just sayin.. :noway:

    It took six pages for this to come up? I'm surprised.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.

    That's too bad. There are actually some good choices at Taco Bell.

    Yes, but I don't like those!

    I don't like those either. I used to eat taco bell 2-4 times a week, every week, for over a decade. If I ever eat there again, I will be ordering my old usual:

    Steak Quesadilla x 1
    Beef Gordita Supreme x 2
    Cheesy Gordita Crunch x 1
    Soft Taco x 2
    Large Baja Blast

    I actually have this saved under My Meals as Death by Taco Bell in the event I ever get up the courage lol.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I'm gonna go with the "mean" people and tell you to grow up and stop making excuses for your decisions. You don't have to eat crap and play video games all night. Get out and meet people. You are 24, you are a grown up with a grown up job. I have a "sit in a cubical" all day job too (I have for 10 years) but I was able to lose 40+ pounds and achieve my goals because I realized what I was doing wasn't working and I need to make some changes.

    My advice to you is to sit down and really look at the life you lead and figure out what alterations need to made to achieve your goals and if you don't want to do those things, don't. Just don't assume that when you ask what you've done wrong you'll get a bunch of "you are doing everything right, keep up the good work". That's not the way this forum works.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Ok so two weeks ago I gained two pounds despite my calorie deficit. I decided to blame it on water weight because I was not diligent about drinking water that week. Last week, drank water like crazy, lost those two pounds BUT NOTHING MORE. That tells me it might not have just been water weight. Still maintained a calorie deficit. Only thing I was not diligent about was exercise.

    What the fluff is wrong with me? :grumble:

    (And this week I'm doing all three!)

    PS: TOM might be this week or next... I can never really tell...

    I gain some, lose some and gain it back. it is frustrating. They say it's better to weigh ourselves once a week before breakfast. I drink LOTS and LOTS of water which can be why I retain weight and sometimes, I have gone over on my calories, but I don't give up. I keep trying. There are always tomorrows in which I can do better. For exercise, I do brisk walking and yoga.

    Best if you prepare your meals separate from your parents if they only buy and prepare high calorie meals. It may not be easy, but can be done. At restaurants, check the menu for low cal foods if there are any. Maybe explain to your parents that you are trying to lose weight and that you have to watch your calorie intake.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You're 24 with a full time job and you base your food decisions on what your parents make for dinner?
    Why not make your own healthy meals on the side?

    Three things and I know they're going to sound like excuses.

    1. I don't really know how to cook...
    Learn--it's a pretty essential life skill, especially if you don't want to spend your life eating junk. Even a few basic recipes will go a long way. Since clearly you're computer literate, I suggest that you use google to search for health recipes, then enter them into the recipe analyzer here to find the nutrition facts before making them.
    2. Time. There are plenty of things I'd MUCH rather be doing than wasting half an hour stirring a pot or checking on the oven.
    As someone else pointed out, this is a priorities issue. You can't force your parents to do this with you--it's just not going to work. As an adult, *you* need to take responsibility for what you put in your mouth, including preparing/obtaining your own meals.

    3. Social. Going out with my parents constitues pretty much the only social interaction I get outside of work that doesn't involve a computer, especially if my parents invite our friends to go out with us. When I left college and returned home, I left behind the only friends I had that were close to my age. None of my friends from high school stayed in the area and if they did they don't care enough to want to hang out, and all my brother's friends are away at college themselves. I have nobody but my family.
    Get out and make some new friends, preferably those who enjoy healthy lifestyles. I was able to find workout groups using meetup, you may have something similar. I found a nice group of people who hula-hoop every weekend in the park. It's cheap, involves social interaction, and gets me a little extra exercise. If you really want to go out to eat regularly, you will need to learn to make better decisions. Hint, anything involving cream sauce is probably best saved for a special occasion. Order things with more veggies than anything else, and if you're getting salad, get a lighter dressing on the side.
    If my parents don't go to the grocery store ASAP so we can put a better plan in place I'm going to do it myself because I'm sick of having to plan around them.
    You can't rely on your parents to do this with you. You have to do it for yourself.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    To change your body, you have to change what you put in it and what you do with it.

    Those are the only two things you can really alter that will affect your weight.

    Move differently, eat differently.

    Whatever it takes to do that must be done, otherwise your body will not change and you can't expect it to...

    Best of luck.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.

    Yeah...that's it, make more excuses as to why you shouldn't follow through with your goals - "Oh my...there are mean people on the internet, forget losing weight!" For real....either you are going to follow through or you are going to make excuses as to why you aren't...
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Wow...please stop playing the victim.

    You asked why you didn't lose weight in two weeks...some of us went back and reviewed 4-6 weeks and made it clear that your choices are what prevented that.

    You have an excuse for everything, in regards to your weightloss.

    Being healthy and losing weight doesn't just happen overnight and is delivered by angels at the front door. You have to WORK for it. Your parents habits suck? OK're smart enough to be online, yes? THen look up recipes and cooking techniques AND LEARN for yourself. Trial and error, my dear. Social time? Your video gaming seems to be your social may have an introverted personality, I don't know you so I can't say but if that's the case, then care about yourself enough to just go to the kitchen and make your own damn food.

    No one here is trying to "rub your nose in it". It's always 'Oh well it wasn't as bad as this.." and " at least I didn't have that.."...but just about every day there is clearly too much of nutrition lacking foods, sodium etc.

    Your plans sounds great...get some ideas of things you want to cook. Easy stuff to start. What do you like? Chili? Soups? Lasagnas and casseroles? They can all be made healthier. THere is also an issue with portion control. No 3 Jolly Ranchers a day is not going to make a's the other crap that is...the Fast food and mall food.

    I know I personally made my comments with completely sincerity in trying to help you, so if I somehow made you feel attacked, I'm sorry you feel that way.

    But take this as a lesson ...many of us have worked really damn hard to lose weight and want to help others but we can't help you if you don't want to be helped...we're not mean people attacking you...we're waiting for you to take RESPONSIBILITY. Good chance is we all have been in your shoes at one way or please, be less combative and just realize others want you to succeed.

    That being said, if you need help with ideas, prep whatever...I'd be happy to help. You can PM if you are interested.

    Good luck.

    Pretty much everything I wanted to say, and probably said better.

    My post honestly came from a place of willingness to help. I have a direct approach, sorry if that comes off wrong. But I'm not going to tell you it's ok and not let you know that you have made certain choices or have certain patterns or excuses that will hinder your weight loss.
    You are on a weight loss site, asking for help from people who have already achieved success. We are telling you what we have done to be successful....and I'm sorry, but some of them are the opposite of the things you are doing. That's a hard blow to take, for sure. I've been in your shoes. I had to learn the hard way. But let me tell you, once I did, there was no holding me back.

    Good luck!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    It looks like a lot of people on this thread are trying to help you, and all you want to do is make excuses for your bad decisions.
    Weight loss will never be successful until you're ready to really make a lifestyle change.

    A successful weight loss that will last a lifetime will include fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins, and complex carbs; mostly prepared at home. You can't sustain a healthy lifestyle eating fast food and eating out, mostly. And that's great that you're going to the gym, but remember, that only accounts for about 20% of your physique, it really does all boil down to diet. You are what you eat, period.

    Once you get your mind right and are serious about losing weight and becoming healthy, it will come more naturally. But from seeing your diary and reading some of your responses, I just don't think you're 100% ready yet.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I love how trying to be honest and real is "attacking" and "yelling". It's that push-over attitude that kept me obese for far too long.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Won't speak to the rest, but:
    2. Time. There are plenty of things I'd MUCH rather be doing than wasting half an hour stirring a pot or checking on the oven.

    This suggests that your priorities do not favour weight loss. If you can only be half arsed to do it, you will likely only get half arsed results. Now if you can make it work with your parents, great. But it seems like they aren't the ones motivated to eat better, and you will be constantly fighting an uphill battle. From what you've said anyway.

    umm, YEP.This.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I keep coming back to this....OMG it makes me laugh........shew.
  • tcox69
    tcox69 Posts: 6 Member
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat and if you have been excercising you are probably gaining muscle thus the increase in weight or no change in scale. Keep of going... It will all of a sudden start coming off again if you stick with it.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.

    Yeah...that's it, make more excuses as to why you shouldn't follow through with your goals - "Oh my...there are mean people on the internet, forget losing weight!" For real....either you are going to follow through or you are going to make excuses as to why you aren't...

    completely true!
    I wouldn't even say her being NEW is a good enough excuse
    We all know that fast food and candy for almost every meal is a bad idea. Not rocket science
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I didn't have to go any further than this..

    Pizza Hut - Meat Lover's Pan Pizza (Medium), 1 slice(113g) 330 27 18 14 830
    330 27 18 14 830
    Mcdonald's - Filet O Fish, 1 Sandwhich 380 38 18 15 640
    Mcdonalds (Usa - French Fries (Medium), 1 container 380 48 19 4 270

    How on earth do you expect to lose weight when all you eat is CRAP!?!?
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat and if you have been excercising you are probably gaining muscle thus the increase in weight or no change in scale. Keep of going... It will all of a sudden start coming off again if you stick with it.
