No loss in two weeks...



  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I looked carefully over your food diary. I am noticing a lot of "not so great" food choices, even on the days that there is a deficit. I know with me, even when I have a deficit, if I eat a lot of sweets, or processed foods I will maintain or gain weight.

    Cooking is pretty easy, and it's a rewarding hobby :smile: . Maybe in your free time you can sign up for a healthy cooking class, you will meet some new people who may help you better in your goals. Or you can gather a few of the friends you have now over a healthy recipe book and cook together. Make sure you get plenty of exercise, drink plenty of water, and eat as clean as possible. Lots of fresh fruit, veggies, nuts, seeds, and a little less on the sweets. Good luck!
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    I don't think anyone is attacking you, they are trying to give you advice.

    Being slim and healthy (or just a normal BMI for that matter) is something that is earned, and sometimes you have to sacrifice things that taste good, at least while you are trying to lose weight.

    For example, when I was trying to lose weight I ate clean 90% of the time, now that i reached my goal I am a little easier on myself and indulge more then I used to just to maintain my weight.

    It seems like you are skipping over all the good advice that has been giving, and quick to get offended by people that are being offensive to you, in your opinion. And also there is one excuse after the other.

    I hope some of this advice really helps you out from this forum, because some of these people really know what they are talking about! :)

    Edit to say: You say your parents cook most of the meals, so how are you sure that the calories you log for those meals are accurate?
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The weekend I didn't log was the weekend of Comic Con. I don't think I want to know what that came to... It would've been over... but I don't think as bad as this Saturday at least.

    Please look at your own responses in this thread from an outside perspective. You're spending a lot of time justifying candy and fast food. You're making a lot of statements like "it's not as bad as ____" or "I made a bad choice".

    Ultimately, you want to have more days where you're proud of how you ate than days where you feel like you have to defend poor choices. If you do have treats, and we all do, they shouldn't be a large part of your diet. This is what it takes to lose weight. You cannot make significant changes to your health without exercising CONTROL over your eating. What you're really doing in this thread is explaining that you lack control, and I'm pretty sure every one of us here who has been overweight can understand how that feels. There are some days when I would love nothing more than to go get a personal sized pizza from the amazingly convenient pizza place down the street for my lunch break, but I eat my homemade salad or soup instead. Choices are about exercising control. You have control over the decisions you make every time you put something in your mouth.

    I'm sorry you feel attacked, this is just one of those threads where most people can agree that you're not making the right decisions to reach goal you've created, and you asked for advice.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Having a Jolly Rancher vs. 42 pieces of Hershey's chocolate is WAY different, girl!

    I have never eaten 42 pieces of Hershey's! I had 15 individual Kisses one day! A serving is 9!

    MY bad. 48 pieces of Junior Mints. My mistake.

    Ok. Fair enough that was a bad choice when I went to go see a movie. I didn't read the box well enough when picking something out and I know I probably should not have had anything at the movie.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.

    That's too bad. There are actually some good choices at Taco Bell.

    Yes, but I don't like those!

    So what do you like there? Bean burrito with the fake cheese sauce? :laugh:

    I usually get one volcano taco and one chicken soft taco, and one regular crunchy taco. Good stuff.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    my head hurts.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    What's upsetting me is that people assume I eat Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is absolutely not the case. Pizza is a once a week thing because of family (if I have a piece the following day it's a leftover and I always try to budget it). McDonalds maybe once a month. Krispy Kreme this was my first time in months. So many people are looking at my weekend and assuming it's absolutely typical of me.

    I don't think people are assuming that. Look at your thread title; that's what people are responding to.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    The weekend I didn't log was the weekend of Comic Con. I don't think I want to know what that came to... It would've been over... but I don't think as bad as this Saturday at least.

    Please look at your own responses in this thread from an outside perspective. You're spending a lot of time justifying candy and fast food. You're making a lot of statements like "it's not as bad as ____" or "I made a bad choice".

    Ultimately, you want to have more days where you're proud of how you ate than days where you feel like you have to defend poor choices. If you do have treats, and we all do, they shouldn't be a large part of your diet. This is what it takes to lose weight. You cannot make significant changes to your health without exercising CONTROL over your eating. What you're really doing in this thread is explaining that you lack control, and I'm pretty sure every one of us here who has been overweight can understand how that feels.

    I'm sorry you feel attacked, this is just one of those threads where most people can agree that you're not making the right decisions to reach goal you've created, and you asked for advice.

    I just don't like feeling attacked over my bad decisions... I feel bad enough when I make them! I came here for support, not to have my nose rubbed in it. Some posts have been helpful! Others not so much...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The weekend I didn't log was the weekend of Comic Con. I don't think I want to know what that came to... It would've been over... but I don't think as bad as this Saturday at least.

    Please look at your own responses in this thread from an outside perspective. You're spending a lot of time justifying candy and fast food. You're making a lot of statements like "it's not as bad as ____" or "I made a bad choice".

    Ultimately, you want to have more days where you're proud of how you ate than days where you feel like you have to defend poor choices. If you do have treats, and we all do, they shouldn't be a large part of your diet. This is what it takes to lose weight. You cannot make significant changes to your health without exercising CONTROL over your eating. What you're really doing in this thread is explaining that you lack control, and I'm pretty sure every one of us here who has been overweight can understand how that feels. There are some days when I would love nothing more than to go get a personal sized pizza from the amazingly convenient pizza place down the street for my lunch break, but I eat my homemade salad or soup instead. Choices are about exercising control. You have control over the decisions you make every time you put something in your mouth.

    I'm sorry you feel attacked, this is just one of those threads where most people can agree that you're not making the right decisions to reach goal you've created, and you asked for advice.

    I always thought that what happens at ComiCon, stays at ComiCon. :laugh:
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.

    That's too bad. There are actually some good choices at Taco Bell.

    Yes, but I don't like those!

    So what do you like there? Bean burrito with the fake cheese sauce? :laugh:

    I usually get one volcano taco and one chicken soft taco, and one regular crunchy taco. Good stuff.

    Are you making fun of my Taco Bell choices?!

  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    ...Did anyone even BOTHER to look at a typical weekday for me? Try looking at some of my first weeks here? Everyone is so quick to jump down my throat over having Krispy Kreme ONCE, or eating HALF OF WHAT I USED TO EAT when it comes to pizza (I used to eat half a pizza. Not joking), and then attempting to budget a leftover slice for breakfast one morning just because we don't have anything else in the house that I either like or know how to prepare.

    Seriously... this thread went from helpful to hostile REAL fast...

    I looked through your diary since your first days in October....perhaps you should review them.

    And no one is being hostile, we're trying to get it through your head that you need to make better food choices and less excuses.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.

    That's too bad. There are actually some good choices at Taco Bell.

    Yes, but I don't like those!

    So what do you like there? Bean burrito with the fake cheese sauce? :laugh:

    I usually get one volcano taco and one chicken soft taco, and one regular crunchy taco. Good stuff.

    Are you making fun of my Taco Bell choices?!


    Not me! :blushing:

  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I just don't like feeling attacked over my bad decisions... I feel bad enough when I make them! I came here for support, not to have my nose rubbed in it. Some posts have been helpful! Others not so much...

    The truth is almost everyone here is trying to be helpful in their own way. Some are just more diplomatic than others.

    There's plenty of good information in this thread for you to consider. Most people get ignored. So all and all this thread is a stunning success.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Clean up your diet. More fruits and veggies less total crap.

    You know sometimes we eat junk it happens. I do, he does, she does.
    But you cannot have a diary like that and expect a loss. Sorry.

    Also look into your portion control.
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    hello........look at the food you are eating...yikes!

    I have to agree!! Lots of junk food missy!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    OP, I know you're perceiving people as being hostile. This just means your defenses are being challenged. Kudos for sticking around this long. I urge you to stay strong, listen to the great advice you're receiving, and take it to heart. Good luck!
  • jmuhnie
    jmuhnie Posts: 93 Member
    So this thread has lots of harsh feedback, given freely by people who truly care. I think getting food to cook at home is a good idea. I second the following:
    -crock pot meals (great for busy hours)
    -log everything (diet sodas have sodium too)
    -work in a little exercise
    -get a cookbook

    I would also urge you to consider the time spent cooking as a great social time. I've had many many discussions while I'm making part of the meal and my wife is making another part. Cleaning up sucks as well but again...I'm washing, she's drying...plenty of social time. I work about 50 hours a week, she works 60-80 hours a week, it just has to be a priority. Failing to plan is a planning to fail.

    Last thing. We sucked at cooking when we started. Everything we learned from our parents involved butter, sour cream or cheese. Each time you will get a little better, make a few less mistakes.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    I'm done. I'm about to say things that are not very nice to a certain someone and I find it best to bow out.

    With that said:

    Good luck, OP.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    You're 24 with a full time job and you base your food decisions on what your parents make for dinner?
    Why not make your own healthy meals on the side?

    Three things and I know they're going to sound like excuses.

    1. I don't really know how to cook...
    2. Time. There are plenty of things I'd MUCH rather be doing than wasting half an hour stirring a pot or checking on the oven.
    3. Social. Going out with my parents constitues pretty much the only social interaction I get outside of work that doesn't involve a computer, especially if my parents invite our friends to go out with us. When I left college and returned home, I left behind the only friends I had that were close to my age. None of my friends from high school stayed in the area and if they did they don't care enough to want to hang out, and all my brother's friends are away at college themselves. I have nobody but my family.

    If my parents don't go to the grocery store ASAP so we can put a better plan in place I'm going to do it myself because I'm sick of having to plan around them.

    They sound like excuses because they are excuses...
    Learn to cook, manage your time...(not everything involves stirring a pot for a half hour), meet new people.

    Don't play victim. Be accountable for your actions. :glasses:
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I cannot stress how learning to prepare your own meals and planning your meals ahead of time is crucial to success.

    Take the time to learn some quick, healthy, cheap, and tasty meals. Then log the recipes so you already have them in your "Meals" list - you can just add them to your day and move on. The more you plan ahead, the greater chance of success you are giving yourself. The key is to make this as easy as possible on yourself to eat right most of the time - that way when special events or unplanned things happen, at least it will be a rare blip on the radar.

    I believe taking the time to learn to prepare healthy go-to meals is one of the most important things you can do to keep this from being a nightmare of stress and failure. It does take a lot of effort in the beginning, but if you try in every way you can to make choosing the healthy alternative easy, it won't be nearly as exhausting. It's powerful knowledge you can use your whole life and definitely worth investing the time in.

    It's one meal at a time, one day at a time...

    Best of luck.