No loss in two weeks...



  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat and if you have been excercising you are probably gaining muscle thus the increase in weight or no change in scale. Keep of going... It will all of a sudden start coming off again if you stick with it.

    Nope Nope Nope.

    Pretty hard to gain muscle.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.

    ^This sums up EXACTLY what I feel right now, that first paragraph of yours. The idea of just giving up completely, or forcing myself to live a boring life with no indulgences EVER, has crossed my mind at least twice in this thread thanks to some of these responses. But that's ridiculous.

    Thank you for the encouragement.
  • EA1604
    EA1604 Posts: 61 Member
    Your eating seems erratic to me. Yes a few days under, then over, some days way over. Some junk in there too. I only looked at the last five days mind you. Try eating clean and pulling back on your spike days

    Saturday was BAD. My parents wanted to go out for Italian food and didn't give me much time to thoroughly check the menu for something healthy I'd enjoy (they get really pissed at me when I take too long.) It's not at all a typical day for me since I began this journey.

    As for the occasional junk... this is supposed to be a lifestyle change. It's supposed to be sustainable. I'm simply not able to sustain a perfectly clean diet because of time, money, and personal preferences in food. Forever banning yourself from eating ANYTHING can set you up for failure by making you feel extremely guilty that one time you slip up. (And I was seriously beating myself up after Saturday...)

    At the moment my eating is erratic because my dinners largely depend on what my parents decide we're having. We were SUPPOSED to go to the grocery store this weekend and dad was SUPPOSED to have planned a week's worth of dinners ahead of time so I know what to plan for, but it didn't happen. After work, I plan on going to the grocery store myself and buying things we can keep in the house that I can have as alternatives to my parents' poor choices.

    You need to stop blaming you parents for what you are eating. Dinners are a lot of taco cabana and pizzas. Lots of carbs and sodium from what I can see. I understand that clean eating can be hard but the days you are doing yogurt and eggs for breakfast I think you are getting it right. Why not try and nail down one more meal either lunch or dinner where you have a salad and lean protein. Remember it is about weight loss but also about eating healthy.
  • valeriaps
    valeriaps Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I want to start off by telling you not to be pushed over! if you need 5 minutes to decide what best to eat, your family needs to wait. But I see what a sweet girl you are and don't want to make them wait. If you find out ahead of time the restaurant, check to see if they have an online menu, or ask for a menu the moment you get there to give yourself more perusal time. That way, you know what you want by the time you sit down. Another option is to not go out every time your parents do. I love going out to eat, but it's good to say "no" every now and then. Second of all, don't rely on your parents grocery shopping. Definitely buy your own food that way you can prepare you own meals. Be honest with your family. Ask them to help you on this by being supportive. Ask them to hide the really bad foods from you. Exercise any way you can. Walking is always a good starting point. Just half an hour a day for example. Once you build stamina you may just be running marathons! And most importantly....DO NOT GIVE UP! You did not get to your current weight in one day or week, so you can't expect to lose it in days or weeks. Good luck! I know you'll do great!
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.

    ^This sums up EXACTLY what I feel right now, that first paragraph of yours. The idea of just giving up completely, or forcing myself to live a boring life with no indulgences EVER, has crossed my mind at least twice in this thread thanks to some of these responses. But that's ridiculous.

    Thank you for the encouragement.

    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.

    ^This sums up EXACTLY what I feel right now, that first paragraph of yours. The idea of just giving up completely, or forcing myself to live a boring life with no indulgences EVER, has crossed my mind at least twice in this thread thanks to some of these responses. But that's ridiculous.

    Thank you for the encouragement.

    What do you call an indulgence? I call my half cup of B&J's ice cream an indulgence, or a fun size Mint 3 Musketeers... I don't consider eating fast food and candy repeatedly in one week an indulgence, I call that "bad eating habits".
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.

    That's too bad. There are actually some good choices at Taco Bell.

    Yes, but I don't like those!

    I don't like those either. I used to eat taco bell 2-4 times a week, every week, for over a decade. If I ever eat there again, I will be ordering my old usual:

    Steak Quesadilla x 1
    Beef Gordita Supreme x 2
    Cheesy Gordita Crunch x 1
    Soft Taco x 2
    Large Baja Blast

    I actually have this saved under My Meals as Death by Taco Bell in the event I ever get up the courage lol.

    Holy crap! That's a LOT! You know what? I have *never* had a Gordita! :laugh:
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    oh em gee- as I get further into this thread I want to scream!

    One thing you say is - you have a hard time affording healthy food...yet you can eat out three times a day?? THAT COSTS WAY MORE than buying healthy food!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    ...and so the Billy-goats Gruff went clippety clop over the bridge ...

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The idea of just giving up completely, or forcing myself to live a boring life with no indulgences EVER, has crossed my mind at least twice in this thread thanks to some of these responses. But that's ridiculous.

    It is, and it's why no one has suggested you do that.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I would never expect anyone to lose more than a few pounds by eating pizza, fish-fil-as, candy and such. My diary is open if you would like some ideas.

  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Helpful hints for restaurants:
    1) Nothing with creamy sauce.
    2) Nothing fried.
    3) Vegetables or salad as a side dish, not fries or mashed potatoes.

    Even McDonald's has salads.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    Because people are yelling at me and pointing out every mistake I have ever made. That is not encouraging at all. It makes me feel like I can't do this.

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    I know healthy food can be delicious. For lunch today, because the cafeteria closed before I could hit up the salad bar, I'm having celery and carrots with fat free dip and some beef jerky because it was lower calorie and lower sodium than the premade sandwiches. Cooking on the other hand is boring. Eating the same thing every day is boring. And when I only ever get to see any of my RL friends when my parents invite their parents out to dinner and they just HAPPEN to be home that weekend, and if I'm not going out to dinner with them... that's boring too.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.

    ^This sums up EXACTLY what I feel right now, that first paragraph of yours. The idea of just giving up completely, or forcing myself to live a boring life with no indulgences EVER, has crossed my mind at least twice in this thread thanks to some of these responses. But that's ridiculous.

    Thank you for the encouragement.

    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    I strongly suggest OP goes to browse the Success forum and see all the people who have managed to still live their own fulfilled lives, not obsessed or extremely restricted, but still massively successful in changing their bodies and getting healthier. It does take discipline and planning, but it's not a death sentence to fun or living. So many lovely ladies and gents on these boards have made huge positive changes to their lives. Yes, it takes dedication and a deep desire to want to succeed. Look at what worked for them and become empowered.

    Hint: Strength/resistance training is key to changing your body.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.

    OMG people.. I seriously do not agree with what you are saying here. she is NEW here, trying to learn, and everybody is yelling at her. if somebody would have done that to me 4 months ago when I started, I would have quit that day. I probably would have thought "I can't do this".

    *** Keep logging, you will learn as you go. you will learn you don't want to eat this or that / fast food etc because its high in sodium, too many calories etc. add sugar to your diary. try to start to go out walking. don't give up and keep logging.

    ^This sums up EXACTLY what I feel right now, that first paragraph of yours. The idea of just giving up completely, or forcing myself to live a boring life with no indulgences EVER, has crossed my mind at least twice in this thread thanks to some of these responses. But that's ridiculous.

    Thank you for the encouragement.

    This is laughable. No one said you can't have "NO INDULGENCES EVER!!!!!!11".

    Everyone here is saying MODERATION. Of which you have not practiced, at all. As they say, "one bad meal won't reverse your progress, just the same way one lean, healthy meal won't make you healthy"!

    But have two or three bad meals in a day, day in and day out, you're dooming yourself to disappointment, discouragement and diabetes.

    I had an apple, peanut butter, Greek yogurt and water for breakfast. I'm not sure what I'll be eating for lunch but it'll likely be flatbread with spinach, chicken, light ranch and cheese. Or maybe chicken with rice and Greek seasoning. I will be having In N' Out for dinner.

    There's nothing wrong with indulgences. :frown: But you have to be responsible for them and make sure that a majority of your diet is healthy, nutritious and smart.
  • Continue on the right path and the weight will come off.

    ________[img] width="400" height="80" border="0"[/img]________
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Helpful hints for restaurants:
    1) Nothing with creamy sauce.
    2) Nothing fried.
    3) Vegetables or salad as a side dish, not fries or mashed potatoes.

    Even McDonald's has salads.

    Going to mcdonalds for a salad is like going to a prostitute for a hug!
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I can totally relate to having bad food choices at my parents house. They have cookies, candies, cakes, lots of yummy treats I don't eat while tring to lose weight. My philosophy is NO sweets for the weight loss.

    But please stop making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. Thank God you have a good family, you live in a peaceful country, you have home and can afford food and things. Why would you constantly feel sorry or yourself when you ave a great life?

    I see really bad food choices, lots of fast food and sweets. I find that limiting sweets is the main reason for my weight loss, and believe me it's a struggle for me too! When I lose weight and get back to my normal weight, I'll have sweets again, but for now I try to have as small as possible.

    Also people already suggested you to cook your own food instead of relying on your parents choices or fast food. You can cook dinner for your parents, I'm sure they'd appreciate it a lot! You'll actually might enjoy making a nice dinner for your family. For example, you can make some baked fish fillet with veggies. Or grilled chicken breasts with some cheese on top. And a salad. I love caprese salad (tomato, mozzarella, olive oil and vinegar) or Italian salad (salad leaves, tuna, olives, cherry potatoes, olive oil and vinegar).

    My friend once told me that cabbage and carrot salad makes boobs bigger, so I literally stuff my face with it hoping for miracle :)))))))
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What does socialization have to do with weight loss? I keep seeing that come up.

    Ok seriously. People keep saying this. Do people really believe that if you aren't the "popular" type that hangs out with friends instead of playing video games that suddenly you'll start losing weight?
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Helpful hints for restaurants:
    1) Nothing with creamy sauce.
    2) Nothing fried.
    3) Vegetables or salad as a side dish, not fries or mashed potatoes.

    Even McDonald's has salads.

    Going to mcdonalds for a salad is like going to a prostitute for a hug!

    .. but everyone needs a hug sometimes. :tongue: