No loss in two weeks...



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    this attitude can help you. Print out what you've written here and put it in your wallet, or some place on your person, so that you can remember it in the future when you're faced with the decision to either make a healthy or an unhealthy choice.
  • lisamichelle123
    lisamichelle123 Posts: 34 Member
    I just had a flick through your food diary and I was absolutely appalled. I can't fathom how you can put such rubbish into your body (wings, McDs, pizza, candy, every day!!) and expect it to drop excess fat. Eating clean doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming; I boil up a couple of eggs in a few minutes, use frozen stirfry vegetables, munch on tuna fish, you get the idea. If I went to the supermarket and bought all of my eggs, tuna, frozen veges, meats etc for the week in one go, it would not only save time (compared to going to a fast food joint every day) and money. All I see with you is a bunch of excuses - you CAN do it, but it will take time. As for a lifestyle change - sure, have your candy once a week, or a TREAT size chocolate bar if you can't live without it but once your body starts 'living clean' and feeling fantastic, the sugary cravings will stop.

    I won't apologise for the tough love - you need to hear it. Best of luck with your journey, we're all here to help :)

  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Why do you want to give up completely?
    No one said you had to eat boring, just a little healthier!
    Which can be delicious :)

    I am TRYING to eat healthier. Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight, but lots of people here are all "suck it up and do it NOW you fat pathetic whiner!"

    Only person who wrote anything like that you.

    Plenty of people said "suck it up." My mind, upon reading that, subconsciously adds the last part. I interpret that kind of attitude very badly...
    3. Stop relying on your parents to socialize. You can see your RL friends on your own, at a Panera Bread rather than Texas Roadhouse

    No, I can't. My RL friends are still in college in Missouri, or after graduating got jobs in Missouri. I live in Texas. My brother's friends are all off at college themselves too. Being the oldest in our group SUCKS.

    It's called life and growing up. I moved 1500 miles away from ANYONE I knew after I graduated college. And I still managed to make friends at my gym, at local special interest groups. Check out there are lots of groups that meet up that have the same hobbies.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    You seem to be depressed with your life style. And you feel bad for yourself and looking for excuses to get some treats. As the result you don't lose weight or even gain weight, and feel even worse. It's a never ending story if you don't HELP YOURSELF.

    I recently lost my sister (she was brutally murdered) and got depressed and started eating a lot. I guess it made me feel alive. I've gained 40 pounds, and it made me feel like a loser. And I used to be a model before.
    Now instead eating I'm going to gym, and it helps with the stress. I'm imagining how I'm kicking the murderer's butt and it calms me down.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    You have an excuse for everything it seems. I'm not trying to be harsh but you aren't listening nor do you sound like you truly care. What I think you really wanted was someone to agree with your choices and tell you it's ok, well it's not ok. You need to probably work on yourself inside and outside it seems.
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    ^^That right there should be your motivator then. You have to drop the weight to fix whatever health problems you have. You really need to look deep and get the ball rolling again. As for the friends things, make new ones! Join a gym class and meet some people. Don't rely on your parents. You are an adult, at some point you are going to have to have some self accountability. We can't fix this for you, YOU have to want this 100%. Sure you say you have to whether you want to or not, but in order to succeed you have to want it. Period, end of story.

    So my advice? Stop with the victim playing, the excuses and just do it. Again, good luck.

    I'm not listening? I hear loud and clear all the people telling me off and telling me to change everything I'm doing. They repeat themselves enough! I AM WORKING ON IT. It feels like everyone is expecting me to just suddenly overnight start eating squeaky clean every day without fail while jogging three miles a day! My plan for changing things has gone entirely ignored except by a few...
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I honestly would rather have a salad at McDonald's than those pathetic, limp excuses for fries. Best option - don't eat there at all.

    I don't think I've ever gotten a hug from a prostitute. Maybe.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I'm not going to address your diary or your previous food choices because plenty of others have already done so.

    As I read your comments throughout this thread I am getting the impression that your basic problem is that you do not know how to eat healthy. Don't feel bad about that statement. Many people don't. So, I am recommending that you go to your library and find a really good diet book. One that is well balanced. I usually recommend South Beach but I'm sure that there are others here that can recommend other excellent, well balanced diet books. Make sure that whichever one you choose has pages and pages of menu plans. Use those plans. Create a shopping list based on a week of menus. Stick to those menus for at least a month. This will help you begin to recognize what is balanced, nutritious and satisfying.
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    It takes a LOT of strength of will to do this, and if you're not ready, you won't. Saying you HAVE to, rather than you WANT to is another excuse. You do sound a bit immature -- like you're rebelling against the HAVE to.

    Most of us HAVE to lose weight for our health -- but it doesn't work until we WANT to.

    I know how hard it is -- I live in a house with 2 teen boys and a spouse who are all skinny, over 6' tall and eat and eat and eat and eat. It takes strength of will to sit with them and watch a movie while they're eating bags of chips, candy and soda. And not have any.

    You also sound like you're shy and a bit depressed. Living at home, working at the same place as Dad, no friends, playing online games in lieu of meeting people, overweight, bad eating habits -- it's a lot to overcome at once.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    You seem to be depressed with your life style. And you feel bad for yourself and looking for excuses to get some treats. As the result you don't lose weight or even gain weight, and feel even worse. It's a never ending story if you don't HELP YOURSELF.

    I recently lost my sister (she was brutally murdered) and got depressed and started eating a lot. I guess it made me feel alive. I've gained 40 pounds, and it made me feel like a loser. And I used to be a model before.
    Now instead eating I'm going to gym, and it helps with the stress. I'm imagining how I'm kicking the murderer's butt and it calms me down.

    sorry about your sister :(
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    OKAY, you HAVE stop eating crap.

    the end.
    What she said. You cant ask why arent you losing weight when your diary is filled with unhealthy foods. When Im not losing weight, I know its because Im eating like crap even though Im exercising. You need to stop being in denial and stop making excuses for everything.
    I do have to add, taking out your anger and your hurt at the gym is a great idea. Congrats on making that change! Sorry if we sound harsh or mean. We really arent trying to be. We wouldnt take the time out of our day to write a response if we didnt care. It does take time to change your eating habits. You learn as you go. Good luck!
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I honestly would rather have a salad at McDonald's than those pathetic, limp excuses for fries. Best option - don't eat there at all.

    I don't think I've ever gotten a hug from a prostitute. Maybe.

    LOL I get where you're coming from...I don't eat from there period. But sure, the salads are better for you than the fries...
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You seem to be depressed with your life style. And you feel bad for yourself and looking for excuses to get some treats. As the result you don't lose weight or even gain weight, and feel even worse. It's a never ending story if you don't HELP YOURSELF.

    I recently lost my sister (she was brutally murdered) and got depressed and started eating a lot. I guess it made me feel alive. I've gained 40 pounds, and it made me feel like a loser. And I used to be a model before.
    Now instead eating I'm going to gym, and it helps with the stress. I'm imagining how I'm kicking the murderer's butt and it calms me down.

    sorry about your sister :(

    My deepest condolences. How truly terrible. Will pray/send good vibes to you and your family. :(
  • Shaydayglam
    Shaydayglam Posts: 45 Member
    Try to drink alot of water and walk a little
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    OKAY, you HAVE stop eating crap.

    the end.
    What she said. You cant ask why arent you losing weight when your diary is filled with unhealthy foods. When Im not losing weight, I know its because Im eating like crap even though Im exercising. You need to stop being in denial and stop making excuses for everything.

    Then maybe I should have asked a completely different question in this thread. Everyone pointing out my mistakes and making me feel bad for them all over again is NOT helping. I'm likely going to turn my diary private now...
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    You have an excuse for everything it seems. I'm not trying to be harsh but you aren't listening nor do you sound like you truly care. What I think you really wanted was someone to agree with your choices and tell you it's ok, well it's not ok. You need to probably work on yourself inside and outside it seems.
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    ^^That right there should be your motivator then. You have to drop the weight to fix whatever health problems you have. You really need to look deep and get the ball rolling again. As for the friends things, make new ones! Join a gym class and meet some people. Don't rely on your parents. You are an adult, at some point you are going to have to have some self accountability. We can't fix this for you, YOU have to want this 100%. Sure you say you have to whether you want to or not, but in order to succeed you have to want it. Period, end of story.

    So my advice? Stop with the victim playing, the excuses and just do it. Again, good luck.

    I'm not listening? I hear loud and clear all the people telling me off and telling me to change everything I'm doing. They repeat themselves enough! I AM WORKING ON IT. It feels like everyone is expecting me to just suddenly overnight start eating squeaky clean every day without fail while jogging three miles a day! My plan for changing things has gone entirely ignored except by a few...

    You don't need to be validated by the users of this forum to get success. If people are making you mad, well guess can show them what's up by sticking to your plan and losing the weight. I am pretty sure no one is expecting you to suddenly eat spotless and exercise like a mad're simply over reacting in the biggest way. Stop reading this thread already and just start following your plan NOW.
  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I definitely give you a ton of credit for what you've done so far. As you've said, you're already changing the way you eat. Instead of a whole pizza, you're eating one piece and you're writing it down. That's HUGE!! And it will make a difference.

    This is just the first couple of steps and the more you do it, the more you realize what changes you can make to improve even more (to get you where you want to go). People say to eat more fruit and veg, not because you can never eat pizza, but because those foods are going to fill you up more, and make it easier to keep on track.

    BTW, I really don't like cooking and I don't do it. But the amazing thing about living in the States, is that you don't have to cook to prepare meals. You can buy cooked chicken breasts and pre-washed lettuce. You can buy frozen veggies and smoked salmon. You can buy a roasted chicken, strip off all the skin and divide it up into ziplocks so that you can put it in a whole wheat tortilla and call it a meal.

    Going out to restaurants is really hard but the more you do it mindfully, the more you'll know ahead of time what to order. You made a mistake at the Italian place but next time you won't because you'll already have thought about what kinds of meals are going to be less damaging to your plan and what a good portion should look like.

    Anyway, it is seriously hard to make any kind of changes but you're already doing it and you're just going to keep getting better and better.

  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    You have an excuse for everything it seems. I'm not trying to be harsh but you aren't listening nor do you sound like you truly care. What I think you really wanted was someone to agree with your choices and tell you it's ok, well it's not ok. You need to probably work on yourself inside and outside it seems.
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    ^^That right there should be your motivator then. You have to drop the weight to fix whatever health problems you have. You really need to look deep and get the ball rolling again. As for the friends things, make new ones! Join a gym class and meet some people. Don't rely on your parents. You are an adult, at some point you are going to have to have some self accountability. We can't fix this for you, YOU have to want this 100%. Sure you say you have to whether you want to or not, but in order to succeed you have to want it. Period, end of story.

    So my advice? Stop with the victim playing, the excuses and just do it. Again, good luck.

    I'm not listening? I hear loud and clear all the people telling me off and telling me to change everything I'm doing. They repeat themselves enough! I AM WORKING ON IT. It feels like everyone is expecting me to just suddenly overnight start eating squeaky clean every day without fail while jogging three miles a day! My plan for changing things has gone entirely ignored except by a few...

    You don't need to be validated by the users of this forum to get success. If people are making you mad, well guess can show them what's up by sticking to your plan and losing the weight. I am pretty sure no one is expecting you to suddenly eat spotless and exercise like a mad're simply over reacting in the biggest way. Stop reading this thread already and just start following your plan NOW.


    Typing frantically on the computer doesn't burn many calories either. ;)
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Then maybe I should have asked a completely different question in this thread. Everyone pointing out my mistakes and making me feel bad for them all over again is NOT helping. I'm likely going to turn my diary private now...

    Oh boohoo. You are really coming across as pathetic....YOU ASKED FOR said you weren't losing ASKED what is got answers. Now you're crying that everyone didn't give you hugs and blow sunshine up your dark spots? Please. You act as if no one has been where you are now....check that thought with are on a fitness site where MANY people have already totally been there, done that, myself included.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Those who say "You're not ready yet," "You don't want it enough..."

    Those things don't matter. I HAVE to do this whether I want to or not. I HAVE to drop this weight... it would solve or prevent so many health problems if I did....

    OKAY, you HAVE stop eating crap.

    the end.
    What she said. You cant ask why arent you losing weight when your diary is filled with unhealthy foods. When Im not losing weight, I know its because Im eating like crap even though Im exercising. You need to stop being in denial and stop making excuses for everything.

    Then maybe I should have asked a completely different question in this thread. Everyone pointing out my mistakes and making me feel bad for them all over again is NOT helping. I'm likely going to turn my diary private now...

    I don't asked why you hadn't lost weight and people told you why! IMO, this is exactly why I keep my diary open, so I can be accountable for the things I eat! No one said you were a bad person or made personal attacks against you for eating the foods you ate, they just told you the truth - that the foods you were eating were stalling your progress! What did you WANT people to say? If I'm doing something to keep me from losing weight, I want people to tell me! I'm really not sure why you are taking this so personally?