KmusicheartBTS Member


  • Any of these maybe?
  • this is totally normal and expected. life has ups and downs, it never goes in a linear manner. if you expect it to go so, you will be disappointed. so, embrace this interesting day that reminded you of your humanness. something might have precipitated your binge, so explore that and learn from it. one day or two or a week…
  • Haha, you made me laugh!! Sounds like a challenge with some sense of humor :-) However, I did slobber at the sight of the cheescake!
  • I know that B-12 vitamins can help with that. Also, getting enough sleep every night. Fruit and veggies, especially juiced (if possible) are great sources of energy.
  • what is your plan to get fitter? i mean, the action steps toward your goals.
  • * social support * realistic goals * compassion toward self * be prepared for setbacks and moving along with them * start anew every day, no matter what happens (don't drag yesterday into today) * positive attitude!!
  • Congrats to you! Getting older sucks, but there are some perks to it too. Just like you, I look healthier and more confident in my 30s (I'm 31) than in my 20s. We're radiant and that's the point. Age is just a number, in many cases. Keep it up! Ev
  • Amazing job! Wishing you all the best at the doctor! thank you for sharing :-) Ev
  • I've been struggling with this for many years, on and off. Professional help is definitely available for this problem and should be used, if you have a chance. I recently purchased a book…
  • I notice the same thing with me too. When I have my days, eating ice-cream, chocolate, chips, and all kinds of other stuff, few days later my skin goes bad (including today...). Then I get back on track, eat better, and my skin gets better. This is one of the things that at times stops me from eating garbage Ev
  • BoboBizu - it's okay, I also struggled at the beginning. I tend to do the opposite of what's shown and it's really annoying, haha. But, the more I do it, the more I get it and now I cruise over most of the songs. It's that learning period that can be tough.
  • I do Zumba on Xbox Kinect as much as I can. I used to highly dislike it, but now I absolutely love it! That's my main workout aside from some strength training. Ev
  • LOL, I understand :-) Adding Ev
  • Yep! That made my morning, LOL :laugh:
  • I can definitely relate to some aspects of your experience, or even most aspects. I have reached the highest weight in my life in 2009. I had a very stressful job that prompted me to go to the store almost every night (after 11pm), buy myself junk food, and gorge on it before bed. At the time, I also didn't exercise. I…
  • Amazing job! This is such a great progress! I'm also trying to rid myself from the last 6 lbs, which is pretty hard. So, we'll just keep going and going, right? :-) Ev
  • Days like this are a normal part of the journey. If you put so much pressure on yourself as to eliminate those days, you'll only end up feeling worse and worse. So, I agree with others - whatever happened, happened. Start over tomorrow. At least you know your trigger - stress and anxiety. That's normal too. Usually, we eat…
  • Start slow and set realistic, preferably small goals. You can do it. Make sure to get support from others and engage as much as you can. At least, I found it helpful so far. Good luck! Ev
  • Very inspirational! It's a very, very hard work and you did it! Health and fitness is a process, so you just keep at it, because you're doing an amazing job! Ev
  • Yey! I'm so glad you're here! So far, this community has been great and helpful. I have more than "few" pounds to lose, but I want to do it to see the definition as well, as I do some strength training. 51 Day Challenge is going great so far. I don't remember if you joined (if you told me that already, then I was having my…
  • Always looking for friends to add motivation and support! I joined the 51 Days Challenge, which, hopefully, will help me to stay on track and avoid yo-yoing. Just very tired of this stuff. There are many great people here and I'm excited :-) Evelyn
  • You are beautiful on both of the pics! Congratulations to you and your hard work! Keep at it :-) Ev
  • It can be quite discouraging, especially when you're impatient about the results. Four days isn't that much though, especially if you don't exercise. But, I think that the results will start to show soon, if you just continue what you're doing. Personally, I'm trying to not focus on the number to go down quickly. Even…
  • What's going on in your life nowadays? To echo others - maybe 1400 cal per day is too little for you. Maybe not. But, I can totally understand your pain. Your few days of going over were 2 months for me, hence I gained about 8 pounds. So, just try to leave today behind and start over tomorrow. Don't drag the past with you.…
  • Thank you for your honesty and openness! I'm really happy for you and your accomplishments. Keep going and getting healthier. Curves are really pretty, you know? :-) Evelyn
  • It says that you shouldn't go under 1200 cal per day, because your body may go into a starvation mode. However, it's very individual, depending on your lifestyle, biology, and everything else. I think that the tracker updates, when you update your weight. So, if you're 140 and you change it to 138, tracker will reflect…
  • Sound like good motivators, although unfortunately with a bad taste in your mouth, as your exes seem to have cast a negative shadow in your life. I wish I had the same motivator - show it off to someone, who would care. Right now I just have some people, whom I want to surprise in a pleasant way, like, getting in shape to…
  • Yourshape Fitness Evolved 2012 is great, well, at least in my view. Xbox overall has helped me in fitness endeavors, just like you. I haven't lost anything yet, because I engage in emotional eating a lot. Tonight, I'm tempted to have pizza... But, I did have fun with Just Dance 3! Zumba it a lot of fun too! Have you heard…
  • My first choice is the gym, of course, but there are no gyms nearby and I don't have time for commute. So, I guess I'm fortunate to at least have home exercise opportunities that are interactive and motivating :-)