Confused and frustrated...

In the last week when I finish recording for the day even if i'm only slightly under my calories for the day (1200) it is telling me I am eating too few calories and my MINIMUM should be 1200. So for fun I added something to my diary for the day, tonight to see what happens (causing me to go over my 1200) and it seems fine, there is no warning of eating too little; so I think I may have it figured out BUT it still shows i'm in the negative? Is this a bad thing or am I all a sudden doing something wrong?? It wasn't reading like this last week, feeling kinda frustrated and confused.
Does the calorie tracker AUTOMATICALLY change as you lose/gain weight or am I supposed to be changing something???


  • KmusicheartBTS
    KmusicheartBTS Posts: 39 Member
    It says that you shouldn't go under 1200 cal per day, because your body may go into a starvation mode. However, it's very individual, depending on your lifestyle, biology, and everything else. I think that the tracker updates, when you update your weight. So, if you're 140 and you change it to 138, tracker will reflect that.

  • Amlong1977
    Amlong1977 Posts: 125 Member
    It goes like this... If you're allowed 1200 calories & you eat less than that no matter how much you've exercised or whatever, it's going to tell you that. If you'd burned 500 calories exercising that day it will still only tell you that if you're under your original calorie goal of 1200. Hope that makes sense!
  • Now that is making more sense, TY duhhh! No wonder this seems to be slowing down. It shows as in the negative though; so I probably shouldn't worry bout that? Any idea what would be a maximum, lol?
    Not that i'm looking to go over that.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Its showing a negative because you have gone over your allotted cals for the day, dont be too concerned if its only a very small amount.
  • So should I be basically eating exactly 1200 a day, no more, no less?
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    No you should be eating more then 1200 calories. The way MFP is set up is you eat your exercise calories back so if you burn 200 one day you will be eating 1500 and so on. BUT 1200 is too low for most people to have a life style change..Don't be so worried about sticking to an exact number to a T but without knowing your height, weight age and so on then well its's any ones guess. So do some research, find out what your bmr is and don't eat below it and you will lose =)